Seriously, shouldn't women be asking men out on dates?

We all know that women generally go for guys who make more money than them, usually taller and basically better than them in everyway (we can include natural looks as well if we take off women's makeup and compare faces). So the question here is shouldn't women be the ones chasing men?

Seriously, shouldn't women be asking men out on dates?

Let's think about courtship and relationship dynamic and what both genders bring to the table:

1) Men almost always are the ones who initiate contact

(1 point - Male, 0 point -female)

2) Men for the most part are the ones who have to pay for dates

(1 point - male, 0 point - female)

3) Men almost always are the ones who have to plan and be the entertainers for the relationship while women judge whether she finds him entertaining enough to stick around

(2- points -male, 0 points -female)

4) When it comes to companionship and sex both members bring that to the table.

(2- point male, 2 point- female)

5) Even during official relationship men are often expected to continue caring out duties 3) and 4).

( 1- point male, 0 - female)

Hell, most relationships today just like marriage ends due to female majority of cases. Why the hell are men being the ones asking women out on date when they put in more of the effort at keeping the relationship active?

This retarded concept is akin to men having to get on their knees and beg a woman to marry him, the same marriage in which he gives his balls to a woman and gets divorced raped whenever the women decides she is fed up of the relationship.

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What Girls & Guys Said

45 42
  • If a girl approaches me I'll be flattered. But I'm used to chasing and asking 😂
    If one finally says yes let's hope she's worth it..

  • I don't mind asking out just don't make me pay for the fucking date lol.

    • as a poor person, i agree.

  • Only the bravest 1% of women will ask a man out. All these internet rants about it won't change that.

  • I have to say a lot of things have changed women have become a lot more independent and don't always expect guys to pay. However most guys insist. I feel like it all depends on the persons personality type now a days.

  • Women are the ones who are chasing men if you do it right😂

    • Your the only smart one in this post! mad respect. girl's Chase guys if you think about it. Guys are just britches now a days

  • Well then, #sexism101...

    I don't think it's any of your business unless it's your relationship. Also, what @vonasaurus said is right - it doesn't matter.
    Me personally; I think you're butthurt

  • Golden rule: women love confidence. It doesn't matter if she approaches or not. She is going to fall for the guy who does aporoach and your enemy is not the woman, it's me, your fellow brother. If I go to a pub and there Is a girl there, who do think she is going home with? The guy who actually goes to her or the guy just sitting there waiting. Life is not about waiting for anything to come to you, you have to go out and get it. I could reverse that to apply to women and dating, But it can break the golden rule above.

  • Another take of 'all women are like this and fit into this little box.'

  • Exactly. There's a sense of inefficiency too in the current system too. In the end, it's the women who choose whether they want to stay/start a relationship with a man or not, but men are supposed to make the initial effort. It looks like this;

    Man --(asks woman out)--> woman --(decides)--> man --(starts carrying out relationship duties you've written)--> man + woman relationship

    Since we know that most men would be up to have a relationship with a woman of his league, if women asked men, the system would be more efficient since one step would be eliminated,

    Woman --(asks man out)--> man--(starts carrying out relationship duties)--> man+woman relationship.

    Aaaand, in this system rejection numbers would be significantly lower, because women do not have to play numbers game. Women's chance of getting accepted is significantly greater than men. Also, the energy that is spent on negative outcomes is reduced.

  • Should, would, could...

    Don't have to.

    If women don't have to ask men out, why would they?

  • Ummm from what I hear men would rather do the asking out and proposing and paying on dates cause its just emasculating for them when or if a women were to do all that. Trust me almost all my friends are guys and they tell me this.

    • I don't know how it would be emasculating for a woman to approach me and talk to me. I'd be incredibly flattered if anything. This doesn't guarantee I'll accept them if they ask me out of course (like its not guaranteed for guys either). A guy always paying for dates is lame. The person asking dates an pay for the date, because they're inviting, which is fine. But after that, they should trade. Men shouldn't be paying for all the dates after. That's not fair.

    • @MrNameless What is the one thing a lot of guys are trying to get out of the date? Sex. There is no reason why there should be a trade off on paying unless if the individuals agree to it. To me, it makes the guy sound like a whiny bitch. You're pursuing the woman. Why are you going to ask her to pay the date when you set it up (which is how it usually works on the second date)? If some women want to pay for the guy or trade off, that's fine. But plenty of women are NOT like that.

    • You're right @RationalLioness I feel like a lot of guys have just become such whiners now and they are very lazy or maybe it's just the guys on the Internet I don't know cause most guys I meet won't let me pay and would rather do the pursuing some have even told me if a girl had proper to them they would decline cause its embarrassing lol.

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  • whats' the problem w/ catering to a woman?

    make her happy, she gives u sex... that's the cycle. get used to it.

  • in an equal society yes.

  • i think girls do ask out in subtle ways for instance if you're friendly to them and ask about a waitresses day and she thinks you're cute she may leave you her number versus if you treated her like she was just a servant.

    if you keep continued eye contact with a woman and smile friendly and relaxed like you enjoy her then she may try to start conversation with you later out of nowhere so you can have the oppurtunity to ask her out if you want.

    it's just more subtle but since your problem isn't fear but the desire to be wanted it once in a while it should make you happy, yeah?

  • This is generally how it goes in my country, here the women are the ones that approach men and makes the first move. Why this is I'm not sure but it's been like this for a very long time.

  • Believe me it's kinda sameish if you tall jacked athletic, js baha

  • This is a nice take :-)

  • a lot of them dont approach men for a dating purpose, maybe only for a chilling or friendly type thing

  • would lover the fears of resection.

    • lower

  • unless you're tall & good looking a woman will show absolutely no interest in terms of initiating

    • unless a girl is hot and attractive, no guy will show interest in her

    • @notgoodwithnames Thankfully men are a lot more forgiving than women when it comes to looks and find majority of women attractive.

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