What do you think of these lovely tits?
Hopefully someone gets it. ;-)
I love birds. I think they're beautiful. I've had my share, but my fucking dogs murdered them.
What do you think about blonde chicks with a nice pussy?
Bahaha! She gets it. The pussy is cute, but it's a little too furry for me. ;-)
Not too many sharp tacks in this drawer. LOL I had a cockatiel, named Wally. Wally was hand-fed as a child. That meant that he was tame as can be. He had no fear of humans. (extremely expensive) When I washed dishes, I put Wally upside down in my shirt pocket. If I put him in my pocket right-side up, the little fucker would jump in the dishwater. (hard to blame him for that. looked kind of nice) Wally loved me, and was very protective. I would jokingly ask friends to slap my arm or wrist. Wally came un-glued! He would climb down my shoulder and unleash his furry.
Cockatiels are a handful. I don't know if I could handle such spirited birds. Ditto for a love bird. I might as well get a girlfriend if I want to give that much attention and affection! :-) If I had to pick a feathered friend, I'd probably go with a raven or a crow. (Just don't tell anybody.) I couldn't keep it inside, though. Haha.
Absolutely love them. XD
Oh my goodness... I'm the next Nikola Tesla.
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! You made my day for knowing that. ;-) "I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life."
I like these boobies better
Dammit you beat me to it
My man!
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Alas, I have but one thumbs up to give...
Huh? I don't get it?
The bird's common name in English is Tufted Titmouse. ;-)
They are for the birds, in my opinion.
Great rack.
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