My boyfriend is a 36 year old virgin, should I be worried?

I've been dating my boyfriend for 3 weeks. Just the other day, we both were talking and joking about our past experiences. Well I asked him how many girls he's slept with, and he told me he's still a virgin... this has me worried. It's even more weird that a man his age hadn't had a girlfriend... I'm his first girlfriend. I asked him why he put himself in this position and he told me "I've never cared about women until recently". I think I should dump him, I mean he's very nice but this is kinda strange to me?
That is weird
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  • It is weird, but don't worry about it. If you like him and enjoy his company, then please don't dump him. He deserves a chance.

  • I mean unless your main deep concern is the sex being bad (which it will be initially because he has no experience) then I don't see a problem here. Some guys just aren't as lucky as others in getting laid. He's probably somewhat ashamed after making that excuse on why he's still one.

  • Do you like the guy or not?

  • Look at it this way, after 30 years he finally got a girlfriend. In his mind your probably the best he will ever get. So he'll probably appreciate you more than other guys. He knows that if things don't workout with you he might not get another girlfriend. So he's probably willing to go the extra mile to make things work and won't break up with you for some stupid reason, which you could probably take advantage of. It's not like he's a serial killer he just hasn't been fortunate enough to get a girlfriend or have sex, there's nothing to worry about.

  • "I think I should dump him"

    Just dump him. And TELL him it is because he is a virgin.

    • I am being serious. If you considered dumping him because he is a virgin then dump him and tell him the reason.

  • If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

  • I'm 25 and a virgin I know it's weird

    Maybe you could tenderly and slowly de flowers him

  • lol ur a troll brah

  • wow you're a terrible person

  • I'm a 27 year old virgin myself. My reasonING is the same as your boyfriend's, I've never had a girl I truly cared about to do it with. Also I'very had girls use me in the past for their own financial and emotional benefit. So I have horrible trust issues as well. What you are asking is one of my fears. That if I tell the truth about myself she will look at me like a freak. I'm worried I will never meet someone I like and trust enough to lose it. But if I do I feel like I would have to lie to her about being a virgin to avoid seeming like a freak and losing her because of it. All I have to say is you have no idea how hard it is to go without something like sex because it's just not right for you at the time and then have the rest of the world think you are weird for doing so. Clearly he trust you and cares about you enough to have told you this. I feel like if this is something you think makes him weird and want to leave him instead of caring for him and helping him with it then you shouldn't be together since he deserves better than you.

  • You just proved how shallow women are in general!

    What's your problem? Huh? Why it's it weird is he hasn't had a girlfriend ever?
    I mean he could be shy or had insecurities and got out of it later on...
    Why dump him for that?
    Your say your love him? Go fuck yourself... Your are selfish and horrible...
    He definitely deserves better... Someone who doesn't judge him for being a virgin...

  • I love how all the male virgins who can't get laid are advocating in his favor :D

    • He can have his personal reasons for not having sex, but the Asker never asked. She is just assuming he's a weirdo or something, which is extremely unfair to the guy.

    • As a former male virgin who had his share of shallow people I can honestly say thanks to several "women" like you and the asker I wish I was still a virgin. You come here and you bitch of how unfair life is and how crappy men treat you. Newsflash - men love women and love to make them feel happy. The only reason we might treat a woman poorly is because somewhere one (or more) of you made him feel like an idiot.

  • Everyone's gotta start somewhere right? I mean it is rare but how is he supposed to get experience of no one gives him any.

    I mean let's say hypothetically that you slept with a lot of guys and a guy started dating you and ended it because he found that out? How would you feel?

    I mean I'm 26 and have dated, sex, etc but no relationship or official girlfriend yet. It's not that no one wanted me but more or less I didn't want the ones who wanted to keep seeing me and vice versa. I'm also not just gonna settle with someone just for the sake of being in a relationship or because it's expected of me.

  • the guy who posted this video is a life coach for people that have shyness or social-anxiety, social-awkwardness, he even admitted that it is much harder for guys who suffer from that than it is for girls in the world of dating and relationships, he said this in his e-mail newsletter about this video: I recorded this video out of my FRUSTRATION that it's always the MAN'S job to:

    - Start a conversation with a girl he likes.

    - Risk rejection to ask her out on a date.

    - And plan/lead every date until she is impressed enough to be your girlfriend.

    As a guy, you are expected to be the confident and assertive one. You are expected to make the first move and go talk to that woman you find attractive. You are expected to risk getting awkwardly rejected or even humiliated.

    And if you don't do this... then you will stay lonely. You will not meet any new women. You will not go on any dates. You will probably not get a girlfriend.

    That's why shy, introverted or quiet guys may spend YEARS or even DECADES without any dates, relationships or even sex... remaining a VIRGIN much longer than "normal."
    • AMEN!!!, he completely nailed it!!!

  • İ dont want Virgin boy. because i will stay Virgin until the Wedding. i dont want dirty boy. but the important thing is Live. Others not matter

    • Is that is the way you think then you are a idiot... You both could lose virginity to each other and not necessarily stay virgin till marriage... Open your mind a little bit

  • No I don't think it's weird. He takes sex seriously and had a life beyond chasing woman around. I'd think it was sexy honestly.

  • I have recently been dumped because I'm in a similar position to the guy you're dating. A couple of years younger but not many. I can tell you it's the most horrible reason in the world to be dumped for.

  • If you love him why would that even matter maybe he had a bad childhood growing up but if he treats you right and you've been together for a long time would you dump him just for that

  • It's really hard to believe but if it's true, couldn't be better?

  • Ok so I'm 24 and I'm worried this will be me

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