Is there any women that would jack off a stranger for $100.00?

Would you jack off a guy for $100.00
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I don't agree with females reducing themselves to purchasable sexual items because they find it easier than using their brain to get through life. I have a great job that I had to work hard to get and although I could easily take the cheap simple route and use my body to make money instead of my mind, I know that later in life when my body goes to shit, I need to have something of worth. SO I personally would not.

    But to each their own.


    I have nothing against prostitution. Hell, I've even considered becoming a Sugar Baby, but only $100? You're kidding me right?

    But I know for a fact that there are lots of $30 crack whores out there that would gladly take your offer.. I just think that I'm worth more than that

  • Some might but, I think you may want to throw in a Balenciaga bag and some gas money for good measure.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Rube and tugs are good for that, just have to find one in your area. Probably $60 for a massage and $60 to $100 depending on what you want. $50 for a jacking off but if you want all out sex then you might pay about $80 for that depending on the place

  • Doing this is not a big deal many girls would do it. Even way hotter women than you would ever find here on gag anyways. I know some that do it for less because of competition.

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 5
  • A prostitute

  • I might, it pays better then babysitting

  • Yes, they are called prostitutes.

  • ewwwww hell nope!

  • Make it $10,000 and then I'll look away and do it. I can use the money for other things right now and forget about the experience.