Is the American accent attractive or not?

I understand there is a wide variety of American accents, but in general sexy or no? If you’re American then do you prefer it to a foreign accent?
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The polls explanation contains a grammatical error. It was bugging me. “There are, not there is” Anyways, thanks everyone for the opinions. I realize that the country has many accents and contains a wide variety of people from all walks of life. So this is a general question and only really calls for a general response. ✌🏻✌🏻
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What Girls & Guys Said

29 75
  • mostly no but it depends

  • Not sexy or attractive per say but it just seems like one of those casual accents if that makes sense.

  • I haven't heard them all, but yeah, I quite like it.

  • I do like some Southern accents very much, yes

  • Depends on the girl and her accent.

    A Cali accent could definitely bed me. They sound so confident. So unlike Brits :)

  • I am not attracted to most American regional accents, but find some Irish, English, and Australian accents attractive.

  • As an American already, I find nothing particularly attractive or unattractive about our accent. I'm not much of a fan of the southern drawl though.

  • Some of them are attractive. Like the Long Island/New York accent and the southern accent

    • The New England accent or Pennsylvania/New Hampshire/Connecticut accents? Not the Massachusetts accent no way nor the Boston thick accents either they're too weird. But the others I mentioned first? No dice? 😈😈😎

  • No. Pigs probably speak better English, and in a better accent.

    But it's a good step you recognise that it's an accent, and not a language.

  • There is a wide variety of course, but in general, I don't mind an American accent. And I'm European.

  • Attractive but I prefer Pennsylvania accent or my own local accent here

    • Have you ever noticed those in the New England or Pennsylvania areas tend to sound... plain? I'm not sure how to describe it. But to my ears they sound clear as day to understand and I'm not even American. Hahaha. I'm more British. Hahaha.

    • @Jay3344 if that makes sense or if that was helpful? ,😮😀

    • So far more men than women like American accents 😋😋😋😋

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  • Boston accents are grotesque NGL 🤣👌

  • Southern accent yes, Nebraska not so much.

  • Not attractive. It's heard so often especially northern accents because of shows and movies that they're just "normal" and not interesting.

  • Well, I am Spaniard and the American accent doesn't sound particularly attractive to me. However, perhaps thanks to Hollywood films, it is way more understandable than others, like the British ones or the Australian. Aesthetically, however, I love English (British) accent a lot, even if I struggle to understand what they say. They sound like nobles.

  • Some ''American'' almost sounds like real English to me.
    There are certain regional accents that actually repel me. Specifically those that are spoken while wearing a hoodie; and those that sound like a mouthful of chewing gum.

  • What about "chameleon mimics" which i am one. Born with a Northwestern Mountain accent, but it changes when i hear others.

    Northwestern Mountain accents or Pacific northwest accents are considered the plainest and least distinctive accents in the US. Also one of the least "sexy".

  • I'm an American, so American accents sound normal to me. But British or Australian accents are extremely hot!

  • Doesn't do anything for me, not good, not bad

  • I know there are some women who find my accent sexy

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