What is it with guys and condoms?

My boyfriend straight up refuses to wear them. I’ve always allowed him to pull out instead when we have sex but then he gets all crazy if I’m a day late or I feel sick. He panics thinking I’m pregnant and it’s like damn…if you’re that worried about it, wear a condom. My last boyfriend was the exact same way. What is it with guys?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I admit this is a controversial opinion that I am giving. I have never been a father, either dumb luck, or who knows, maybe my sperm are not fertile. I cannot remember using a condom, but one time, when I was in college, since my partner insisted on it.
    Birth control for me, was limited to withdrawing prior, or having sex when she had just had her period.
    Personally, I think most 'macho' men are just plain stupid, arrogant, misinformed, or some combination of those three.
    My best friend was one of those. When his girlfriend was acting depressed/strange at a point. I knew something was very wrong, and he was 'suddenly' packing up to take her to NY (abortion was legal there, then) Told his parents et al, that it was just a 'vacation'
    My point here? He was one of those guys you are talking about here, he was a moron and was probably shooting the works in her with little regard for pregnancy, and only reacted when it finally happened.

    I suppose I was lucky, with the number of women I slept with: married / single, as the married ones were probably on birth control and the single ones it was usually a few times we screwed.

    Beware: male ego is a terrible thing when it comes to fucking. Protect yourself. Don't rely on the moron partner to take any responsibility.

  • He wants his cake and eat it too. He wants to bare fuck, but not have you get pregnant. In essence, he's willing to take the chance of you getting pregnant, for a better feeling, but when he is done, and comes to his senses a little, he's worried about you being pregnant.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I've heard some guys say that the feeling is... Inhibited (?) With a condom, so they don't like wearing them. But it's one of those things you kind of have to compromise on: do you want less skin on skin contact, or would you prefer a baby?

    • Hey, remember, SamA_nold, a stiff penis has no conscience ! Skin on skin feels good, yes, but they don't think beyond emptying their prostate gland in you.

    • @Bricealan what?

    • What? . What part of what I said, did you not understand. ?

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  • Because sex feels better without them. I’m on birth control pills for that reason but I’d understand why you wouldn’t want to get on them. They aren’t a very pleasant pill

    • Really? How so?

    • Well I developed a cyst from getting off of them for a couple of weeks. On top of that they do make you gain weight overtime. I get hormonal acne when my period is about to come. My cramps feel like hell , and worse than when I wasn’t on them. The only good things about them is , they are saving me from getting pregnant , and I can pretty much control my period and know exactly when and what week my period is going to start

    • Wow. I didn’t realize it was that complicated. Thanks for sharing that.

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4 24
  • Well, for me, I love risky unprotected sex, and I don't really mind if the girl I'm with gets pregnant, so I've never actually been stressed by "pregnancy scares."

  • Birth control pills maybe?

    • Yeah, I’m wanting to get them. I started looking for a job to pay for it.

    • Do you have a local free clinic? That helped me!

    • I don’t think so but I’ll look into that. Thanks.

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  • Condoms feel bad, but waking up at 2am to change diapers feels worse.

    They don't want babies? They can fuckin' deal with it.

  • You have had a run of stupid boyfriends.

    it’s a sign of poor choice relying on the pull out method.

    first off, you should be on Birth Control.

    2nd off, no one should have sex with you without protection until you are on BC.

    3rd off, no sex with a new partner unless sex health checkup and clear, then annual or so.

  • First off, they don’t make a size that fits me, none. Second, all of my women wanted/want their bellies filled. And, really, if I have to mask a potential disease or freak about pregnancy, do I really want to bother? F-no

  • Some guys are just stupid it's only fair for guys to take responsibility for birth control!

    If he just won't use them you either need to consider going on some sort of birth control like the pill or the coil (my girlfriend has the copper coil so no hormones).

    Or you really need to scare him into starting using the condom. If you have a friend who is pregnant get them to do a test then save it to show your boyfriend.
    Let him stew for a while then tell him it's not yours but ask him how bad that felt and ask if he'd rather wear a condom or have to go through that for real in the future some time?

    I know that seems harsh but some times us guys need a kick up the arse to see sense and it would be a test of how serious he is about you.

  • Tell him condoms prevent minivans.

    • Love this answer! 🙌 They really should hand out condoms at car dealers…. Minivans are ugly! 🤔

    • @Poppykate I can totally picture them doing that & the sign will read the following. Free Condoms With Test Drive.

  • From what I've been told, it kills the sensation and makes sex not pleasurable.

    • You've been told the truth.

  • Considering your age, they are THIRSTY as fuck.
    Once they get you horizontal all they want is feeling the amazing feel of raw sex, but they clearly aren't ready to become fathers once they got their wits back.
    They are like little horny beasties. Make them think before getting down, and maybe you'll obtain them to wear the rubber.

  • Dunno but STDs and pregnancy scares the shit out of me so I don’t take Chances

  • Guys don't like them, women don't like birth control pills. there is also a thing women can inject to solve the problem for a couple weeks but again women don't like.
    It's just all people not liking stuff. If only we could just change it to not get her pregnant or do on a dime.

  • Your boyfriend is an idiot. That is all.

    • Do you really wanna be in a relationship with someone that doesn't take responsibility?

    • Well said, Kas !

  • I only wore a condom a few times. I always went bareback with my wife. It is a miracle we didn't end up pregnant before we got married.

  • They don't want to have the responsibility. They'd rather the girl suffer with countless side effects from hormonal birth control.

  • What is it with guys and condoms?

    I fully support using Condoms!.. Even myself willing to Wear one..

  • dumb, dumb, dumb. Tell him... no condom, no sex. I always wore them until my SO got on birth control. Some brands feel like you are wearing nothing

  • Yeah they need to wear condoms

  • I always wear a condom so not sure. She used to be on birth control but she said it didn't make her feel good do yeah0

  • He's being selfish. If he won't wear a condom when you want him too he shouldn't get the pussy. It's your body. Protect it.

  • Use birth control of not you put it on. There is female condom. See how it feels. So damn uncomfortable.

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