What do you think of incels?

For definition please see picture attached by.

So personally I just saw a video about an incel murderer and he made youtube videos, explaining his views and I still have chills!
I never met an incel in real life and I find them pretty scary!!!
The hatred, the objectifying of women and dehumanizing us, is unreal to me and I can't wrap my head around it.
I really don't understand.

And for all incels reading this: whatever personal challenges you may have in life, it doesn't justify hating other people Sex is not the world and people can feel your aura and your hatred and that's probably why you're not getting anyone.
What do you think of incels?
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Superb Opinion

  • Society treats them like sh*t since adolescence. Then pieces of sh*t of the far-left treat them even more like sh*t by calling them "incels" thereby telling society it's okay to make fun of them. Can you REALLY then be surprised when they starting hating all women and go on shooting sprees (not that 99% of them do, but I know some of you get your news from CNN).

    I can certainly sympathize with them although I am not one (couldn't care less what anyone thinks otherwise). You can't treat someone like sh*t nonstop and then get mad when they turn into incels. What, are they supposed to kiss the asses of the society that's been abusing them for years?

    Why do so many women treat most men horribly or cruelly, and then act surprised when these men stop trusting women, become redpilled, or go MGTOW?

    The biggest assholes in society are the ones who think they're good while constantly bullying others. Incels are just a symptom of the bigger culture at hand and in better times, wouldn't even exist, as would feminists.

    Incels and feminists are two sides of the same coin, but most women can't understand what incels are like because most of them will never have to be put in a position to be alone based solely on things like their looks or other physical flaws. Women are rarely ever treated like sh*t from both males and females do to their looks and nothing else. Women are get far more support from society than men do. That is why "femcels" don't exist. And yes, I know the term was coined by a female, but it's far evolved beyond what she originally meant it to be; nowadays, her definition would be a "Forever Alone."

    The main difference between someone being Forever Alone and being an incel, is that incels take no initiative to change themselves for the better (if they can), and only blame others for their problems. There is no accountability there at all. While someone who is just hopelessly single realizes it's they who are the main problem, not "women" at large, even if *some* of the blame can go towards women.

    • "Whatever personal challenges you may have in life, it doesn't justify hating other people." Isn't that what some women call, "victim blaming"? So would you tell that to a raped woman, too? "Don't hate your rapist; it's misandrist and very disappointing of you." I don't think incels should be incels, but you're literally taking mentally abused and hurt men and trying to make it all about women. A man becomes suicidal and hates the world and is one bad day away from a shooting spree and you're giving him sh*t NOT because he's hurt and in pain, but because "it's sexist." NEWS FLASH: The incel doesn't give a sh*t, at that point. He's probably experienced ten times as much male-targeted sexism his way. his is the problem with the world in general, though. People are going through sh*t, but unless you're pretty or rich, no one cares about your problems. Until you make your problems everyone else's problems. I'm all for therapy and psychology, whether that be someone male or female in pain. But no; few people can do that, nowadays. And it's ironic that I have more empathy towards incels than the sex people claim are supposed to have more empathy. Most incels wouldn't exist if people weren't sh*tty to them, to begin with. Because it's not about them "getting laid." At least, not most of them. Or else, they'd just hire an escort and be done with it.

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  • I am honeslty scarred of them. As a journalist and columnist, that writes about internet culture and often anti right winged protests, I often get confronted with them. From hatemails to rapethreats I received a lot from them. I would even go as far as to compare them to a cult. They get brainwashed as in going in a media and information bubble that even a tiny drop of "I am unsatisfied with my life" can be turned into the purest form of misogyny. They use a huge ammount of missinformatiom tactic and talking to them allways results in them getting offensive. (I dont even do that anymore. Its of no use. )
    And than they even get indirectly supported by a bit. more midly right winged politic people, that speak against feminism to even take away our chance of doing something against it. How often did I hear "the Problems of men and women are equally as important" (which is true). But they often mean "If I say something against women it should be accepted the same as when women try to make the public aware of their problem with these kind of people.

    -Sorry for turning this into bassically ranting, but this theme is a huge problem in my life and I feel often just powerless.

    • Yeaah right... I just got scared by one case, can't imagine how awful it must be for you🙏🏼

  • I think I met one yesterday. He's probably going to hate me for saying this if he reads this (If you see this, I am sorry, but I saw this question and... Well, I'm going to answer and say what I think).

    He blames us, but also himself. The catch is that the cause of him being unsuccessful in finding someone interested in him is... something that the average man wouldn't complain about and honestly? We wouldn't mind either. I did research and turns out he's been receiving feedback from likeminded people who think that he shouldn't worry about what he thinks is the problem. But besides all that supportive good feedback, he sticks to his guns and is mad about it.

    The flaw he thinks he has is not the problem, his lack of self confidence is. His inability to move on and realize that he doesn't have it as bad as he think he does. That is incel behavior to me.
    If you've seen the movie 'The Number 23'. It's the same thing. The protagonist becomes obsessed with the number, and it becomes harmful, while it's actually just a number.

    • My final thoughts, it's shocking, frustrating and kind of sad.

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10 23
  • Everyone wants to be loved for who they are the problem with that tho is incels are disgusting crazy men, that instead of re direct their focus on self help and mental health, resent women and probably life and society in many aspects for their problems. they are overall people who don’t hold them self to a healthy standard of accountability for their life and want to blame society for their issues.

  • Homeless guys manage to date.
    Guys on minimum wage manage to date
    Guys with physical disabilities manage to date
    Guys doing life in prison or on death Row manage to date.
    So what makes inches different and unable to compete? Is it attitude

    • You realize that's a cop-out right? MOST incels, probably 99.9% of them, started out with good attitudes. You can't say "it's attitude" that's the problem for the first six months an incel's been an incel, but then ignore the previous nine years and six months when he wasn't one. There's only two things incels have in common: They're male and they're physically unattractive. Granted, they shouldn't become incels. They should just quit pursuing women altogether and stop giving women such power over their lives. But just saying "attitude is the only issue" is such BS. Because you forgot to mention that physically abusive and legitimately misogynistic men also manage to date. And their attitude is just as sh*tty if not worse.

  • I think theyre delusional, socially inept, and toxic as hell and unfortunately, the tech field is crawling with them.

  • I really don’t like them, obviously. It’s the entitlement, resentment, hatred and so on

  • I'm a firm believer that the best thing women can do for incels is to tease, frustrate and humiliate them unendingly, to help rehabilitate them. Just my opinion.

  • I never think of them, at all.

  • Well that depends. Someone who just can't get a romantic partner does not mean they are a bad person. One who hates all of one sex though are really pretty pathetic.

    I think that many of them are creepy guys who want nothing but sex and really chase all good women off. There are good women they just don't really come around them if that makes sense to you

  • Well, if you're going by the typical definition like the one used above, then I dislike them. I believe they are harmful to society and individuals. Moreover, they seem trapped in a dungeon of their own making from which they are unable to see a way out.

    However, if we're using the original definition of incel, which was actually coined by a lesbian, things are quite different. Originally it meant *anyone* unable to have sexual relations on their own terms. For those people, I have a lot of sympathy. Having been raised around people with disagreements, I have known many, including women. Their stories are sad and I do feel for them.

  • Don’t like them. And they’re scary, especially to an empath like me.

  • For the ones who aren't violent, entitled or sexist, I don't mind them. The rest deserve to die.

  • Most/many believe they don't get dates because of their appearance or social standing. This is false. They don't do well romantically with women because of their attitudes: self-loathing, world-loathing, pessimism, anti-social thinking, untreated mental illness, etc.
    Anyone can create healthy relationships if they, themselves, are a healthy person. Incels are unhealthy people and seem to have terrible views on the role of women.

    • What you said is for real. I don't throw the word around, but literally they are usually misogynists. They didn't have luck socially so now they completely separate their empathy from people of the opposite sex in their age range.

    • I don't get dates because the types of women I like are very unlikely to bump into me, and I'm not interested in any other type, regardless of if they are interested in me.

    • Then you're going to struggle if you don't keep an open mind and forget about a certain type or checklist of qualities

  • I am a Incel and I approve of this message.

    What do you think of incels?
    • Oh I definitely agree with the sentiment of the poster, but there is NO WAY that those two are NOT going down on each other! You can just see it in their faces! Personally I’m just grateful to have my own money, and REAL money the type that people hope to win on the lottery. Because WAY too many men these days believe beautiful women are just after THEIR money… well wait till the next guy asks me to marry him, as in seriously, down on one knee, and ring in hand. Because when he realizes that HE has to sign a prenup entitling him to NONE of my money, and just half of what we earned in of own separate careers (and a doctorate in psychology starts in the high 5 figures, to the low 6 figures) but that is ALL he is getting… shocker!

    • @CrazyGirl2 It's fair if a man and woman sign a prenup to take care of their own assets. Marriage is to start a family and never divorce. Love is built, not found.

    • See, I get being interested in a certain type of romantic partner. But no hate, you're 32 and it's going to be very hard to find someone in your category under these circumstances. You should watch the YouTube video from Wired: Tech Support with the Anthropologist. They explain it way better, but pretty much you're thinking in terms of reasons not to date someone rather than reasons TO. You can't expect perfection with finding a partner. I really hope this comes off as inoffensive. It's not my intention to berate or belittle you. :)

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  • A sad group of people

  • I honestly just find them extraordinarily sad. They are people who feel rejected by society and could never come to terms with that because they don't have the ability can't relate to the world around them.

  • Stereotyping people who are currently unable to find a suitable romantic partner as -

    1. hateful.
    2. mysoginistic.
    3. misanthropic.
    4. self loathing.
    5. racist
    6. violent.
    7. entitled
    8. supremacist

    - Is pretty stupid tbh, (as is expecting anyone having a hard time finding anything they desire in life to not feel some sort of self pity).

    I'm unable to find a match to be with as of yet, and I'm not any of those things, nor are the vast majority of men and women who can't seem to find a match yet.

    It is VERY hard to find a compatible match as an adult, we are not constantly surrounded by peers in our age group anymore, we have less free time, more responsibilities, and very few ways to meet people, most of which are either unreliable, undesirable, or inaccessable.

    The word incel is honestly just a stereotype slur used by hateful lazy people who can't be bothered to understand a person before judging them.

    • 100% agree.

  • They are trashy and can't get any girls that's why they are bitter as hell.

    • Mostly because of their state of mind and personality.

  • Not quite there but I might could say I saw myself leaning in a similar direction before for awhile. Think it has most to do with expectation vs reality to put simply. And expectation brought by experience by how they were raised like many other mental stoppages. Hard to combat that kind of crazy. But I see where it might derive from.

    • I believe that lack of socialization & isolation have bad outcomes, so seek counseling if you think you need it.

  • They're mentally ill. They need to get a grip.

  • Wouldn't surprise me if that community is growing or on the rise

  • didn't even know what one was until right now lol. I think there is plenty of people who fit into this category ( I've been there its a lonely place)

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