Virgins and incels, why haven't you visited a prostitute?

Simple question, why don't you visit a prostitute? It's guaranteed sex. You won't be judged on looks, status, penis size or anything else you're worried about. Most aren't that expensive and given most insist on wearing a condom there's virtually zero chance you'll pick up an std.

There easily available so why aren't you using them?
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5 36
  • For me it's because:
    1. Visiting a prostitute is unchristian and conflicts with the Bible's teachings.
    2. A prostitute could not fulfil my particular fantasies.
    3. Consorting with a prostitute would expose me to sexually transmitted infections, such as AIDS.
    4. In my country, violent men and criminals of every description may visit prostitutes; consorting with them might expose me to the risk of being murdered by such men.
    5. The prostitute may take the money and run without providing the requested "service".
    6. Some prostitutes in my country may be men dressed in drag or even underaged children---certainly last on my fantasy list.
    7. The whole idea of losing my virginity to a prostitute sounds overly desperate and demeaning in my opinion.

  • Not a virgin, but I don't even know where I would go to find a prostitute. If I could find one and know she wasn't a policewoman, I would be up to try it once. That said, with my luck I'd probably end up asking a regular woman in a revealing outfit if she's a prostitute lol

  • No shit

  • I'd want my first time to be special and meaningful and with someone i actually cared about. I realised a few years ago love doesn't really exist, and people who fall into that trap of hormones and chemicals get way too infaturated like a sports addict.

    I don't want to regret my first time... i'd bet many do and wish they had their time again... so even to my surprise i guess you could say purplepoppy, i'm actually waiting for marriage. Damn who'd have thought i'd ever arrive at that conclusion.

    • @purplepoppy this will probably be my next account question when i pass my post limit; say purplepoppy, when you really think back reflectively on it, without meaning to cause bad feels: do you regret your first time/s? Regardless of all three types of ways to "lose" one's virginity from all three sex acts or the hymen breaking act, anal, etc. I'm glad i never gave into temptation now that i'm 26. I sure was tempted more from 19 to 23.

  • They're only legal in Nevada here.

  • Because I want sex based on love, not money or convenience

  • they are too stingy for that , they want to get laid without spending any cent

  • Yeah ok

  • Because I don't have money and I also don't know where to find one

  • because i prefer a clean shaved girl that will be ok with bare sex

  • When i was younger i went to one. She was beautiful and did very well. She did ask me why i was tsking so long. Iy was nice though so i went back to her.

    • 3052093597 Hmu

  • Prostitution is illegal in Ireland

  • You are such an idiot. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin.

    • Not sure about the idiot part, @purplepoppy is quite witty, but i like the second part of your answer, there is indeed nothing wrong.

  • Cause they don't want to pay for it lol.

  • It's illegal here, I don't know any or how to see any, and if I did I don't have any money to spare.

  • Because prostitution isn't legal where I live.

  • I'm not sure why they don't do this more often.

    I wasn't a virgin but went to one on vacation once and had a great time. I think its underrated.

  • Because I have self respect

    • Amen

    • Do you think purplepoppy is secretly still a virgin and an overactive but creative imagination this whole time on GAG? :)