Sexual history... how many is too many?

In today's world there are people with huge variety in their sexual history. Some being virgins after 25 or more years. Others having sex from ages 15 even.

So my question to you is. If you were to date someone or to make it more generic. If you were just to meet someone. How many sexual partners is too many before you would start to judge them or maybe see them as some kind of sexual deviant.

I have sex a lot. I've had it with a lot of different woman and a few men. Personally I rarely judge. Now doesn't make me some angel. Nothing wrong if someone who has sex with over 100 people makes you feel awkward. If you haven't. Of course it would seem a lot to you.

If someone has never had sex would you judge them... Would you judge them if they in their 40s and have never had sex?

If someone's only 18 and has had sex with over 30 people would you judge them. If they over 40 and have had sex with over 200 people would you judge them then?

At which point would it bother you or rarely make you see them differently. Or if it would never ever bother you. Explain why either way.
Sexual History... How many Is Too Many??
I would never judge. Regardless of how many...
Vote A
I think over 10 is abit much...
Vote B
I think over 25 is abit much
Vote C
I think over 50 is too much
Vote D
I think over 100+ is messed up
Vote E
If you have sex with anyone other than the one you going to marry. You messed up...
Vote F
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What Girls & Guys Said

43 124
  • If you have over 10 at the age of 18 it’s too much

    • unless ur a dood then your pimp

  • I feel like it's to many when it get uncomfortable for you or when it starts to effect things like your relationship with the people around you. when you start to think less jof yourself maybe its time to revaulate

  • How do you even managed to find 100+ people in 21 years time what? I m Jealous xD

    • Just go clubbing a lot 😂 or tinder

    • @Shiraa I see teach me I m willing to pay for it xD (I m handsome):)

    • Okay so what you do is, you find a party in town get dressed properly go to the club get a lady a drink talk to her make your first move make out with her and then suggest going home or bringin her home. Voila. Now can I get my money? 😊

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  • I've fucked over 500 bitches. Who gives a shit?

    • No you bloody haven't.

    • @DonRomeo Yes I bloody have. I'm rich and travel the world. Especially to Latin America. Go to Brazil as a white guy and you'll get laid as many times as you want.

    • That simple? Rich is all you need though.

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  • It's not about the number, it's about what the number says about someone. I am not attracted to a woman who is careless with sex because I consider sex to be a serious business. There is even science out now backing up the benefits of abstaining from premarital sex.
    A man or woman who keeps it in their pants for the right reasons is someone I respect. A girl who is a virgin by choice shows discipline, strong will, principle, self-worth, cautiousness, confidence, and good decision-making.

  • Wow it starts at 10! Id say more than 3 is too many even for someone up to around 25-30

  • I would never knowingly be in a relationship with a promiscuous woman, for obvious reasons. But I would fuck her. She would likely be an awkward partner, if she has a number that high she obviously can't hold a relationship or doesn't really want one. And i am not into open relationships. But I dont really know a good cut off number; at my age I think 25 would be a max for me to be interested in a relationship. Beyond that, good times only please.

  • Before I'm in a relationship with her, no number is too many. It's the past. But once I'm in a relationship with her, she needs to be faithful and stick to just me to fulfill her sexual needs and desires.

  • It depends on the person.

    For me, the rule goes like this.

    If a woman has 20 partners in past, she should get involved with a guy with 20 women in past. Only then both people will be happy.

    If a woman is virgin, she deserves a virgin.
    Equal number of past partners is ideal for both men and women.

  • More than 1 or two per year since starting sex is too many.

  • I voted A... for the person's health, too many is when their bits are falling off from overuse...

  • One can be too many.
    If that one person *was not* someone who you believed is going to be the last person you are going to have sex with, then they were "too many".

    Of course, things don't always work out, so I wouldn't judge a person for placing faith in someone who ended up failing them.
    I will, however, judge someone who gives and takes faith away freely, because to someone like that, faith is worthless.

    And someone like that can't possibly expect me to place my faith in them.

  • Usually when people tell me when they had sex first, or how many, I say, "why not me?", Or "lucky."

  • I'm eighteen. I preferred if none has conducted in such activities before. However one may just be fine, depending on what age they were involved in it at.

  • To me, sex is a spiritual practice (not to be confused with religious!) so I find it better if you have sex with people you love, instead of just fucking around like you can't control yourself. I don't want to have sex with a guy that has shared energy with several sluts who just go fuck around that energy would be transferred into me and I prefer not to absorb it.

  • I'm at a high number so who am I to judge anyone else. Clean, safe, consensual is all I'm concerned with.

    • Same as u

  • Hmm.
    1. If someone's like 25, 30, and never had sex, it definitely says something about their mental and developmental state I think. Sex is a part of a human maturing and becoming an adult.
    2. When it comes to women in my target age group (18-25) I feel like over double digits and she is not girlfriend material anymore. Casual dating sure, but would not make a commitment.

  • It all depends. The kind of women I'm usually attracted to tend to not have had many sexual partners. But if she has had a lot of previous partners, then it would depend on other things, like if she cheated in a previous relationship. Then I would dump her immediately.

  • Just the fact that a girl can have had more than 5 guys she's been with sexually, make her undateable to me. So far I've been with a girl who had fucked five guys (I was her sixth and she took my virginity - I never wanted to be with her again) and with a virgin, who did not know anything about sex. I rather have the latter.

    • Proud 0f you bro. I'm totally with you on this.

  • none of my business... none of her business

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