My sex tape was leak :/ what should I do call the cops or the porn site that has the tape?

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Call the police ask to talk to a detective, tell them you may be the victim of a sex related crime and prefer someone who works those cases. Don’t just talk to the first person that answers the phone and tell them everything, you don’t know what their rank or position is and they might not know shit about the law and sometime cops will brush stuff off to avoid more work. If they press you, say it makes you uncomfortable to talk about and you’d like to meet with a detective, they may even have councilors for just this, my cousin is a youth councilor for the Phoenix PD and works with juvenile victims. They may even pass it on to the State Police or FBI. There are Revenge Porn laws that have been passed in the past few years and I think they’re federal laws and the penalty is pretty stiff.

    • This all assuming you’re in the US

    • Im in Mexico i don't think we have fbi

    • I read some of your other comments, I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I don’t know how Mexico handles these things, I don’t know your laws. I’ve heard your police vary a lot and are corrupt in some places. It could still be worth pursuing though Do you know if the site he posted it to is a Mexican, or US based website? or somewhere else? If it’s based in the US you can still get it removed likely by contacting them and reporting it as you were under 18. They’ll most likely remove it but if they don’t the FBI might have a 1-800 number you can call and report them for Child Porn, they take it very seriously in the US whether you’re from here or not if it was distributed here. Contact the site no matter where they are and tell them your story, they may be willing to cooperate and remove it though which I’m sure is what you really want. Don’t let these people make you feel like you did something wrong, you’re a victim in all of this.

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  • Start by contacting the site. State that it was you in the video and you did not consent to it's release. Most porn sites have strict consent policies and will pull the video down, contact the person who uploaded it and try and get to the bottom of it.
    Next if this was uploaded by an ex, it may fall under "revenge porn" laws. Which could be prosecuted. But that would depend on local laws and ordnances. It would be worth a call to the department that handles vice with your local law enforcement.

Most Helpful Girls

  • None of the above. You’re fucked.
    Just have to learn the lesson to be more careful next time. Once it goes online, you have no recourse. You’re totally fucked

  • Usually you can contact the site its on and they'll remove it. At least I know porn hub do this..

    • videos also does this. Tell them it's you in the video and you don't want it on there and they'll delete it. Although since they accept pretty much any submission, it will probably show up there again.

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7 39
  • Go to the site

    At the bottom of the homepage you will find CONTENT REMOVAL

    • It the law and is at the bottom of every end user uploaded platform for adult sites.


  • Contact the site to get it taken down.

    • I have and no answer

    • When did you contact them?

  • Big question... where was the video (phone, computer, etc.) and who had access. If yu were a minor, the police would be more likely to investigate. But since you are not, it likely would not get much attention.
    Once it is on a porn site, usually several people download it and some of them upload it to another site. So it may be in several places by now, any of which may not concern themselves about getting them off their sites.

    • Phone. i was 16

    • The down side is that you were creating child porn. How did it get off your phone?

    • I didn't recorded it my boyfriend at the time did. :'(

  • Call the site and report to the cybercrime unit

    • I did thanks

  • Ill check it for verification. Could you provide the url?

    Just kidding. Cops is challenging. If the person is an ex there is a revenge porn law in many states. You can call the site or get ahold of them. Many have places you can report right on the video and you can simply say you own it and it was not released with permission. That way they might think you are a webcam model or something and thus fear copyright issues.