Some questions about uncircumcised penises... Can you answer?

I've never been with an uncircumcised guy, but see a ton of questions about it on GAG. I'm single and was curious, in case my next boyfriend isn't circumcised. I knew the premise of it, of course, but looked up some pics to try to learn more. Can anyone answer my questions, please? 1. Does the foreskin not usually retract from the head when it's erect? I previously thought it did, but in most of the pics it was over it. On that note, can you still feel the "ridge" of the head during sex or is it covered up so you can't? 2. Some of the pics looked "wetter" than I was used to seeing. Are uncircumcised guys wetter or is it just a bunch of precum because I was basically looking at porn? 3. What do uncircumcised guys do when they pee? Does the urine get under the foreskin? 4. Does it really taste/smell as differently as I've heard? 5. Can you hurt the foreskin easily? Sorry to be ignorant, I just don't know anything and may need to know on the future.
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  • I'm uncircumcised, so I feel more or less qualified to answer your questions.
    1. Usually, but not always; this totally depends on the individual. My foreskin usually retracts by itself when I get an erection, but sometimes a small part stays on the head. It stays retracted when I pull it back myself (but only as long as I have an erection). I believe this is how it works for most guys, but I can't be sure.
    I've never had sex, so I can't answer the second part of your question.
    2. It is probably less dry than in circumcised men, but it isn't really wet either, or at least it shouldn't be.
    3. I hope all men pull the skin back like I do, at least partially. I pull it all the way back, there is no way urine can get behind the foreskin.
    4. I can smell an unpleasant odour if I ejaculate and don't wash my penis afterwards with soap and water (tissues don't help here, some of the semen always stays trapped under the skin). It's really not that hard to keep that area clean, so if it smells badly, he's doing something wrong.
    5. Some men have a very tight foreskin, which is a medical condition called phimosis and it has to be treated. It's not very common, but not completely rare either. Unless you run into someone who suffers from this condition and hasn't been treated yet, there is virtually no chance of damaging the foreskin.

    • Thanks for sharing your experiences. Very helpful!

  • 1- the foreskin usually stays over the head even when hard (my case). But if its healthy you should easily be able to slide it back and forth. And yes you still fell the ridge of the head in sex. The foreskin is super thin - like a latex glove lol.

    2- The foreskin keeps the head moist and humid so yes it is naturally wetter. Because of this the glans is rather darker and shinny instead of dry and pale such as in cut males

    3-when we pee, we pull back the foreskin so its as clean as a cut guy. Only difference is when we are done shaking it, the foreskin goes back to protect the head and keep it covered

    4- it can yes - but if he showers regularly and before sex, there should not be a problem

    5- depends. From my experience, dry sex can easily cause a rub burn, but actual penetrative sex and bj, the foreskin is super resiliant. Very hard to harm and rough sex is very doable

    Hope this helps!!


Most Helpful Girls

  • I've only been with uncircumcised but I promise you can still feel the ridge. Even when the foreskin isn't retracted (best not to pull it straight down. Build up a bit and slowly work it back, it teases and stops pulling on the banjo string) I can feel it and trace it with my tongue. When it is pulled back it gets a fair way below the glans.

    Can't comment on taste/smell as I've not got the comparison but I've not had any problems with it being unpleasant. That's really a personal hygiene thing and I expect even circumcised will get unpleasant if not washed.

    My boyfriend says it's not really sensitive. He even lets me nibble it and says it's no more sensitive that his ear lobe - it's what it's attached to. Pulling it back too hard will hurt the banjo string (think of the bit that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth - it's like that but connects the foreskin to the glans). Don't be afraid of it. You won't even notice once you're busy.

    • Yeah, there is a spot on circumcised guys there that is sensitive too, so I get what you mean. Thanks for answering!

  • Haha I found out my ex was uncircumcised after we broke up and I was with him for 2.5 years! I never saw him when he wasn't hard. He actually made fun of me for weeks after I asked. His response (hope not TMI): "you were face to face with it several times a week how could you NOT KNOW? 😂😂"

    Well let me tell you, health class didn't prepare me for it haha. The head is visible when erect. It looks like a circumcised penis, just a little extra skin toward the base. It can be pulled back when urinating. Just as with people who have extra folds of skin, I'd pay special attention when cleaning as bacteria CAN be trapped, but no different smell or taste 😳

    • Thanks for answering. How far does the skin roll back? I wonder why almost every pic I saw on google have all the foreskin over the head? Is that a porn category or something? Haha!

    • Google is a world of funny images haha. Well, he and I still close and I was curious so I actually DID get to see it roll back. I felt like a child because when it happened I shouted "oh wow! Cool!!!" Hm... needless to say he didn't stay erext after that comment. You can definitely FEEL the extra skin on the shaft/base of penis if it's erext and you're stroking it. It doesn't just disappear or sink into the belly area or anything creepy like that. His entire shaft was visible and the skin was a little, just a LITTLE extra at the bottom. If I reached the base and stroked upward, the skin would move up as well. It sounds odd, but it really isn't! I learned something that day ha.

    • Gotcha. The that sounds fairly similar then. Thanks for sharing.

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  • 1. Not always, not most times. One has to either pull it back or it goes back by itself during intercourse
    1.1. The head is always exposed during intercourse as the foreskin slides back. The head glans are shaped in a way (that I'm sure you've noticed) that the foreskin stays below the head - nature thinks of everything that's required for it to survive :)
    2. Advantage of the uncircumcised penis is that the foreskin continues to lubricate the penis thus easier for intercourse compared to a circumcised one - nature thinks of everything (again)
    3. It's recommended that one pull the foreskin back while urinating else the foreskin will send the pee in an uncontrollable shower in all directions
    3.1. Yes the urine gets under the foreskin which is why every time one urinates, , they should wash up well
    4. If an uncircumcised penis isn't washed regularly and properly it can taste and smell really bad because of the urine and smegma accumulated there
    4.1. One reason why the practice of circumcision was started especially in countries with scarcity of water
    5. Yes the foreskin is a sensitive one and can be cut easily even during intercourse

    Nothing ignorant about the questions. Everyone has something or the other to learn through their lifetime. I'm sure you can give advice to people on topics they are ignorant about :)

    • Thank you for your answers :)

    • Thank you for the up vote young lady :) while the pleasure of answering is all and always will be mine :)

  • I will answer all your questions if you message me. There will be fights about this and I am unwilling to get into them. I apologize

    • Why fights? Everyone seems civil & helpful so far?

    • I see you have gotten all your answers that you need from other people. I hope you enjoy all your answers. See you didn't need me. No fights no problems. Everybody's happy.

  • When an uncircumcised guy gets erect the foreskin does draw back from the tip. It was most likely Pre cum that made it glossy looking. When urinating a clean guy will draw the foreskin back for hygiene purposes. If personal hygein is done properly , I doubt the taste or smell is any different. And for the last question, yes the foreskin can in fact be damaged if it is drawn to far back. It can in fact be torn loose. It hurts like a sob to

    • Oh man, that sounds horrible! Did that happen to you?

    • It did early on in life. It was much like manual circumcision. It was excruciating , and it took a couple of months to heal. This usually happens in younger guys that may... Shall we say get a little more over zealous during sex

    • Yikes! I'm sorry you had to go through that!

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  • 1. It usually does, but it depends on the guy. It'll either pull back by itself or you pull it back but it's not exactly gross or difficult :P It still feels the same, I think.

    2. Usually uncircumcised does get wetter than circumcised, but it could just be a variation in how much pre-cum the man himself produces.

    3. They just pull back the foreskin. If not, I guess the pee can get under it and that's bad in terms of smell but also in terms of infections and rashes and stuff, so no one does that :P

    4. Hmm... I've only been with the one guy and he's not circumcised, so I can't exactly compare, but there's no problem with the way he tastes or smells. As long as the guy cleans, it's going to be fine, same as with a circumcised guy.

    5. Yeah, it can get hurt. It can be cut or ripped or pulled back too far and then it'll hurt.

    • Thanks for sharing! :)

  • 1. It usually retracts to just behind the head, If the guys has a "Semi- boner" it might be partially covered.
    2. The skin can keep more moisture around the head. If the guy is fully aroused, you might be seeing some Pre-cum lube coating the head.
    3. you just pee, the skin self-drains when it hangs?
    4. I'm straight so I would know first hand, but yes they do smell more, due to the skin holding the sweat/etc.
    5. It slides on the shaft, so not really unless you bite it.

    • What does "the skin self drains" mean?

    • If there is an small amount of liquid in the skin folds when the penis is hanging, gravity will cause it to drain... like holding a bottle upside down to shake out the few drops left inside.

    • Doesn't that make your underwear wet?

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