Run! He is what's called sadomasochistic. If this form of sex is not a turn on to you then leave and don't look back before it gets worse. I know a couple who are. They have to use the basement for sex and it's covered in tarps because blood gets everywhere. She used to be gorgeous but is nothing but scars now head to toe and whatever fresh bruises, cuts, burns, stitches and/or broken bones she may currently have. She likes that though (long story once you hear it then you understand why).
to each their own. Doesn't sound like your thing so run before he gets into worse things like deprivation (tie you up and leave you there for days on end with nothing to eat or drink and forget washroom breaks) fully psychotic sadomasochistic people get off on power, control, inflicting pain, servitude, humiliation and most importantly breaking the other person mind, body and spirit.
It's not a big jump from there to rapist and serial killer.
Don't get me wromg, millions of people practice sadomasochistic fantasies. But it is mutual and not forced or drug induced agreement.
If you can't run due to him and need assistance to escape then let me know. I will help. I hate men that force women and I have a few demons in me that like to ensure that people like him get what they give. (I'm not joking leave after reading this don't even tell him until after you are somewhere else)0 1 0 0So this is a joke!.. A rapist and maniac who behaves okay in society and public!.. But inside bedroom!.. Sexually abuses you and rapes you and hurts you viciously!.. Even though you don't want it!..
You are a straight up idiot!.. You shouldn't have gone in this relationship in the first place!..
And yeah!.
They are thousands of guys out there!.. Who will like to take you out on a beautiful dinner and return home with you!.. Enjoy a slow-paced dance on your favorite music track!.. Until you both are turned on by the intimacy!.. And give you such soft yet intensely stimulating sex that!.. You will crave it!.. And won't stop until you ask him to or are completely satisfied!.. And will cuddle with you just after it until next morning,.. And won't let you out of bed before few kisses!.. ..
I ain't bluffing most guys are like that!.. Instead of a Jerk you becomes horny when a girl cries and is bleeding!.. If a girl cries I end up loosing my boner!.. After I am in there to please her!.. Not torment her!.. The monster whom you are with has mental issues!.. And watches stupid hardcore brutal sex porn where pornstars are paid a good sum for letting them abused on camera and later they are also paid to said in the end of video that they enjoyed it!.. Which literally is wrong and propagating something dangerous!..0 0 0 0
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(24)Is him doing that OK? HELL NO!!! Should you break up with him? Uhhhh... lemme see here, he beats you nearly senseless, treats you like garbage, and calls that sex? Do YOU want to stay with someone like that? Your choice, but if it were me, I'd be telling him to FO in no uncertain terms. Nobody I know gets into a relationship to be miserable. It sounds like you've reached the miserable point.
0 0 0 0Hell yes, you should break up with him, on your way to the police to file charges.
0 2 0 0Literally he is one sick f'-que. Dump him NOW while you're still alive.
0 0 0 0I'd say he is a sick dude, that is extreme. He was probably treated like that as a kid and he's taking it out on you. If you don't like that, then you need to stop the relationship, he needs to get into counseling to work that stuff out.
you need out of this. who says he will hold back on his punches. broken ribs will hurt and broken bones are expensive... not to mention women have been killed in such activities. I suggest break up, do it nicely. he may not be a bad person, just a messed up one.0 0 0 0NO! NOT AT ALL.
0 0 0 1
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