Maslow's hierarchy of needs indicates that sex is just as fundamental a need as food, water, and breathing! So why should anyone be deprived of it?

Sex is as fundamental a basic need as food, water, breathing, and sleep!
Sex is as fundamental a basic need as food, water, breathing, and sleep!
The bottom indicates our most basic of needs. Isn't it to no surprise that incels do terrible atrocities against society because of this deprivation? Sexual intimacy is part of it as well!
0 4

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  • I suppose I am a member of this subculture yet to not anticipate subjecting anyone to the suffering by victimizing or causing atrocities, but as the pyramid suggests, it's easy for me to understand those who lash out. There are a multitude of arguments representative of the madness it causes, I personally find my inner voice deafened by the inability to stabilize an intimacy despite being in a healthy amount of successful relationships... Yet the yearn alone is a huge part of the depression and anxiety I face everyday. Now I don't suppose I could ever condone hateful actions against those who hold fault or don't hold any, but our culture deprives a great many of us from being happy because of the social ridicules we're subject to. And I firmly believe there are too many just like me who are alphas with manners that present the passersby audiences of acquaintance with plentiful ammunition to steal our status and quell our desires in such a detrimental way. It's a part of the pyramid the way it is not just for the respect of procreation, but also the resonating confidence and esteem it delivers to someone who otherwise feels helpless and alone.

  • Thanks for bringing this up! I had no idea that sex was listed in that part of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The question becomes how to fulfill the physiological need for sex without infringing on the rights of others. I personally think they should legalize prostitution so that men and women can sell sexual experience in a regulated environment.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm going to go against the grain of most answers here and agree that everyone should have access to sex. I'm not saying whenever or with whoever they like but access should be available even if it's through prostitutes.

    • They can get prostitutes if they want but normal guys don’t do that. Even the Netherlands the government will get prostitutes free for the handicapped. I would would rather have my estranged family love me, I can get laid easy but I don’t have a loving family.

  • I believe Maslow added it for its original intent- survival of our species and personal lineage.

    • With incels, it is more the psychological/social part, a bit more in the middle

    • Of course, he meant it as a desire to procreate but that's why sex, even just the act of sex without actual procreation is so deeply satisfying, that is how humans are designed. It is why sex is such a basic need. Without sex, humans feel unsatisfied with life, they can live without it but they feel unsatisfied. When humans orgasm it literally changes their mind, flooding the brain with good emotions from a natural chemical release, making the individual feel like they are loved and just accomplished something good, even if all they accomplished was an orgasm.

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  • Why should anyone be deprived of sex, women don't want to have sex with them (male incels).

    Should women be compelled to have sex with incels, it seems women prefer to share the better males than to pair with incel, and the better males prefer to have multiple partners at the expense of incels.

    What would create a more monogamous society where the incel would have better odds, at the moment there's not much incentive to help incels. They may occasionally kill others or themselves but the impact is relatively small, they may check-out from society but that isn't noticed either.

    Everyone's bills are paid and everything functions in society, everyone has food and shelter and leisure, and the problems impacting more of society aren't the problems of the incels, the disposable males - while females are saved more often by the top males collecting trophies, so not as disposable.

    It makes sense to me that incels go insane, society simply calls them entitled and to improve. Society has no clue about why incels are the way they are, if the incels experienced life as others do then they surely would choose to "just be confident, take a shower, bro", instead of suicide or homicidal rampages, or barely functioning within society.

    Incels have serious problems but they're shunned, and derided, and told they don't have a problem but instead they're just "insert negative adjective here", it's improbable.

    I can see where the hierarchy is coming from, sex is what the person is built for, you don't die from not having it but I think it's there as a most basic function.

    • Right on! It seems you've been thoroughly blackpilled!

    • I had to give a bit of my perspective since I've almost been incel my entire life but not completely or as bad as others have had it, certain stuff from mgtow, incel, redpill, blackpill, resonates for sure. Tried to holler at some lady on here but they don't reply to messages, they even came and commented on my own question and didn't reply when I commented back to them, as usual per everywhere I guess. Way worse to be treated like I don't exist than to just get the slightest courtesy of any honest explanation. They probably just paint me as a dangerous incel and hide behind that reason to ignore me, when I never said anything dangerous. I wouldn't be pissed if they were honest and treated me as a human but I'm definitely upset at the way they treated me now. Or they could be narcissistic/personality disorder, and so would understand the world in too much of a toxic way. But anyways, too much tangent, because I couldn't leave this topic hanging. With all the incel/normal everyday man haters up in here, they needed to see the other side of the story.

    • Damn I'm triggered by not getting MHO, I thought my answer is pretty lit Vs those dudes.

  • You won’t die without sex, unlike the other items on that level of the hierarchy. Sex has physical and emotional health benefits but it won’t kill someone to go without it. If you think no one should be deprived of sex, who do you think should be obligated to provide it?

    • Deleting opposing views from your post. How grown up.

    • It's not cause of that. I have my reasons.

  • You my fine fellow most likely live in a world where you aren't "deprived" of sex. That you can earn money and pay for it shows you're not deprived. You're choosing to not participate

    • I disagree ma'am. But thank you for your response.

    • If you need to meet your basic needs, it's inherently expected by Maslow that you'd work towards achieving them so you can improve your life.

    • I agree ma'am. Makes sense. But I want it through love so that I may reproduce; intimacy is also among the hierarchy, and I'm not up to reproducing with a sex worker.

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  • Do TRY to understand Maslow's law properly. The psychology needs (family, friends & sex) are SECONDARY to basic needs. They are NOT and have NEVER been considered on the same level.

    People CAN survive without sex. Have you never heard of nuns & monks? Prisoners? They don’t have routine sex (if at all) and they’re still alive.

    But people can NOT survive without food or water. People die from dehydration and starvation and neither way is fast.

    I highly doubt anyone in the entire history of man has ever died from no sex.

    • Sex is required as a means of reproduction and survival. You're not understanding its meaning and purpose. The hierarchy applies to humanity in general, and not to specific individuals.

    • @Physics-Man - not everyone can reproduce. Literally. Sterility is very real. Are they defective in your mind? And not everyone *should* reproduce. I've lived in some pretty shitty towns, rampant with welfare, with neighbors calling themselves "parents" yet so worthless they should've been sterilized by 12. Besides, as said, you aren't reading the hierarchy properly. Try surviving without food & water for a month and we'll see whose still living by the end of those 30 days.

  • Challenge:

    ill agree with maslows hierarchy when you successfully complete the following

    go without breathing for a couple hours then follow that up without sex for two hours. Come back and report on the impact of not breathing and not having sex. If you can report that going without breathing is equivalent to going without sex Then I’ll agree with maslows hierarchy and answer your question.

    • Sex is required as a means of reproduction and survival. You're not understanding its meaning and purpose. The hierarchy applies to humanity in general, and not to specific individuals.

    • Then you’re twisting a personal need into a need for the species to survive. It’s well documented. People survive without reproduction all the time. Individuals don’t survive without food water Air. I never said I misunderstood Maslow. I just said I disagree with maslow or your provided interpretation of it.

    • Wait... What? Of course you're not going to say you misunderstood him. Who'd say that? And how on Earth am I twisting it? Where?

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  • Without air, water, food, sleep, excretion and some kind of shelter to protect us from various types of exposure, we would die within a few seconds to a few weeks.
    Without sex we can survive, even thrive and reach old age and die of natural causes. I am afraid those needs are not equal.

    Those qualities on the top of the pyramid don't make sense either. Humans do a lot of things out of necessity. So problem solving and being creative are just part of surviving i. e. finding food/water/shelter/love etc.

    • Without sex, humanity goes extinct. That's why it's such a fundamental craving. Even if you don't personally die from it.

    • You need to be alive and relatively healthy and in stable conditions to procreate. So before even thinking of procreation, one needs those other fundamental needs met. Without resources there will be absolutely no survivors.

    • Fair enough.

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  • That's an interesting question.
    According to Darwin, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection. If everyone started having sex to reproduce (as you point out in a lot of comments, how sex is a need) imagine how the population would increase. So, we have natural selection, wherein nature selects the best and reproductive sustainability or fitness is preferred over every other thing. It may be a basic need but do all people even get to eat two meals every day? The same thing is with sex, just lesser people get to have it mostly because eating a proper meal keeps you (1 person) alive, but having sex to reproduce is a path for creating another human.

  • Not everyone needs to reproduce. Most of GaG men don't. So it's fine that they're not getting sex (natural selection).

    • It's still a need ma'am. Whether you like it or not.

    • They can need all they want. Doesn’t mean they’ll get it.

    • Fair enough. Do you believe everyone deserves to be loved may I ask? Do I deserve it?

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  • I wrote under someone else's opinion. I guess you didn't notice.
    I add to it.
    You say; without sex, you can't reproduce; and if you can't reproduce, then the human species dies out.
    Yes, I agree with you. But a person cannot reproduce before puberty.
    Germ cells have a process of formation.
    In order for fertilization to occur, eggs and sperm must fully mature.

    You should think of the first phase of the pyramid as infancy + childhood.

  • Its interpretion is not correct. This theory wasn't presented as a pyramid at first. Therefore, these "causes of happiness" don't have to be in order.

    How about these? Sex is not mentioned at all.

    Maslow's hierarchy of needs indicates that sex is just as fundamental a need as food, water, and breathing! So why should anyone be deprived of it?Maslow's hierarchy of needs indicates that sex is just as fundamental a need as food, water, and breathing! So why should anyone be deprived of it?
    • But that's exactly what a hierarchy is, and order of things

    • an**

  • Maslow is talking specifically about procreation, not intimacy for intimacy’s sake. As for some people not being able to find a sexual partner— well that’s just survival of the fittest. People tend to choose partners with redeemable characteristics to be passed down onto offspring. Incels are interesting to me because I understand that humans are social and sexual creatures, but at the end of the day there is no justification for harming other people.

  • So, make your point!! Just posting BS teasers and suggesting, in a passive way!

    • Where is it lacking a point Sir?

    • You state that sex is a fundamental 'need' according to Maslow, yet you stop there, hence, no point,. save that simple statement. The passive implication, suggests maybe something to follow. . . But not stated.

    • The point is written in the details. I'm merely pointing out the reason for why incels lash out at society. Which is due to a lack of a sexual experience. A solution to such a conundrum would be a sexual revolution of sorts. That of which won't be happening anytime soon I'm afraid... The legalization of prostitution is another possibility.

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  • It is somewhat a need. It's one of those things that get thrown down to the bottom of our daily needs list. We can live without but I think we all are a little bit better of a person when we have regular sex

  • It's interesting that sex and sexual intimacy show up in two places on the chart. I think that on the most basic level, human beings, like any other living thing, are instinctively wired to desire sex because it is a requirement for the survival of the species. That accounts for sex being at the base of the pyramid. If you want to talk about sex for the purpose of pleasure, as opposed to strictly for reproduction, that coincides with sexual intimacy in the middle of the chart. I think it is accurate to say that the average human needs sexual intamacy just as much as they need friendship and family relationships.

    • This is a bit dubious though. The hierarchy generally applies to individuals. At least that is my understanding. Reproduction is not nessicary for the survival of the individual but it is extremely important for the survival of the species.

  • Its the needs of the individual human being, the most primal instincts one can have.

    But as we live in society we learn to move the fullfillment of our needs to a later time.

    Or statisfy them in other ways.

    Sigmund Freud has written books about dealing and moving the basic needs to a later time or fullfilling them in other ways. (May be outdated nowadays in most cases, but i guess the basic principle still holds up, unless you are studying psychology or something)

    EG, Sex can also be statisfied with masturbation

    and according to Freud being an Artist can be a sign of repressed urgess.

    Overall i agree with the Pyramid, but not with your interpretation of "atrocities against society".

    • I have to disagree, sex is not satisfied with masturbation. I think the post mentioned the incels commit atrocities against society, this is more of a fact than subjective, or I missed something maybe.

  • Tbh in my opinion I think the pyramid kinda breaks down after the first two layers. People prioritize different and icels would probably be able to get sex if there esteem was better or standards lowered

  • you'd have to ask the conservatives why they feel compelled to shun women who let guys have sex with them.

  • Basic psychology aslo suggests a disruption in the hierarchy of needs due to unstable environmental factors.
    Also, keep a human in a dark room for a period of time without their physiological need fulfillment-- you think they'll choose sex over food and water the moment they emerge?

    • Sex is required as a means of reproduction and survival. You're not understanding its meaning and purpose. The hierarchy applies to humanity in general, and not to specific individuals.

    • [On physiological needs] "If these needs are not satisfied the human body cannot function optimally." How is that referring to reproduction?

    • The link I posted up there made reference to reproduction ma'am.

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  • Aren't we like sexual beings.. But it's our concious that affects what we do with our sexuality

  • you can't make your own water , air or food without out sourced materials but you can have a wank so that pyramid is rubbish lol

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