Ladies. You see a guy sporting his shirt like the picture below. Would you feel like giving him fallatio or head if you find the scene hot?

So. You had a wonderful day spending time with a guy just met reasonly. Then, meet up with him again for a 2nd or 3th time. He suddenly pulls up his shirt over his head. The dude basically just wants to show off his body. But you really like him and find him hot. You ain't looking him as a creep at all. Very like his personality as well also you admire his physique. Being a gentleman that whole entire time. Outlook him how he's sporting his shirt.

That would lead to stripping down his pants, giving him fallatio or head. Or would that be another time meeting up 🤔

By the way. This individual that you like doesn't have to be exactly looking in any way the guy in the picture below in how he's sporting his shirt. But a dude that you really can see yourself with 😀
Ladies. You see a guy sporting his shirt like the picture below. Would you feel like giving him fallatio or head if you find the scene hot?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I’ve had a guy do this during sex. He took it off somewhere mid way though so he didn’t wear it as an outfit or anything, he wore a tank, and he was naked from the waist down. Use when he took it off all the way.

    If he wore that as a fashion statement and I did like his personality as well I’d make fun of him. The jokes will not be lightened and I will not stop laughing until he changes.

    If it’s literally about just wanting to show off your muscles it’s fine. The same guy mentioned above started flexing and posing in the mirror after we had sex and wanted me to touch all his muscles. I have not laughed so much in one night, ever.

    If it was some other random guy I didn’t know, no. Lol. Only one idiot in my intimate life at a time, please.

  • i'd be lying if i said no... i would want to give him fellatio

    • Do you think many girls would lie about it?

    • i think a lot would say they wouldn't but would... i'd get excited seeing a man without his shirt on and want to do that

    • Honestly. Would sport my tank over my head. Many girls would be checking out the tattoos on my body. Also, because I work out a lot. But whenever, do approach any of them with my tank over my neck. Always keep myself like a gentleman.

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What Girls Said

  • Looks like something a gay chippendales dancer would wear

    • 🤣🤣🤣

  • Putting his shirt like that honestly would undo any sort of interest I have in him. I'm not interested in a adult dude who's dressing like my 2 year old.

  • i don't choose my blowjobs by whether a guy is wearing his t-shirt over his neck or not

  • I would ignore him cuz I don’t find that attractive

  • Ewww absolutely not.

  • No, I don't like guys that look like total douchebags.

  • Personally not..