She forced me to cum inside her. what do I do now?

i've been having sex with this girl from college for almost 3 months now and I'd always pull it out before I cum, yesterday we were having sex and when I was about to pull it out she wrapped her legs around me and wouldn't let me go, so I came inside her. I got furious and argued with her, and said I do not want to see her again, but what if she gets pregnant? what do i do now? did I do the right thing by finishing our relationship?
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  • Go bu an EHC morning after pill and have her take it.

    • she won't take it

    • This is a pretty big red flag man. First she forces you to cum inside and now she won't take the pill. This is bad. You should step it up and call your parents and her parents. If she's not on the pill her odds of getting pregnant are actually pretty high.

    • When i say pretty High It's probably around 3% if i'm not mistaken. But if its at the exact right moment in her cycle it can go as high as 20%, especially for young women.

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