Every girl's labia and clitoral hood are unique. They're like snowflakes or fingerprints. There isn't one way they're "supposed" to look. So no, I wouldn't think anything different about a girl based on what her vulva looked like. And I've never noticed a difference in how sex feels based on what a girl's vulva looks like. My personal favorite "type" though is the kind you describe where the inner labia (labia minora) show through the outer labia. I think they look more interesting and erotic. And because I love to give oral to a female partner, I like being able to suck on longer inner labia.
0 0 0 0thank you for MH Guy opinion!
Long labia are the best! You are very lucky, and whatever guy (s) are permitted access to those long lips are very lucky!
If a guy doesn't like them, ditch him and find a guy who does.
I love sucking on, nibbling on, playing with long labia. The longer the better in my world!0 0 0 0
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(23)Vulva's are much like flowers in the sense that there are many sorts of different flowers and each of them are beautiful in their own right, so don't worry about it so much, I'm sure your labia are just fine the way they are.
0 0 0 0Turn ON!. Love seeing them and love sucking on them. Definitely very hot.
0 0 0 0Simpler is better. But if you have the guy's attention, I don't think he's gonna complain too much about the shape. He's going to be too busy being thrilled that you'd actually want to be naked for him in the first place.
0 0 0 0Not a turnoff at all. I don't think most guys have a preference. We're happy just to see you naked. Don't worry about this.
Some guys prefer pubic hair there, some not, but it's not a deal-breaker.0 0 0 0I really don't think it matters. I mean, personally I don't find either actively attractive, but I'm not disgusted by either or anything. I'm more used to "outies", so I don't know if that affects my opinion. Neither would change how I saw a girl, though. I don't know if it feels different during sex or not, but any guy who is going to be picky about that kind of thing needs to step back and realise his dick isn't all that pretty either.
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