Should a woman who makes a rape accusation about a man be automatically believed?

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  • Yes you should believe her, support her in my opinion but you aren't God or a Judge so it's not your job to punish the perp either. Just be their for the vitim in anyway that you can.

    • And if it turns out she made it up what should happen to her?

    • @Toad-1 Rape cases turn into he said she said cases. Just because there isn't evidence doesn't mean it didn't happen or that she doesn't feel like it happened. A lot of rape victims never get justice, and the people are found not guilty based on lack of evidence or things that really shouldn't even matter in said case. If you start punishing woman who come forward as rape victims then less will. Many hide it as it is because they aren't treated well to begin with & they don't want to not be believe or treated like they did something wrong so they suffer alone, many hospitals don't even have kits. No, just because the guy comes out not guilty I don't think the woman should be charged. Yes, I believe that she should be believed but that doesn't mean he should be jailed just based on her word alone. Rape cases are hard that's why we should leave the judging to the Judges and just be their for the victims as best we can and pass as little judgement on the accused until we have the facts.

    • @Toad-1 I believe @bambooforpanda said it best when she said: Believed by who? The police and court system, no they need to investigate and have a trial. By her freinds and family? Absolutely yes. Strangers, mutual friends, aquaintances, the general public? Giant grey area.

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  • Of course not, I knew a girl personally who lied about being raped, believe it or not, but people lie, and therefore the person should be innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around!

  • Anyone who reports they've been raped should be taken seriously and not shamed, ridiculed, or dismissed for coming forward, which we see much too often unfortunately. That's why there's a large demographic of people who never even report being raped, and that especially includes men because there's such an idiotic stigma about it.

    Yes, collect evidence, get the facts, and find out what happened from all sides before making a verdict - that's the job of the justice system - but don't pick apart potential victims like they're liars and attention-seekers, and don't treat the accused as rapists either for that matter, until you have all the information.

    • And if it turns out she made it up what should happen to her?

    • How would we know she's making it up? Just because they don't have enough evidence to convict (which isn't uncommon since it's pretty hard to prove rape in a lot of situations)?

    • Yes, or maybe she just did it out of spite. common just tell me.. if it was PROVEN without doubt that she made it all up. what should happen to her as a result. i want to here what you think should happen

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  • Not without evidence to support her claim. We are suppose to live in a country or the US anyway innocent until proven guilty and sadly that's gone.

  • no bitches lie. just like that bitch who accused kobe bryant :/

  • No way. Nowadays women will charge rape just to get revenge on someone.

  • There was a girl at my college a few years ago who falsely accused a guy of raping her in one of the school's parking lots. She had never even seen the guy before and picked him out of a lineup. His life was ruined, yet she barely got anything more than a slap on the wrist when she finally admitted to making it all up.