Men, would you have a relationship with a woman you had sex with on a first date/meet?

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What Guys Said

  • Wouldn't be the worst case scenario.
    What I would really hate would be to date a girl who pretends she's hard to get by making me wait for sex only to find out later that she's slept with many of her exs on the first date.

  • If I have real interest in her, more than just lust for her body, then yes.

  • The heart wants what the heart wants

  • yea probably

  • Lol i love the picture 🤭
    actually it depends, if we just said hi and shook hands then we became intimate then that would be weird. I would question how serious she is about me. Maybe she just wanted a one night stand. But if we really clicked. And felt we are getting along se well and things led to intimacy then it wouldn’t be a reason not to be with her

  • It has nothing to do with how fast we had sex. Having sex later is a good idea just because you get to know the person before getting emotionally involved with them.

  • if i get the feeling that she doesn't do that with every guy, then yeah maybe.

  • Yes if we got along and felt like something was there.

  • I don't want somebody "easy" as a wife.

  • I probably would if we connected good enough.

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