Should a man lie to his girlfriend in this case?

A friend of mine used to be very unpopular with women and was always rejected.

When he was 20 he went to a prostitute and lost his virginity there. Since then he went to prostitutes regularly, but still did his best to become more attractive to women. He started going to the gym and lost 10 kilos (22 pounds), took much better Tinder pictures, moved from his parents (from a small village) to Stuttgart (the nearest big city) in a shared flat and since then tried to meet as many people as possible.

His situation has indeed changed a lot! He is still not a womanizer, but he has managed to have many one-night stands lately.

Since a few days he has his first girlfriend and he is very happy because that is what he has always dreamed of.

When he told me that he now has a girlfriend I was very happy for him. But I asked him what he will say to his girlfriend when she asks him about his first time having sex, because in a relationship sooner or later people talk about how they lost their virginity. This made him think a lot and he didn't know if he should tell her the truth or rather not tell her about the prostitutes. He asked me what I would do:

Generally I am in favor of telling the truth. But in this case I consider a white lie legitimate. Since I am sure that for most women it would be a huge turn-off to find out that their boyfriend went to prostitutes and even lost his virginity with a prostitute, I recommended him to keep his prostitution past a secret from her. Of course he doesn't go to prostitutes anymore, because he has a girlfriend now and he is faithful to her.

Now my question: do you think he should tell the truth, or rather hide it?

By the way, prostitution is legal in my country.
To be honest, it would make my boyfriend less attractive to me if he had lost his virginity with a prostitute. But I probably wouldn't leave him because of that. I think your friend should tell her the truth!
Vote A
To be honest, it would make my boyfriend less attractive for me if he had lost his virginity with a prostitute and I would probably leave him because of that. Nevertheless I think your friend should tell her the truth!
Vote B
It wouldn't bother me at all and wouldn't make my boyfriend less attractive for me at all if I found out that he lost his virginity with a prostitute. I think he should tell her the truth!
Vote C
It wouldn't bother me at all and wouldn't make my boyfriend less attractive for me if I found out that he lost his virginity with a prostitute. Nevertheless I think he should lie because I think it would bother most women and I guess I am rather an exception!
Vote D
Something different (I will explain in the comments)
Vote E
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55 14
  • Just tell her. I can't imagine disliking a guy because he lost his v card to a prostitute.

    • @lovelyhoneybones Sorry can you explain something to me cause my English is very bad: I noticed that many people commented something like: "you should do..." or like you for example: "just tell her". But it's not about me but about my friend so why do you say "just tell her" instead of "he should tell her"? Or do you mean that I should go to his girlfriend and tell her?

    • If you don’t understand me, never mind 😅

    • By the way, thanks for your opinion.

  • Tell her it was an ONS

    • @gwenhwyfar I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean, I should tell his girlfriend something?

    • Your friend should tell his girlfriend he lost it to an ONS

    • @gwenhwyfar So he should lie? Would it be a dealbreaker for you if you were his girlfriend and he would tell you the truth?

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  • He should tell her the true, in this case it isn't a white lies since he will have to invent a complete story this is then a full on lies and is very bad much worse than simply saying he lost it to a prostitute. I don't really see in what it would be better to lose it a, average woman rather than a prostitute to be honest.

    • @alice55 He doesn't have to lie much. He only has to leave out the part with the prostitutes and instead tell about his first time with a nonprostitute. And he probably only has to tell it once. Do I understand you correct, that it wouldn’t make him less attractive that he lost it to a prostitute?

  • If he doesn't want to tell the truth or lie, he should tell her that he doesn't want to talk about it. Honestly, your sex life before your girlfriend or boyfriend is none of their business.
    Rejection can take people to all kinds of dark places and if your friend was experiencing a lot of that, it's what drove him to seek out hookers. They made him feel good about himself. They gave him confidence. If it weren't for them, he might still be rejected and end up in a great depression. But it would be difficult for anyone to understand this unless they have a lot of life experience

    • Avoiding the topic is still being dishonest. The solution is that if you think you might have to lie about it later on then don’t do it 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @julietchicago Thanks for your opinion! @yads_is_back "Avoiding the topic is still being dishonest." No, it's not, because it's none of her business. One is not obliged to talk about everything that is private. It is called: privacy. "The solution is that if you think you might have to lie about it later on then don't do it" He regrets nothing of what he has done! Why should he? 🤷‍♂️ It may well be that without the prostitutes he would still not have a girlfriend today. It's similar to a woman who likes to sleep with many men but wants to have a monogamous relationship one day. She probably lies about the number of her sexual partners because it is a deterrent for many men. Do you think that is not okay either? There is an evolutionary reason for this. The man subconsciously fears that the woman will not be faithful to him and then become pregnant by another man, which the man does not want under any circumstances because he wants to pass on his genes and does not want to raise another man's child.

    • @yads_is_back With a man it is the same, only the other way around. A man looks unattractive to women if he is a virgin. There are even 2 evolutionary reasons for this. They are called pre-selection and "sexy son theory". Women subconsciously examine a man very thoroughly on the basis of many different criteria whether he is a suitable sexual partner. Especially his behavior plays a big role. If many women sleep with a man it is like a kind of seal of approval that these women have tested the man and consider him attractive. If a woman realizes that the man is attractive to many women, it confirms that the man is a good choice. After all, the many other women cannot be wrong. Right? If instead he is a long-time virgin, the other women seem to have found something about him that indicates that he is not a suitable sexual partner. This then has a deterrent effect on the woman. She thinks that she missed something in her examination. After all, all the other women cannot be wrong, right? This is called pre-selection. Even if she would ignore the opinions of the other women (which she can't do because it's all subconsciously happening), she would still consider a male virgin unattractive, even if he was actually the perfect man. Why? Because the woman subconsciously thinks further than just one generation! She could have children with the man, but if the child becomes a boy, there is a high probability that he will show some similarity with the father. Since the father was badly received by women, the son would probably also be badly received by women and would probably not reproduce successfully. The woman would have successfully passed on her genes to the next generation, but her son would not successfully pass on the genes, so it would not do her any good.

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  • If he doesn't tell the truth, he doesn't want the relationship to work. We are all looking for a person with the same values and morals as us; if a man went to prostitutes there is no way in hell I would marry him, so why waste anyones time? One day (it might even be this current girlfriend) he will meet a woman who he can be 100% honest with and that shares the same values and beliefs as him. It's not fair to her, to build a false image of himself. If he wants to find the one and be in a lifelong happy relationship, he needs to own his past and be extremely honest about it.

    • @bakingperfectionist „if a man went to prostitutes there is no way in hell I would marry him“ Fair enough. But why is that? „It's not fair to her, to build a false image of himself. If he wants to find the one and be in a lifelong happy relationship, he needs to own his past and be extremely honest about it.“ But what about privacy? I think one should be allowed to keep a little privacy - even in a relationship. Why does he has to tell the truth? It is obvious that it would just makes him unattractive.. And his past doesn’t influence his capability of being a good boyfriend/husband so I don’t think he has to tell her the truth.

  • No, don’t lie

    • @davidfox Why does she need to know that he fucked prostitutes in the past? It is his past and in my opinion everyone should be allowed to keep some privacy in a relationship. It doesn’t make him to be a worse boyfriend at all, so why does she need to know? She would definitely see him with different eyes afterwards and less attractive (even if only subconsciously)

    • I didn’t read her details, just answered the question.

  • I would rather here the truth.
    I would lk to know we can tell each other anything.

    • @jcnum10 And you wouldn’t leave him?

    • As long as he disease free. Don't care

    • @jcnum10 You literally don’t care? Not at all? But he would seemed less attractive, right?

  • I'd like to know the truth.

    • @josyjosy And how would you react when he tells you the truth?

    • It wouldn't be a dealbreaker, I'd be a bit disappointed though

    • @josyjosy Is it, because you consider prostitution to be morally reprehensible or is it, that you don’t consider prostitution to be morally reprehensible but it makes a man appear less attractive if he went to prostitutes because it probably indicates that he cannot be very attractive because if he was, he wouldn’t need to go to prostitutes? Or what is the reason you would be a bit disappointed?

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  • He should be telling her the truth and tbh there's nothing wrong at all in having sex with a prostitute specially when its legal in your country
    I am a prostitute myself and i can tell you many guys come to us to try new things before they do it with their girlfriend or wife and many guys loose their virginity to us
    And for a girl i think it is more imp that her boyfriend shouldn't be a cheater n it is much better to have done it with a prostitute coz this is her business n he would have no responsibility whereas with a girl she would ask many more questions why he broke with her n so on...
    Prostitutes are the social workers of society tbh

    • @elizamichale1 I also think there is nothing wrong with going to a prostitute. But some girlfriends have a problem with it. But if she has a problem with prostitution, she probably isn't the right one for him anyway, because they would have too different mentalities... But even if she doesn't have a problem with prostitution, I think it would make him appear less attractive because it shows that he hasn't been capable of having sex without paying money. It suggests to her that he generally seems unattractive to women (which was true in the past). It could be like a red flag for his girlfriend and signal that something might be wrong with him. They have only been together for a short time. Until now, she probably thinks that he has always been popular with women because that's what he radiates nowadays. She does not know that he used to be rather shy. I once read an theory. It is called "sexy son hypothesize" It says that a woman is less interested in a man if he is unpopular with other women, because if she were to have a son with him, the son would probably resemble the father in some way and would therefore probably also be rather unattractive to women and would be less likely to reproduce. So her genes spread better when she chooses a man that is perceived as attractive by other women because she then has a "sexy son". I know it's only a theory and can't be taken as granted, but I guess there might be some truth to it. There are tests that show that a man is more attractive to a woman when she notices that other women are also interested in him. Do you nevertheless think that he should tell the truth?

    • Being truthful is always better honey

    • @elizamichale1 Thanks for your opinion Eliza! My opinion has changed and I will tell him although I don't think his opinion will change..

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  • Hello, can you please follow me. :) Danke schon

  • unless its your sister mind your business.

    • Sry I didn’t understand what you are saying. What do you mean? His girlfriend is not my sister.

    • These things have a way of working themselves out

  • I would not leave him because of that nor feel less attracted to him. There are a lot of people who don't go to prostitutes and yet are a lot more promiscuous and more irresponsible. I'm okay as long as he gets tested for any STI before we become intimate.

    • And he should be honest. If she leaves then she isn't the right for him.

    • @pleasestopthis Thanks for your opinion.

  • Tell her the truth.

    Firstly, a relationship is built on trust, so lies won't help in the ling terms.

    Secondly, she's already had sex with him and vetted him as her boyfriend. Even if she's hurt, grossed out or disappointed, she'll get over it because she knows him better than to judge him by other women. It's only an issue when you're already single, because things like that is what women use to judge you're desirability; ie; "if he has to pay for sex, what is wrong with him that so many other women reject him?". If she's already made him her boyfriend then she already knows why he had a bad start, and hence ultimately won't care.

    • @david_kek Thanks for your opinion. Sad that I cannot give you mho anymore

  • tell her the truth ik people whos done it with prostitutes cause they thought they’ll never lose their v card and it’s totally normal

  • Okay, so first of all tell this person in question to get a complete check-up for all std's (and hiv , herpes, hepatitis etc) if he hasn't done already. If you live a certain lifestyle, such as sleeping with hookers or sleeping with multiple easy women, and you decide to get into a relationship with someone who is more serious and didn't live that way, it is your responsibility to get checked up and not pass anything onto them. because the other person may not even think about your past and expect you to have lived like they did. As far as prostitutes and easy women go, i think that they made their own choices and can deal with their own consequences. But that's different from the average person who has a lot more self-restraint.

    With that out of the way, he definitely should not tell her about the prostitutes. Because women will never understand it. Going to a prostitute does not have any merit for women and only has a lot of negatives. Nowadays, most women do simply not understand why men even do it. So trying to explain this to a woman is like trying to explain to a dolphin how you had to take swimming classes in order to be able to swim/play with the dolphin right now. First of all the dolphin doesn't speak your language. Secondly, that doesn't mean anything to the dolphin and if anything makes you look weak and pathetic. the dolphin was swimming since it was born. and you had to take lessons as an adult?

    Lets look at at the negatives and positives:
    The positive:
    -you can feel slightly better about sharing about your past with your partner. for a little while.
    The negatives:
    -She will lose some respect for you and therefore some attraction to you
    -She might wonder if you caught diseases
    -She will think that something might be wrong with you since you had to pay for sex ( which is something that she can get for free anytime she wants).
    -She will use this as a leverage over you in future arguments and disputes ( women can forgive you but they won't forget information that they can and WILL use against you later)
    -This is not always the case but some girls will leave you for this.

    If you tell a woman that loves you that did this the only good thing is that you opened up to her, but later on this will just make the both of you feel bad.

    As a man , and knowing quite a few men who regularly sleep with prostitutes , i know that that doesn't really define your character or value. I personally would describe some players ( who just play the field) as way more sleazy and less honourable than most "johns" that i know. but women don't see it that way. So don't listen to the women here, this guy needs a check-up and if he is clear he is good.

    • @startingfitness Thanks for your opinion. I guess we have the same opinion, (although I am not 100% sure about mine, because if she will be the woman of his life, she should take him as he is) besides the std checkups. He always used a condom and was very cautious about STDs. One time, he panicked afterwards because he touched the vagina of the prostitute with his hand and he had a very very little injury on his finger that was healed already. No blood at all, just a very little scar. But he feared that he might have gotten hiv 🤦‍♂️😂

  • You should always be honest with your partner if this girl truly loves him she'll understand or at very least try to move past it

    • Thanks for your opinion!

  • Any man who wants a girl to chase him and make it easy for him must lie. There is no other way. You can be honest with your friends but you can never ve honest with females. You must play with her insecurities in order to make stick to you if you want something long term.

    • I predominantly agree

  • Why do you have to lie about who you are? Whether it is to a prostitute or any other person it is a part of who you are. If you can show that after all of your experiences that you have changed and that you are willing to better yourself and learn from your mistakes that is that matters.

    • @COMMODOREII Why do you consider going to a prostitute as a mistake? Because he definitely does not! He does not regret at all what he has done. Why should he?

  • Whether or not she would think less or more of him is completely and totally besides the point. To enter a relationship with somebody, a romantic relationship, and lie about your sexual past is just so, so wrong. It's probably the single most important thing not to lie about.

    People who don't wanna share, well that tells me all I need to know about them. They can find someone who doesn't care about their partner's past and see what else that lack of care manifests for their relationship

    • @shamalien Why do you consider it to be wrong? Why does she need to know that he fucked prostitutes in the past? It is his past and in my opinion everyone should be allowed to keep some privacy. It doesn’t make him to be a worse boyfriend at all, so why does she need to know? She would definitely see him with different eyes afterwards and less attractive (even if only subconsciously)

  • Don't tell her shit.

    • @krakenattackin Sry my English is very bad. Does „ don’t tell her shit“ means: 1. don’t lie Or does it mean: 2. don’t tell her anything at all. (So keep the secret)

    • Don't tell her anything. Telling her you went to hookers will forever give her leverage over you. Do not tell her.

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