Nearly 30% of men under the age of 30 are incel, what, if anything, should be done?

From the graph, around 1 in 3 (likely higher due to men lying about their virginity) men are effectively incel. What, if anything, should be done to combat this.

Lack of intimacy is tied to many mental disorders, not to mention the potential tax and population catastrophe waiting to happen.
Nearly 30% of men under the age of 30 are incel, what, if anything, should be done?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Why should anything be done?

    The above graph doesn't state Incels... Just men who haven't had sex since turning 18 and under the age of 30. The reasons why are not specified and could be by choice or plain bad luck.

    But again, what does it matter?

    Lack of intimacy is tied to mental disorders? What the fk isn't tied to a mental disorder these days?

    Tax and population problems? This has been a concern since the Baby Boomers were coming up to retirement and nothing new. Even people who are having sex are also having fewer children then in the past. Just because some 20 something year olds can't get laid doesn't mean the world is going to end. There's still many more years to go.

    Even if any of this was of any real concern, what would you suggest happen?

    Women should start being regulated and forced to spread their legs more easily so any random guy can screw them so they don't become a statistic?

    It's not their problem guys can't get laid and it's not my problem either.

    If guys in their 20's are really wanting to have sex with women, then stop acting all scared of the whole MeToo crap and using it as an excuse, and ask a girl out sometime.

    Pull your head out of your phones and video games and learn how to properly socialise... AKA: Put some fk'n effort into it.

    You want something? Work for it.

    Me? I'm already married and have a kid, so I can stick my head into my phone and video games all I damn well want. My days of seeking out sex and that dating drama BS are over for me.

    Dont go around crying about not getting laid and the fear of mental disorders because it's not our fk'n problem to fix.

    Nobody fixed anything for me and I didn't ask others to do so. I didn't suggest it was anybody else's problem because it wasn't.

    It was my life, my sex life. It was MY responsibility to go out and meet people and make an effort into attracting others.

    Nobody handed me anything and I didn't expect anything, nor did I feel somehow entitled to sex, because I wasn't and neither is anybody else.

    You have control over your own body and no one else's. You have the right to determine who you have sex with and who you don't. That works for everyone, which means if some girl chooses not to have sex with you, too damn bad.

    You are not owed anything. Incels are not entitled to anything or anyone.

    And if Incels think they are, then that sounds an awful lot like self entitled precious snowflakes who need to grow the fk up and get a pair. Renaming yourself under a different banner doesn't change what you are.

    Self loathing, self pitying, self proclaimed victims of a society.

    We're all victims of society in one way or another.

    You want sex?

    Get Good... Try harder. Earn it like everybody else.

    It isn't an entitlement.

    Mental disorders... Give me a fk'n break.

    • I don't think anything should be done, other than women taking greater advantage of their golden opportunity to relentlessly tease these wimps into a state of utter, complete frustration and torment:)

  • Sorry but why is everyone so non caring about it?

    Whats shown is that less men are capable of getting a girlfriend, thats fucking sad. Why do people speak so disrespectfully of lonely men so much?

    Am I not getting something?

    • Because it's mostly the guy's fault, and it's annoying when they complain and whine about it.

    • So it's my fault I'm short and ugly and foids care about looks to the exclusion of everything else?

    • @incelposting it's your fault because of that dumb mindset of yours, I have a friend who's overweight, kinda ugly, and mediocre in the wallet, but has so much Charisma that Idek how he gets so many women around him, good ones and bad ones, they admire him because he's always happy and working on himself in every way. Women aren't mindless robots who get attracted to looks only, if you believe so much in that then why dont you go to the gym and get ripped? According to your philosophy then some girls are gonna be willing to not care for your "ugly" face and love your body instead, and you won't be an incel anymore.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Now, explain what you mean by "... the potential tax and population catastrophe"?

    You mean that there will be less people and paying more taxes or less people and less revenue from taxes?

    But I don't see where the problem lies. In Europe, the average number of children per adult woman is less than 2 while in Africa and the Middle East, it's close to 7. And since Europe has such a liberal policy of open doors, there is no problem for the government to collect taxes and the population to grow.

    Also, an important factor for girls is that those incel guys, as well as MGTOW are the ones that are least likely to harass them or to pry on them since they have more or less given up on being with a girl. They are, together with gay guys, the safest group of people for girls.

    I don't think it is up to governments or society to do something about that statistics but it is solely an issue of those directly concerned.

    • Migrants in Europe cost more money than the government can make off of it.

  • First we should put a lot less importance in people looks (for both men and women) and the most important we should stop all mockery and stop treating shy / introvert people badly and as if they have a problem that need to be fixed.
    I'm an introvert and everyone try to fix me cause they think it's problematic and not normal to be an introvert it's extremely annoying.

    I think if we put less importance in people appearance,
    - stop mocking / bullying,
    - make people realize that being nice is a quality and not annoying,
    - stop romanticizing bad boys and abusive relationship on tv
    - and make people understand that being an introvert / shy person is normal and not something bad / negative, the situation of a lot of intel would get better.

  • I don't know if I should take this seriously or as a joke.

    I mean, this is the least of the world's leaders concern.

    • It’s serious I don't know if there much we can do about it because many factors play into why younger people aren't having as much sex as the younger generations but it’s a conversation that many need to be had Hell the Japanese have created laws to make sure there people have more time to go out and reproduce especially since there going through a labor, So for some countries it is a big concern especially the countries with a dwindling population like Bulgaria japan and Serbia, People are starting to age out of the work force which poses a problem on there economies so for some world leaders it should be a concern

    • @Stoner710 Never in my whole life have heard of "high percentage of male virginity at the age of 30" is contributing a problem to a country.

    • Also what about in other parts of the world where people should not have sexual intimacy until they get married? "Get married" can be at any age, even later after 30. These places probably have higher "male virginity" then... But I have not heard it is causing population catastrophe as feared by the asker.

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25 85
  • Approaching a woman is terrifying, especially when you've never or rarely done it before, and today the alternatives for men are easily-had and tailor-made for addiction. Let's face it, video games are better than sex, and porn is better than anything that involves fear and rejection. Sure, the high only lasts for a moment, but it's long enough to make a man feel just satisfied (read: dead inside) enough to stay indoors for another evening; and to put off for another day the passions and hobbies that make a man confident in social settings and interesting to women.

    A day goes by, and then another day goes by, and one day you wake up and a year has gone by, and you've become one of the countless people who spent 500 hours on PornHub, and 2000 hours on Xbox Live. You promise yourself you won't live another year like that, but then ten more fly past and you wonder idly to yourself why none of the kids in your neighborhood are white, while all the girls you used to know on Facebook are still single and asking why they can't find any good men.

    But that's another story, and we're not even close to addressing it halfway - because for every man who's willing to examine and confront the issues of gaming, porn, self-esteem, and depression, there's a woman who fails to recognize that her behavior on social media and in dating circles is the other half of this problem; and who refuse criticism and shun self-reflection, but instead recoil and deflect, and view this as a war women must fight against men, when we ought to be fighting it alongside one another.

  • Being a virgin doesn't matter, so nothing needs to be done about it. If anything needs to be done, it's to stop making people think it matters when it doesn't. The only thing pressure and stigma does is make people feel like shit for something that's unimportant.

  • Simple

    Nearly 30% of men under the age of 30 are incel, what, if anything, should be done?Nearly 30% of men under the age of 30 are incel, what, if anything, should be done?
  • Being an incel and being a virgin are not the same thing. Incels are men who haven't had sex for a while, not necessarily for ever, and who blame women for their lack of sex, beliving that is their right to have sex with a woman. Happilly, this is a very very small minority.

  • Well at least they won't have to deal with unplanned pregnancies. Maybe waiting isn't a bad thing. I don't mean until 30 but until one has some maturity.

    • I don't see the empathy here.

    • @UncleJessieRabbit I'm not lacking empathy I'm just saying maybe waiting a bit allows people to mature enough to be in sexual relations. I'm not sure how to solve men's isolation. Maybe men themselves might come up with a better way to solve the issue. We all have to venture out in the world to find a companion.

    • Just reading about other men's isolation makes me more anxious about my own romantic future, I'm not going to lie. Sorry, I overlooked the "more mature" part at the end. Also the first part saying they at least "don't have to deal with unplanned pregnancies" came off as a little weird.

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  • Nothing. There's nothing wrong with that. I think they should take a look at themselves first if they feel there is an issue.

    • Generations being raised by single moms is certainly not part of the issue.

    • And that’s mostly because of loser men who abandon the children they helped conceive. What does that have to do with men who complain about not finding a woman? A competent person who is not receiving what they want would first find out if THEY are the problem.

    • Maybe females should make better choices in partners.

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  • I mean, there are hookers out their, dating sites, tinder, etc. Not much others can do, it more about what they themselves can do.

    • Dating sites are part of the problem. Even a 4/10 female on tinder can get a 10/10 chad with no effort

  • Being 19 and not having had sex isn't unusual. And we have to count out the % that is gay or a-sexual. pretty sure the number is much much lower at 30 among straight/bisexual males.

  • Before you think about what should be done, let’s identify why this is and why you think it’s problem.

    • Lack of romantic intimacy is a key in multiple mental issues Men are told to work hard, be nice and females will like them, they find out this is untrue and withdraw from society or kill themselves Tax crisis as men are contributing less tax (or are dead) as females continue to use more and more.

    • I see. Well the only way for a man to get sex or intimacy from a woman is to make himself as attractive as possible to as many women as possible. There’s simply no other way (that’s legal anyway.)

    • I'm short and ugly, it's over

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  • I doubt the graph, I think what is increasing is mens honesty about being virgins or not having regular sex.

    • I'm not so sure about that, women don't need the security of a marriage like they used to, so the less desirable men are more often finding themselves alone. You'd think common sense would motivate these guys to better themselves. It's the defeatist attitude that is their biggest problem.

  • That's just sad. I have to say that my instinct is to blame the guys. I suspect that they need to do some serious self improvement.

    Do they have mental problems? Are they merely socially inept? Do they have unrealistic expectations in terms of the kind of women they desire? Do they give off misogynistic, abusive or dangerous vibes? Do they see women as sex objects and nothing more? Do they limit their options to women who are okay with habitual drug use or bizarre body "art"? Have they ever tried putting down their games and devices, going outside, looking fucking normal, or interacting with real people in person?

    There are plenty of girls/women out there who long for a partner. But a partner has to have some desirability such as mental stability, hygiene, ambition, decency, or at least a job.

    The solution? I'd say legalize prostitution.

    • No, the main fault of these men is that they're short and ugly

    • That could be a factor, incelposting. Lol Then why don't they pursue short, ugly girls? Problem solved. Win/win.

    • Short ugly girls also want gigachad

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  • I mean, I was raised mormon and just had the mentality of waiting till marriage. I recently decided that I was going to slip on that of the opportunity arose but I wouldn't seek it sort of thing. I don't socially drink or drink at all either. I've had a few gfs but none recently enough to have sex with. I wouldn't consider myself an incel by any means. More of a chosen factor.

  • Why should any of us do anything about this?

  • I would like to see the samples, i dont quite understand why it would increase so much. Did the question used change? how are they polling people? if it changed from a pen and paper survey in 2008 to a web based one then its likely the more net savy world would encourage more people to answer the poll, so you have to look a how you sampled those used in the survey as "the internet" is different to going door to door and selecting people of different back grounds

  • Focusing on women holds many men back from their full potential.

  • They stop whining? That could be done

    • Seems like you have something against virgin men

    • @Lite3000 nope. Just cry babies

    • How many virgins are cry babies?

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  • I wonder if this is what the guys thought when they assaulted me... ._.

    • We're sorry for your unfortunate run in with the degenerates of our gender. We really wish they would just stumble and hit their head on something hard already...

    • @GreenPenguin I guess the few people that disliked this are rapists :I including the woman.

    • I feel pressing the like button would be as if I liked that you got assaulted..

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  • Nearly 30% of men under the age of 30 are incel, what, if anything, should be done?
  • Stop being so masturbatory about being incel and go outside.

  • I think incels should be allowed to be incels 🤷‍♀️

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