Is homosexuality on the rise?

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black people
black people
homosexuality is on the rise
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homosexuality is not on the rise
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  • they're making everyone gay. It's even in the water, killing testosterone on purpose making straight fully grown men want to dress like women because they feel "feminine" now, with out these in the water, those straight men would be as straight and masculine as they were 30 years ago.

    they are confusing children who are learning brains, teaching them that they are in the "wrong body" and suggesting sex changes for them at early age where a child doesn't even understand what the heck they're doing, when they reach adult hood and realize the shit they convinced them of and have ruined their lives, when even at school they are allowed to keep it a secret from parents.

    it's all planned out but those at the top who control what we drink, eat, and think through fake media, propaganda and altering our foods.

    sick and tired of it, but we can't escape it because there's no other planet to run to. While they destroy us, they are happily controlling everything from the top.

    They clearly have an agenda.

    Now saying all this, does not mean that gay people didn't already exist, of course they did, but those natural gays are far different than the ones being made today. We have been GEE EMM OED! Not kidding. altering our genes left and right and killing this and that and making more of this and that and brainwashing us.

    Went to Starbucks this morning. 2 gay men at the counter and 2 fully grown men with beards dressed as women with makeup taking our orders. They drank the atrazine.

    • When I was little I thought girls are pretty and boys have cooties. I bet if I were born in the world in this year instead of the year I was born, they would have convinced me that I'm gay/lesbian and likely encourage me that I'm TRAPPEd in the "wrong" body, wanting me to make a dick out of my arm and get rid of my boobs. I think GOD! I was born in the right time, I still think girls are pretty, but in a way like oh I want to look like that! or simply just acknowledge who's pretty and who isn't. it's normal. No way am I ever attracted sexually or romantically to any woman or girl ever. I love dick and I love the masculine body sexually and romantically. BUT being born in this time, as a child, they would have confused me have me thinking that OMG maybe I'm GAY! because I think girls are pretty and I didn't want to be with boys. UGH the stupidity of today's mentality sickens me to the core. Ridiculous and stupid.

    • Yeah, one thing that definitely is going on with this corrupt school / medical system is trying to "make" trans kids out of gay kids. Thing is, these adults also go after neurodivergent kids. . . . . It's a little wild.

    • @TooHot2Care yeah it's getting scary. I feel bad for those kids who would have otherwise been normal. how many of them are growing up exposing how miserable they are and how they were tricked into believing that they were trapped in a wrong body, it's so disgusting what these people are doing. gay people grow up and are fine, if eventually as adults they want to be trans that will be their fully grown and analyzed decision to make.

  • Not really. It's the same rate, but it's just now protected and respected in more places than ever before.

    And it's time to turn back on the Stonewall riot vibes for our trans siblings. They're being targetted unfairly right now - especially in America - because of alt-right fascism becoming a bigger push.

    So there's more people being open about it, but it isn't "increasing" in terms of higher rates happening. It's just folks who would've been in the closet are chosing to come out more.

    • Really now? Rather than letting boys and girls, who might otherwise grow up to be gay men or lesbian women, have normal development, you want to have their puberties "blocked", and their bodies mutilated? Because that is what the agenda is now. And if opposition to that butchery makes me an "alt-right fascist", so be it. And you might find out just how many GLB people find the T agenda appalling and evil.

    • Just because someone is conservative and doesn't agree with your beliefs doesn't make them alt right nor a fascist

    • Curmudgeon, just ignore these far leftists; they resort to character assassination as a way to deflect and undermine their political opponents, rather than directly confronting the arguments and logic

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Most Helpful Guy

  • It's just a theory, but my theory is the amount of homosexuality is more or less the same as it's always been. It's just how much it's accepted that is "on the rise". Because it's more accepted, more people are "out" of the closet and not hiding in fear. It used to be people were more scared of losing their lives, jobs, relationships, &c. But now they are not as afraid, and can be honest with themselves and others about their homosexuality.

    Not in all places, however. There are still many countries where it is not safe to be homosexual. It's also not always completely safe even in the "safe" countries, because there is still hateful and potentially violent bigotry present in many individuals, organizations, and subcultures.

    Is homosexuality on the rise?

    The reason for my theory is observing homosexuality in animals. It's much like it human animals: not the norm, but there is a certain percentage/frequency. It seems to increase along with population density. It's as if there is something in Mother Nature that realizes when a population is getting overcrowded, and a switch gets flipped in the neuro centers of new babies to a greater percentage of homosexuality. Which in turn reduces birth rates. But that's sort of another, adjunct theory.

    • That's been my theory as well.

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What Girls & Guys Said

14 55
  • I grew up around lots of it in the San Francisco Bay Area where I am but I think it is becoming more prevalent in other parts of the country and the world.

  • i never considered the fact that homosexuality could rise and fall... it seems to me that a lot of guys want to be girls... and i think more girls are born as it is they'll soon be a big shortage of men... if there isn't already.

  • It’s not on the rise. I just think more people are being more vocal and in your face about it.

  • It's more acceptable so naturally more people who live this lifestyle is coming out and being them drive, as it should be, people hate a drive to live as they choose and all we can do is respect them for it, the draw back, lower birth rates, which we are experiencing now

  • These kind of things will increase as we enter the End Times. Romans 1:26-27

    26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    • Quoting something doesn't make it true, and within proper historical and Biblical context, those predictions are meant to be a warning for all civilizations that eventually become complacent/corrupt (along with specifically referring the Roman empire under Nero)

    • I agree with the quote. I always think of the biblical saying of “without natural affection” with regard to what we’re seeing in these end times.

    • @dubiousintentions well said miss dubious, i believe that real love, real marriage, real sex, real family and real emotions are only between a man and a woman, only 1 man and 1 woman can complete each other after marriage...

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  • It's just something that's becoming normal these days (along with other queer identities). For some they may feel more safe to come out of the closet.

  • I don't think the percentage of people who identify themselves as homosexual has increased. Sexuality in regards to bisexuality may be fluid, but full-on homosexuality isn't. Some people know at a young age, and others later.

    If you see numbers of homosexuality increasing, its probably because it's more socially acceptable and the people that were in the closet are out now.

  • Guessing not on the rise, just an openness about it now.

  • The prevalence of homosexuality isn't rising, however the prevalence of people being open with their homosexuality is rising.

    As it becomes more socially acceptable and there are more legal protections more and more people who would have otherwise remained closeted or in denial their whole lives are coming out of the closet and embracing their sexuality.

    I think its a good sign that more people self report being homosexual, because it means society is getting to a point where more people feel comfortable embracing their true sexuality.

  • No.

    It’s the same it has always been.

  • Well, the people with agendas are certainly pushing it as @RingOfFire observed, but I don't think it is actually more prevalent among people now, vs. in the past, just more vocal. I pretty much live and let live. My only objection to Lavender types is when they go Pinko, if you know your urban or political dictionary terms.

    • I agree with the concept of live and let live. As a matter of fact that value is at the core of my beliefs. The bad part is that the left does not agree. They impose their agenda with intimidation. There are a lot of weak minded people whose lives they are ruining.

  • I think T levels are dropping, environmental pollutants alter us hormonally... so yes.

    a good time and place to be... in the scope of history.

  • on the rise of it being seen as socially "acceptable" to be one meaning the numbers of "confirmed" homosexuals rise.

  • People being open about their sexual preferences is on the rise due to better public reception. There aren’t more gay people, more gay people are just coming out of the closet.

  • I don't think homosexuality is on the rise any more than heterosexuality. I'm just glad homosexuality is being protected but more can be done to do so.

  • Trans is on the rise. Imagine being an introverted kid who nobody likes in school and all you have to do is switch genders and bam you're now tik tok famous. It's going to to get worse.

  • It is about the same as it has ever been, though bisexuality might be on the rise.

  • Weren't you a black guy last week and also the dude who is getting all the chicks he wants prior to that one. Choose yourself an identity hun👁👄👁.

  • Same as it ever was. It's just more open.

  • No it’s just more accepted

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