My boyfriend goes behind my back and watches twerking videos or porn. I've asked him to stop more than 3 times and he always goes back to it? Help?

This has been a problem for over 2 years, or at least that is when I found out he had been watching porn and twerking videos. I cried my eyes out the first time (only 18) and he genuinely seemed like he was upset at himself the first time I confronted him. I told him I felt like I wasn't good enough and that I didn't like that he watched that stuff, especially behind my back. We were having sex frequently so I didn't know what the problem was. Flash forward a year and I found out from his phone that he was googling specific porn stars and twerking again. I confronted him again and he called me psycho for looking through his phone. I asked him how he would like it if I was watching other guys on my phone behind his back and getting off to it. He seemed less apologetic that time and more annoyed at me for confronting him. Now about a year later I am in this situation again. I have yet to confront him about it but I know he will be mad again that I found out. I logged on to YouTube, with the sole intention of watching a podcast on there, saw the recent search was a woman who only posts twerking videos. This is on our shared device so he can't accuse me of intentionally "digging". I have been scared of this happening recently because we haven't had sex in a couple weeks. Due to my period being really bad and overall loss of interest at this time. I have told him before that I prefer him saying something instead of going behind my back and watching that stuff because I feel like it replaces me but it seems my instincts were correct. How should I approach this? I'm very upset and naturally cried over it again. He is at work right now and I feel like if I text him about it, he will pass it off like it was nothing.
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What Girls & Guys Said

16 42
  • You better learn how to twerk

  • Break up with him

  • He is horny.
    You two need to sit down and chat about it like two adults.
    Ask him what "you" can do to help him stop seeking porn.

    Help with a hand job or bj to get him off.
    Lack of sex doesn't mean we still don't need to get off.

    If you love him help him.

    Plus some guys need porn to be happy.


  • I'm of the opinion you need to get over it. You sound super controlling. It's his body he can do what he wants. Even when you have sex regularly he is probably still rubbing one out every day. I think this behavior would drive him away. It would me.

  • Learn how to twerk. Problem solved.

  • upset over twerking 😑 better not let him watch any music videos either. 😂

  • Maybe try having sex with him more if you are feeling up to it. If you're saying you're not in the mood, a person deserves to relieve themselves

  • Your boyfriend isn’t going to stop watching open 😂 I’ve got a few friends who’s girls friends asked them to stop and as far as they know they have 🤷‍♂️

  • Who cares? Why bother porn is there to bust a nut too of youbget jelous of some pornstar thats your owm damn fault, its not like he's cheating on you, he deciding to watch porn instead of seek out another female, obv cause you're enough for him, he always may not go for another girl because you dig through his phone like that, his personal item, dont be with someone if you can't trust them, or don't want to

  • If he is doing that, that means he no longer interested in you.

  • Yeah, get used to it, men are actually sexually attracted to the opposite genders' body in and of itself unlike women, actually heterosexual.

  • Wtf it's only porn, get over it. He's not having sex with those women, is he? All guys watch porn whether they're single or in a committed relationship. Nothing new, stop being so insecure and stop crying over a shitty issue like this. He's right, you're a psycho for spying on him and freaking out over this.

  • It sucks being easily jealous... I am too so I know how it feels... Break up maybe? I mean.. at the same time... I don't know

    • just watch it with him.. u might learn something plus have some very quality time together

  • So... you're okay with him masturbating fantasizing about twerking, but not actually looking at it? Or you imagine he doesn't masturbate for weeks at a time when you're not doing anything sexual?