Is sex outside of marriage acceptable?

For you personally, do you think it's okay?
Yes, everyone should wait until marriage.
Vote A
Yes, but not everyone gets married so there should be exceptions.
Vote B
While I will wait (or wished I had) for marriage, others don't have to.
Vote C
No, no one has to wait until marriage.
Vote D
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
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+1 y
I realize my poll is screwed up, I was really tired and had just woken up when I made this so I'm sorry for any confusion.
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What Girls & Guys Said

30 91
  • Your poll is backwards but. Sex is acceptable outside of marriage.
    You test drive a car before buying, right?

    • I didn't even notice that for some reason lol I wish I could edit

  • I wouldn´t want to marry anyone I hadn´t had sex with. Not that I would want to marry anyway lol.

  • D
    I want sex but I won't marry

  • Absolutely it's okay. I don't agree with waiting until marriage at all.

    Virginity is meaningless to me. I much prefer to know my partner intimately before we make a life long commitment. It's important to explore your interests together, and see how compatible you are sexually. Anyone who jumps into a marriage, having no clue how the sparks will fly is nuts in my opinion.

    • Very true

    • I agree

  • I don't believe in waiting until marriage but I wouldn't have sex with someone I wasn't in a relationship with. With that said I couldn't care less if anyone else sleeps around, waits until marriage, or only has sex within relationships because it doesn't affect me

  • Most outdated "value" ever.

    No you shouldn't wait. Sex is just as important as anything else in your relationship. If it turns out you don't have sexual compatibility then your marriage falls apart.

    Either sex is important and you should be having sex to figure out if you match.

    Or sex isn't important at all and you can fuck other people.

  • Sex between adults is acceptable as long as everyone is fully informed and consents freely.

  • I don't believe in religion. I really don't think that waiting until your wedding night is something I'd be interested in. Some people are just not sexually compatible. I sure would hate to find that out right after I signed marriage license.

  • i don't like to see pious people having sex outside of marriage and i see it ALL of the time!

  • Depends on your values and principals the environment you were raised in... etc, i was raised in a quite conservative/religious family and community were sex before marriage is a big sin, so yes for me it's really important to wait until marriage, but aside from my upbringing and religion I'm convinced with concept of waiting since it helps you distinguish by the way the men that want a serious relationship or just to get in your pants, it will protect you from getting stds, unwanted pregnancies and i value myself too much to let any men touch me.

  • Absolutely

  • Judeo-Christian Bible prohibits it, calling it "fornication". Otherwise, lacking an accepted moral framework, no.

  • I lost my virginity when I was 13, don't regret it. I dont plan on getting married but when I settle down with someone I'll have experience and our sex life won't have the awkward trying to figure everything out phase.

  • I can only speak for me. It's about what YOU want to do

  • To my mind, you marry because you are committing to keeping what you already have for a long time.

  • As a Christian, there are debates on this matter rooted in the argument that the Bible never actually explicitly mention, "sex before marriage", at all, or call it sin. But there are heavy implications, and as such I do not take any chances and will wait for marriage.

    • What are those "heavy implications" you speak of? Is it fear of damnation? I mean, it sounds like you're making a choice not to have sex before marriage because someone told you its bad and you followed their advice uncritically.

    • @Investigator You read that wrong. He is one of the most thoughtful men on this site. You can bet that he weighed the evidence and wrestles with his conscience in a way that few do. Indeed, look at his answer. Does that sound to you like he just accepted his views uncritically from someone else? He starts out by recognizing that there are other interpretations. That does not sound like a man who just simply accepted what someone told him. He clearly read and thought - and knowing a little bit about him prayed - about it. Nope, @AlexanderBrunnrgaard is not mere robot parroting the party line. He is a thoughtful intelligent man. You, on the other hand, sound like someone who let his biases get the better of his analysis. As Locke said, "Men know little, presume a great deal, and so jump to conclusions." In this case a conclusion that could not really be drawn on the basis of the evidence before us.

    • @nightdrot "He starts out by recognizing that there are other interpretations. That does not sound like a man who just simply accepted what someone told him." His statement is "there are debates on this matter rooted in the argument that the Bible never actually explicitly mention". Yes, these debates are interpretations, but my question is "what premise are all of these arguments based on? Do they use the Bible to make critiques of the Bible or do they use scientific research to test the implications of sex before marriage that just so happen to confirm what the Bible preaches." If I read that wrong as you claim, then his statement must be that, independent of the views of the Bible or his own faith, there is demonstrable evidence that sex outside of marriage is objectively detrimental to the people engaging in it. Now, I have not looked into the literature to see whether or not that claim holds water, but that sounds like a more neutral and fair representation of what he claims.

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  • Yes its absolutely fine in my book

    • Thanks for sharing :)

    • Your very welcome 🙂

  • Absolutely

  • mark my words — if this continues on, one day people will ONLY get married for sexual gratification and marital rape would become a common occurrence.

  • Marriage is not acceptable. Never was.

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