No one should be forced to be pregnant. Agree?

Your body, your choice.
No one should be forced to be pregnant. Agree?
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4 24
  • Who is being forced to be pregnant?

    Women choose to become pregnant.

    If a woman does not want to be pregnant, all she needs to do is exercise control over her reproductive system and not get pregnant. A man has no responsibility if a woman gets pregnant when she did want to. Did he force himself on her?

    If not no one forced her to get pregnant.

    So what is this "forcing" thing?

    • There is no 100% control over the reproductive system. Birth control methods FAIL all the time. Some of the best fail because of poor usage. A woman forgets her low dose birth control pill one day and forgets she forgot it and forgets to use backup birth control that day, has sex and becomes pregnant. Human error is the complete and total factor in birth control failure. And this gentleman is against abortion, so he is suggesting that we no longer have it because of his stance about an egg being a person and removing an egg or an embryo or fetus that cannot survive outside the womb is murder. So if abortion is made illegal certain women WOULD be forced to continue pregnancies they did not want to continue. You're too young to recall those bad old days. I know about them. And women risked their lives and reputations getting illegal abortions.

    • So women were literally being FORCED to continue pregnancies. And back then, there were also very few reliable birth control methods either. There were no birth control pills...

  • I don't completely agree in it for example South Korea have very low fertility rate they need kids and if they don't have enough kids then in future is is possible that North Korea or china will invade. women should also care about their country

    • and ethnicity

    • Liberal just don't understand consequences of not having enough kids who will pay for their pension social benefit or who will become doctor or scientist or engineer and who will defend their country in case of invasion they're not practical

    • but country with high fertility rate like Nigeria where they can't even feed their kids should work on lowering fertility rate or everyone will starve there. they already do so just do what is best for your society

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  • Ofc, nobody should be forced to have sex. Once you have sex and get pregnant that is your problem. in my opinion if its within the first month its pretty humane but otherwise abortion is fucked up

    • Consenting to sex isn’t consenting to pregnancy.

    • Yes it is you dumb fucking shithead, I’m not gunna waste my time explaining to you how babies are made

    • Consenting to sex IS consenting to the consequences of the action, the action of sex.

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  • Can we go a day without an abortion question?

    • Can I go a day without some Anon fuck crashing a party he wasn’t invited to?

    • I'll stop the abortion debate when people have an honest discussion about abortion and the action is made illegal again.