Should child pedophiles be killed?

I think they should. I think they're the most disgusting people on the world. It makes no sense how one pedophile can get 10-25 years in prison and then when they get out they're on the watch list. They will just go out and molest more children. Why dont they just get the death penalty
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  • Because the death penalty can't be reversed if a mistake was made in a conviction, plus, as horrible as the crime is, it's way out of proportion to the crime. Taking a life should not be done lightly for any reason, especially not out of revenge. Death is not equivalent to justice.

    • Yes it is. Especially when they have a chance to get out of prison and do it again

    • They paid their debt to society with the prison term. Killing them out of fear, revenge, and anger is equally immoral to their behavior that landed them in prison. Justice is not and should never be confused with revenge. The rule of law needs to be above the vindictiveness and reactionary behavior of individuals. Death is simply too extreme.

    • Killing ten convicted murderrs/rapists is not worth killing someone who was wrongfully convicted and is innocent.

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  • Yes i agree when a predator ruins ones life
    it's best they get the death sentence but what
    happens when they stay on death row for years
    the tax payers are keeping them to stay on there

    • Funny, how are tax dollars are going to evil people to stay alive

    • @Asker Yes i agree makes you wonder

    • What makes me wonder they have no problem to make anything else work , why not enforce the death penalty to full use why waist tax payers precious dollars

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  • Pedophiles and molester is different.. Pedophiles doesn't automatically mean molester. Just saying.

    • Also agree

    • Yeah.. Many people freak about it but to combat it, understand it.. Not to turn combat evil with another evil... Pedophilia is a like a fetish but it is also considered psychological disorder.. There are people who gets this but doesn't necessarily mean they want to act on it or feel happy about it and would attack any underage on sight...