Smoking cigarettes makes you less attractive. Agree or disagree?

Smoking cigarettes makes you less attractive. Agree or disagree?

Agree. Cigarettes are gross.
Vote A
Disagree. People who smoke are actually hotter to me.
Vote B
Disagree. I don't think it affects their attractiveness either way.
Vote C
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Most Helpful Girls

  • As long as we're bein' totally honest here... FRESH smoke is grossy-gross, but I gotta say I kinda like the taste of stale smoke on a man's breath. Musty stale earthy smoke. Sry y'all.

    I tried to smoke, exactly once in my life. First I wound up coughing, then I blew a big wad of snot out my left nostril and it exploded all over my face.
    I was... not one of the cool kids.


    You wouldn't hit dat? Come off it now.

  • I want to date a man not an ashtray 😂 It really grosses me out, it's a waste of money, and it shows poor judgment. I still try not to judge because almost everyone has a bad habit or a vice but ick. I can't stand when people smell like smoke

    • Smoking is not a habit. A habit is a routine and routines are easy to quit or change. Addictions on the other hand they are right the opposite.

    • @ThisAndThat Yeah I realize it's more of an addiction, just saying we all have a habit we need to kick with smoking being a major one

    • I know but still it's important to recognize that smoking is an addiction which has both a psychological and physical dependence with severe disabling withdraws whereas a habit doesn't.

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  • One of my ex's is a smoker but only smokes when he drinks (aka a social smoker). My fiance is an ex-smoker... him smoking didn't change my attraction but I did want him to stop.

  • Not only do they look less attractive to me, they also appear less intelligent, which in itself is unattractive.

    • They may appear less intelligent but the opposite is true. I know because although a former smoker now, I smoked since I was at least 5 years old. My IQ? Try well over 170. Another interesting fact about smokers, not trying to give anyone any incentive to smoke what so ever, but for a moment of truth, did you know smokers are much less likely to develop Parkinson's disease?

    • @ThisAndThat, Possibly the most ludicrous statement I've read in a long time. Thanks for your input though, and the laugh. 😂

    • Ludicrous? My No. 1 my IQ test was given by the state. No. 2, The Parkinson's relation was figured out by Dr. Louis Leon a top notch medical and research doctor who authored several books on many health related conditions and diseases, but go right ahead and suit yourself.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Smoking is my biggest turn off. The smell of it..
    The way it makes your hair and skin oily, it clings to the fibers in your clothes.. it's nasty.

  • Those alone can turn a girl who looks like a 7 be -32767

    • Word. (Pun intended!)

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  • Complete turn-off.

    It shows a lack regard/respect for her own health and often a lack of respect for the health of others.

  • That applies to me.
    I cannot find attraction in anyone who smokes... anything. or is an alcoholic.. etc...
    and smell of awful!

  • Agree, I don't want to taste cigarettes when I makeout with a guy.

  • I Voted "C" for me, and although I am Not a Smoker myself, I also will Add "D" for Dangerous as well, @PippiL
    Good luck. xx

  • I don't smoke, but I wouldn't bother if a girl does. It does not make her less attractive to me.