People saying looks don't matter much in a relationship, if you are barely attracted to your partner, do you still want sex with them?

How does that work? Do people not attracted to their partners desire sex with them? If so, is the sex good?
People saying looks dont matter much in a relationship, if you are barely attracted to your partner, do you still want sex with them?
1 1

Most Helpful Guy

  • Of course not, women might try to lie answering your relevant question but you hit the nail on the head.

    The BIG LIE has a huge flaw that proves it to be a lie when questions like yours are asked.

    I'm eager to see the mental gymnastics the women here will try to answer without admitting the truth.

Most Helpful Girls

  • In my opinion, sex should happen with someone you're both physically and emotionally attracted.

  • I wasn’t attracted to my ex and never entered sex

    • Do you have much of a sex drive in general and did you feel the desire for sex with them?

    • I have a low sex drive but I had sex with a guy after my ex and he turned me on like crazy. I would crave it from him

    • Thank you. That's what I figured. It makes sense. I think when people are being genuine about looks not mattering, they probably usually don't have much interest in sex in the first place. But yes, maybe if you get a guy you are attracted to, that can change.

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  • I wouldn’t have sex with someone I didn’t find attractive. I may not always go for what’s considered beautiful by the masses but I’m attracted to the person

    • Same, I only care what I think. The masses mean nothing to me.

  • Well... so if you see a pic of someone you might not think they are that attractive. Or maybe you do even though they aren’t that traditionally attractive.

    But when you meet and get to know someone naturally you physical attraction and the visual attraction you view them in can grow.

    What I’m trying to say is that you become physically attracted to someone as feelings grow in some cases. Some people are just shallow and this doesn’t happen. But most of the time... even if your partner is pretty good looking once you fall in love they are the most attractive person in the world.

    Same if they aren’t that good looking to begin with, if you’re in love they are really attractive to you and the sex should be pretty great. Not the first time but with practice.

    I’m certainly no perfect 10 but if a guy claims to love me and is picking me appearance apart, that’s not
    love, we’re done.

  • Yes looks matter. But there are so many different types of attraction that it makes looks less of a priority when you’re in a long term relationship. My boyfriend is hot, but it’s not just his physical appearance that makes him hot. He’s kind, caring, respectful, funny, smart, and so much more! It’s all these things combined that makes him sexually attractive.

    • Instead of those things making him sexually attractive, I think you mean they make him appealing in general. He still needs a certain level of sexual appeal for you to see him as sexually desirable right?

      For example, this is your boyfriend. He's the nicest, smartest and most caring guy in the world. You want sex with him because of his personality when he isn't attractive?

      People saying looks don't matter much in a relationship, if you are barely attracted to your partner, do you still want sex with them?

    • I’m serious all this stuff makes him sexy to me. When he’s looking his worst he’s still super attractive to me.

    • But you think he's hot to begin with. Would you have sex with the guy I posted if he had your boyfriend character?

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  • They don't need to be attracted to everyone, they just need to be attractive to YOU. I've dated some guys whom friends/family considered unattractive... (they referred to one guy as Uncle Fester) but I was attracted to them for whatever reason. "Uncle Fester" and I laughed together alllll the time. We both had been single for a very long time and had aligned morals and goals.

    The opposite can be recognized too. A guy can be totally "hot" by societal standards but if he's a douche, I'm repulsed by him and can't look at him the same way. Douche is an absolute NO for me.
    If he's hot but not the most intelligent guy, that's a bit more forgivable because at least he's got a good heart and morals/goals could align.

    Anyway- yes, you need to be attracted to your partner.

    • *They don't need to be considered attractive to everyone...

    • Why did you and Fester break up? Aligned goals and morals are quite good.

    • He broke up with me completely out of the blue one day. His family put a TON of pressure on him about me... invited me on their family cruise before he had a chance to even consider it... basically they thought were were perfect together and thought he was going to f*** it up. He was also very emotionally closed off (police officer, coming home looking dark and not wanting to share about it, I get it). He sent me flowers after my mom died. We reconnected and that's when he shared all of this with me. He asked me out again but I had my guard up-- too much of a chance he might randomly leave again.

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  • Looks do matter but how attractive someone is -- is very subjective.

    Good looks in general is an indication of being in good health with good genes.