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  • Cuz jerking off to fake-sex porn instead of being with your beloved is a GIANT FAIL.

  • No because it's the real thing

    • Porn is not reality, it is a fantasy.

    • It's not fantasy

  • this video has a very one sided view and claiming that porn has "no long term benefits" just straight up ignores a huge body of scientific evidence against that.

    if you were actually a scientist and not just some internet bimbo without any education, you'd reach the conclusion, that whether porn does harm or good does really depend on a multitude of different variables which i'm not gonna go into cause i'm not getting paid for the work that would take.

    however to round it up: as with everything in live it's a question of dosis. everything taken in too high dosis becomes a poison. just like porn. for some people watching a lot of porn does no harm. for some people even watching it once can do harm. people are different and we know from social science, that this largely comes down to the individual views towards porn, the individual self-conception and the individual inclination to addiction.

    • also we have some evidence that watching pornography is not the cause of problems in many cases. it's the expresion. the result. the symptom.

    • I wasn't calling you an internet bimbo but the author of the video.

  • I didn't believe it at first, so I checked if Dolf Zillmann and Bryant Jennings were actual professors (they are) and read a bit of their paper on the subject.
    It doesn't "kill love", it makes men AND WOMEN show "less satisfaction with their intimate partners, and with these partners' affection, physical appearance, sexual curiosity, and sexual performance proper."
    It makes people less interested in their sexual partners. Still, it does not kill love

    • Because of endorphins, I keep saying it.

  • It do cause I been in a relationship like this, I didn't know or feel he was in to me and that he had to get turned on by them and not me so if I can't turn a person on then it messes with my self pride so FU#$ PORN LOL

    • Sounds more like some other factors that has been around for thousand of years. The funny thing is that people tend to have an urge to blame instead of acknowledge that it has to do with them not some exterior fashion source to blame that is hip for the moment. In your case most likely 4 different ones. 1. He doesn't have all the right feelings for you. 2. You are doing something in the relationship that messes it up for him. 3. He has personal internal issues, physical or mental, could be both. 3. Something in his life is interfering that isn't porn. 4. You and him has mismatching sexuality.

    • @crazy8000 Very true. :-) Only those who cannot distinguish porn (read: fantasy) from reality will mess up their relationships. I feel sorry for @mirratomyra. She is not young anymore and he might be more older than her. He should have known.

  • 1) Calling something a "movement" does not actually make it so, merely because someone said it.
    2) It's stupid.

  • makes no sense

  • Im not convinced its as bad as all that, mainly because im highly skeptical of theologians from Alabama who lean on doctorates in irrelevant fields to try and garner influence.

  • Puritanical bullshit.

  • Feminism, mgtow and radical movements kill love.
    Porn doesn't have anything to be with it.

  • People are just looking for something to bitch about again

  • I'd much rather be with a real woman. But I have yet to find a real woman who would much rather be with me. So I kinda think porn has affected women as well. Or it could be that I'm just not that great of a catch; I admit that that is a possibility.

    • Excellent point. Many are quick to judge men for watching porn, but if it wasn't for self-love, most men would never experience any love at all. They're asking men to go from having one outlet for the sexuality to having zero outlet and that fucking dog won't hunt.

  • I respectfully disagree.

  • Its kills love for porn addicts, but such is life

  • Meh, the erectile thing probably has more to do with all the chemicals we ingest.

  • Pornography distorts reality.

  • It's possible. I know there are types of addiction and porn is one of them. It can cause unhealthy habits. For me, it got to the point that I had to cut down on it.
    My wife also watches porn and she had to cut back because it was interfering with our sex life.
    However, it's NOT as extreme as the video makes it, but one should be careful since porn is SOOOOoooo easy to get.

    • Yes, maybe I was partly-addicted to it when I was young. I just realized it. Good, that I'm over it.

  • Dont agree at all. Keep in mind that Unrealistic expectation and lack of satisfaction from one's partner are in essence the same thing.
    Only an adult is allowed to watch porn. so the person must realize the difference between a movie, and real life. can't blame romantic comedies for creating unrealistic romantic expectations in women now, can we?

    • Today kids like 10 years old watch porn on smartphones. Yes, porn does give you wrong expectations into love-making and I don't listen to porn actors/actress writing here on GAG.

    • That just tells me there's some bad parenting going on. As I said it does create wrong expectations, but only in a person who is gullibale enough to deem whatever he/she watches an actual reality

    • I will teach my daughter with an open mind and heart about sexuality, porn and so on.

  • Princess syndrome, entitlement, promiscuity and narcissism kills love. Not masturbation material y'all sick

  • It's funny how many confuse lust for love... and very sad...

    • Yes, [default] porn isn't about love. That is why I'm with amateurs like real people. They do it for love.

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