Is it okay for 19 yr old boy to wear panties under pants?

1 y
Hi this question was about my 18 1/2 yr old son. So he has been wearing my panties regularly now, every type of panties. Lace panties, thong and more. Doesn’t mind of color too, red, pink, purple, black, white. I didn’t minded at all so I just bought some extra. Just wanted to know what you think.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • It is fine, he isn't hurting anyone. He could also wear a butt plug at it too, no big deal.

    • It’s my son , so he started wearing my panties

  • Like women’s panties? Well I guess if that’s his thing, sure.

    • Yea women’s panties withe lace, thong panties

    • I wear my mom's she pinches my butt all the time

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What Girls & Guys Said

18 61
  • My dear friends, 'tis no surprise
    When you hear what I advise
    The tight panties you so adore
    Can cause infertility, nevermore

    Low testosterone, it's a bummer
    A host of diseases can come to number
    If you don't take heed to this call
    It's a risk to your health, above all

    The tight panties may look oh, so nice
    But for your health, you must think twice
    Ease up the snugness, now you must
    To improve health and fertility, a definite plus!

    When I was 19 I built a device,
    That could be used to cool my testes,
    A powerful battery that was so nice,
    Would biohack my testosterone to the high rise.

    This device I had was so unique,
    It was portable and so chic,
    No longer had to be in a swelter,
    My testosterone boosted with a better feeling.

    The heat was gone and I felt great,
    My testosterone levels were at an all-time high rate,
    The cooling device was a major feat,
    And it gave me the strength to compete.

    When the heat is on, no one can deny,
    Studies show it's not good for a guy.
    It can damage the testicles, that's a fact,
    And if it gets too hot, the temperature will act.

    The heat can cause issues that really aren't nice,
    Including lower sperm count and infertility's price.
    The testicles don't like to be too hot,
    And that's why men need to protect their spot.

    So when it gets too hot and the temperature is high,
    Make sure to cool off if you don't want to fry.
    With a cool drink, or a dip in the pool,
    You can stay comfortable and keep your jewels cool.

    • Lmfao!

  • It's certainly "ok."

    I mean, it's not "traditional." I didn't know anyone doing this when I was his age. If anyone did... it was a big secret. But it would have been totally socially unacceptable to do so. NOW things are different. People that age are doing more experimenting with gender and sexuality in ways that weren't nearly as common when we were that age.

    He might be experimenting with some aspects of gender identity-type stuff. Or he could just like wearing panties for some other reason. That could go either way.

    But it's for sure "ok" as in... there's no harm whatsoever in him wearing panties. If that's what makes him happy... then power to him.

    I think it's great. And I think it's great that he's got such a supportive mother.

    Anyone who tries to tell you there is anything wrong with this... is a homophobe/transphobe. Period. Fuck what they think.

  • That is a bit different (if its panties and not mens underwear) but not unheard of

    I suppose I wouldn't mind if a man wore a mens thong briefs. They make those for men and besides I have a men's butt fetish

    • Girls panties

    • Yes I understand its different I wouldn't find it attractive at all. Like I said I like mens brief thongs not girlish underwear But some guys are into that

    • Understood

    • Show All
  • Yes. The association of sexy panties and sexuality with women is an extreme turn on.

  • "Okay"? Do you imagine there's some kind of Underwear Standards Authority we all have to comply with? It's fine. It is strange, and he'll probably get some raised eyebrows if other people find out, but that's not particularly likely.