Is it normal to want sex again right after losing your virginity?

I had sex with a guy yesterday for the first time, casual hook up and I did enjoy it aside from the pain and I liked sex a lot but I don’t wanna rush it right away with another guy because I don’t wanna be like a whore that isn’t me it’s just I really really found sex to be great
+1 y
I’m a bit of a late bloomer I feel I didn’t have the opportunity really as a teen, also didn’t feel ready and had long distance relationships but I feel like I’m not too late since I’m 22 and my intuition was telling me something about this year and I came out of a toxic relationship with my ex at 21( NO I DID NOT lose it to my ex)
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16 45
  • Sex is a lot of fun and feels great usually

  • Yeah, why not?

  • Yup, it's definitely normal.
    Just like many people want to masturbate again after their first time experiencing it.

  • Yes that's perfectly normal once you open that door you can't close it

  • So whatever you want and don't care about what others might think

  • Yes I think it is. Especially if it was good.

  • Very normal

  • Do what ever makes you happy

  • Yes it is. You have a high sex drive. Congrats

  • Yes... but excessive will end up nasty...

  • you can always buy an adult toy and experiment with yourself being a late bloomer

    • True! Ill keep that in mind. Yeah i barley lost my virginity at 22 i feel a little late but as a teen i didn't feel ready before.

    • go at your own pace, you don't own anything to anyone but yourself

  • I don’t think that’d be very comfortable.

  • If there was pain... he wasn't doing it right.

    But yes, most of the time when a girls gets her cap popped, she goes into "whore phase" for a short time.

    • when you lose you virginity as a woman it is normal, I am a nurse in the ob/gyn dept, It is normal, as your body isn't used to it being in there plus the hymen tearing.

    • @Laciandmaci It’s only “normal” because women have come to accept it as truth and don’t expect more. ANY sexually mature vagina will expand and relax yo allow any human sized penis in without pain or issue. There are very few females of sexual mature age that still have an intact hymen. We don’t live in the 1700’s where women were expected to sit around waiting to be married. I have been with more than half a dozen virgins, all small females, I also have a larger than average penis. None of them had pain or issue the first time because it wasn’t just forced in and they were made comfortable and aroused beforehand. The problem isn’t the body, it’s the lack of preparation and care.

  • so finally you lost it, this was an international issue for GaG to solve... lmao

  • Perfectly natural phenomenon

  • It's okay to be a slut if you are one. If you love sex then go and get fucked.

    • Have sex dear. What's stopping you?

  • Normal to crave after your first time