1. Some guys (like me) love girls with small boobs and a small ass. You need to be with someone who loves you just the way you are.
2. You've told him there's a problem and he hasn't responded. This means either A) he doesn't care about your feelings, or B) he is intentionally trying to drive you away.
You need a partner who practices the Golden Rule, who treats you the way they want you to treat them. This isn't the guy. It's time to move on.0 0 0 0sp.yimg.com/.../th
Seems like an insensitive jerk. Especially if he continues after you told him it's hurtful and disrespectful. It might be time to move to the next step.0 0 0 0
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(19)So dump him. You deserve better and he certainly doesn't deserve you.
0 0 0 1Sweetheart, I'm telling you, it's not working. You are going to get cheated on or dumped and continue to have a miserable relationship.
Maybe you need or want the pain as a life lesson?
Is it his muscles and ego that keep you there?
For your own self respect and empowerment as a person, you need to say to him to pick his act up, or you will say no more and walk away.0 0 0 0He need to understand you are who you are, its just to rude and hurtful I wouldn't want to make someone I love feel that way. If he really refuses to stop doing that and keeps it up I would dump him you shouldn't have to feel that way just because he is being an idiot.
0 0 0 0why would you put up with this for a year? he's a classless bore. it's not that he's uninterested it's that he objectifies women and since you haven't curbed the behavior he continues to do it.
if you don't want to dump him tell him he needs to stop as his behavior is undignified and completely disrespectful. if he doesn't stop dump him0 0 0 0That is weird. There is nothing wrong with guys checking out girls. But there is something wrong when pointing it out. I wouldn't dream of doing something like that.
Don't spend too much time on him. There is a ton of guys out there that will appreciate you for who you are. Maybe your boyfriend will learn or maybe you'll find something better. Either way... you'll win.0 0 0 0
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