Is it normal for American women to be promiscuous?

I've been in America for almost a month now and I've seen a lot of women being very promiscuous. That's not how women behave where I'm from and it's very unappealing because I don't really want to be friends with women who act like this. Is that how most American women are? Do they just jump into bed with any guy who asks them? I thought that all of this was from movies, I didn't think women actually behaved in such ways. Is it normal for American women to be promiscuous like this?

From 0-5, how abnormal is this behavior for American women?
0. It's completely normal for women to behave this way in America
Vote A
1. It's fairly normal for women to behave this way in America
Vote B
2. It's slightly abnormal for women to behave this way in America
Vote C
3. It's somewhat abnormal for women to behave this way in America
Vote D
4. It's abnormal for women to behave this way in America
Vote E
5. It's very abnormal for women to behave this way in America
Vote F
Not sure
Vote G
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Girl Guy
+1 y
Thanks for the answers as well
+1 y
:) :)
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What Girls & Guys Said

12 23
  • its their only choice in most cases. Due to feminism's impact on culture and gynocentric laws, many men see women raised in the USA as "only good for sex". they are just for fucking and a relationship with them is not seen as desirable. You must get a foreign woman for relationships or marrying.

  • it varies and there is nothing wrong with it. It's not just the US either

  • Yeah there are lot of hoes over here.

  • American women are the greatest sluts.

  • It's kind of funny because there is a lot of slut shamming yet it still happens quite frequently

  • ye they are the world's biggest sluts ;)

  • When i look at American women i understand why guys hate feminism so much!!

  • A lot of women are whores.

  • It's fairly normal unfortunately. A lot of women are just plain gross.