What is often your reason for watching porn?

Inspired by @melanieeeB... So i’m expecting those of you who watch to say its because you’re horny. But i just wonder if there's anyone out there with a weirdly different reason like me. Lol im more of a film critic when it comes to porn. Its more of a guilty pleasure like reality tv. But in this case, I like to score them on who was cast, if they had believable moaning/acting/chemistry, if their body was appealing enough, if there was a storyline, if they started off in clothes before jumping straight into fcking, if there was foreplay specifically the kinds I like, if the vid clip was long enough (15-45 min), and if there was good sound quality, camera angles/graphics, and overall editing. Only then can I take the time to make love to myself or in particular go touchless and get off on a mentalgasm alone. Without the things above, the video would suck for me. Most would still prefer amateur porn, but I need something more professional. Its just that you have to dig deep to find worthy types. Thats probably why I fall asleep in the middle of a good video because it took forever to find it lol. #FeelFreeToList #FilthyFckinFilmCritics

What is often your reason for watching porn?
What is often your reason for watching porn?
What is often your reason for watching porn?
What is often your reason for watching porn?
1 y
Maybe thas why I miss throwing porn parties. It was fun to be off to the side with my little crew judging the porn videos while others were in the background getting off to the vid. I could just stop watching the film for a sec and look over at the live porn that wqs occuring, then gather a little motivation to get back to scoring!!
1 y
I haven't watched porn since last Saturday. Its definitely time for some entertainment and action! Haha. I just hope to find a good vid where the girl actually looks wet so that the guy isn't getting fckin carpet burn doing her dryass pussy
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I can totally relate to what you said. "Its more of a guilty pleasure like reality TV." Well put.

    Sometimes I fap off, but a lot of times I just watch porn for fun and entertainment, scrolling through clips to find ones I like. I save particularly good ones in a file.

    I look for attractive women, of course. It's also important that the guys actually know how to please women. A lot of professional male porn stars are creepy and don't even know how to properly fuck a woman. They are just there to show off their cocks.

    I'm turned off by women who act like professional prostitutes and men who act like gigolos. Most porn "stars" can help it. Their idea of sexy is similar to what professional strippers in clubs think is sexy. It's not how real people act.

    An example of the kind of women I prefer are amateurs (or at least do a good job of acting like normal girls). Like those who get hit on and agree to go to the guy's place to fuck when he offers a lot of money. Or those who go to a masseur and wind up fucking. Or those who show up for photo shoot auditions and have to be skillfully put at ease and gradually persuaded to remove their clothes to show their bodies. Then, having gone that far, and in the hope of getting hired as a fashion model that promises glamor, travel and money, they agree to suck dick and get fucked.

    The problem with those scenarios is, the camera work is limited and the editing bites.

    But my point is, I don't like professional prostitutes trying to be sexy.

    I want to see women experiencing genuine pleasure. I look for people who are enjoying extreme gratification, not just playing to the camera. I want to see women's bodies move, jiggle and slosh. I even switch to slo-mo at times. I LOVE the female form in motion and few porn producers seem to appreciate that.

    Good sound quality, camera angles and editing is rare. Most porn producers don't seem to have a clue. They just crank out the same shit as if they are working off of a template.

    • Yes i definitely wath it for the entertainment. And yes speaking of creepers, the pornstar James Deen is too rough and abusive. I can't with him. Massage porn is definitely my main. Seriously annoys me tho how dry a lot of the girls look. Its rare to see em soaked. The dick looks like its getting carpet burn lmao

    • There's one guy who hiss-whisper-mumbles under his breath. It makes me sick. I don't like that rough sex shit, either - slapping her face and/or boobs, grabbing the corner of her mouth with his finders, spitting in her face, ... And yeah, guys who are constantly spitting on her pussy during sex. It wells me that she definitely isn't turned on.

    • Yes the spitting and boobslapping are so awful! The pussy slap oddly feels good on my clit so i dont hate that one haha. Grabbing the mouth isn't too bad but grab my neck instead

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  • Sometimes because I'm horny.
    And sometimes to have a good laugh, especially when the story is so weird.
    The story can be good sometimes, so I do watch for that too.

    • It def gives a good laugh

    • I admit, some of them have a good story, but most of them are like a parody movie.

    • I like the sueprhero ones haha

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11 86
  • To get aroused and have a more intense orgasm when I masturbate. Very littlr actual contact with women these days so there is a lot of sexual arousal in seeing young naked women and especially their breasts and vulvas.

  • @dizzydesii to get off because I horny

  • Omg, you are saying exactly what I've felt about porn for years! I watch it yes to get off, but I also enjoy learning about the industry, the actors, the bts scenes, the ebb and flow of different genres.
    I was known as the porn guy amongst my friends in high school, and I was open about my use of porn, explaining that healthy porn is good for a sexual society. I was lucky enough to be able to watch porn with a few friends, and I learned a lot from porn- like how to really give head, whether it's eating pussy or sucking cock. I also learned that I am bisexual, and I gained an understanding of different sexual orientations and experiences.
    Proper porn is great, and can be an excellent tool and source for fun. I wish porn were more mainstream and accessible to people, especially those who live sheltered lives.

    Also I'm totally jealous that you actually used to throw porn watch parties! Like what? I have to ask: did people actually get to/ want to stroke or rub themselves while watching, or was it a very clothes-on function? I had imagined scenarios where I would host porn parties and people could be naked, or not, depending on what they felt. I loved when a friend suggested that we watch porn, and I would quickly navigate to any number of sites, scenes, and genres. I had a couple friends that were into porn too, and we'd instant message each other evenings and nights, sending each other porn and talking about what we liked, openly discussing masturbating throughout the night.
    Regular parties would sometimes turn into porn events when I obtained illicit drugs- doing lines with a friend, naked in my closet as watched porn and each other, her letting me do lines off her tits, me letting her do lines off my cock, each of us getting off together.
    So many memories and I do miss a lot of it

    • Lmao nooo why are you doing lines 💀🤣 But yes the porn parties got wild and guys were definitely stroking and one was even playing with his toys on cam. That part was a bit cringe 😂 us girls mostly snickered and laughed

  • TWO words: "Vicarious Participation" aka voyeuristic fantasizing.
    The opportunity to participate in a prohibited social behavior WITHOUT the commensurate accompanying long-term complicating consequences.

    That's 'why' juvenile adolescent erotic portrayal is s SO vehemently vilified in Western Christian culture... (see the 1995 Kent State University Psychological Study, over 80% males are instinctively involuntarily aroused by concupiscent erotica!)

    THE SAME UNDERLYING MOTIVATION for sports fanaticism... functionally NO DIFFERENT than paying compensation for stadium seats, oogling the lascivious cheerleaders and patronizing erotic dancers at a 'Gentleman's Club'.

    "Who's yah 'Daddy'?" ~

  • I watch porn cause I like to watch it my favorite is trans it's awesome and I enjoy it I don't need an excuse to watch it I just enjoy it so I watch it my wife watches with me sometimes

  • I don't watch porn, nor see the appeal of it. Why do straight men watch other straight men f*cking? That seems so damn gay to me. And even if you only watch queer porn, why would you want to watch two women getting it on unless you have a cuckold/humiliation fetish? I could at least understand "solo porn," but I've heard from others that "that doesn't count." So yeah, I don't get porn or voyeurism in general, or why people find it arousing. If I WERE to ever watch adult videos, it'd be sex tapes with me in them, and that's it. But I've never made a sex tape before and have no plans to.

    • Wait, "porn parties"? What the f?
      What is often your reason for watching porn?

    • Yes there's solo porn which is how i started off. I’d just watcb the guy jerk himself off so i could learn how to get a guy off. But in terms of couples, my eyes are on the guy and how he works the girl. During closesups of course i’ll see her pussy but im not admiring it. Im looking at how he penetrates her. Its still all about the guy and the sound results for me. So im sure straight guys focus on the girl the whole time too. And yes i used to throw porn parties

    • Then why don't they just shoot porn with minimal focus on the guy, if it's to cater to straight men? Hell, they could shoot porn and edit a "guy's version" where the camera just focuses on the woman and shows as little of the man as possible, and a "ladies' version" where it just focuses on the guy, and they'd make twice as much money from the same footage. (The "Pokemon Games" strategy of selling the same thing twice, but with minor changes.) But from my understanding, I don't think any porn out there does this. But I don't watch it, so you tell me.

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  • I'm desperately unable to visualise anything.
    I need to hear the sounds to stimulate the excitement in me...
    That's all I can think of.

    • Yes the sounds are the main thing for me too

  • I recently answered a very similar question. It is purely to help me get off when I am enjoying myself. Most of the time I will watch some home made stuff but I will on occassion like to watch some general amateur porn of varying types.

    • Nice

  • It's cheaper and less physically damaging than actual drugs. Also, it's a replacement for the actual feeling an actual partner would give me.

    • It might be cheaper and less physical but it can mentally fck ya up lmao

    • Nothing different than real life. Bad with porn, worse without it.

  • I only saw it as a young teen as I discovered it and was curious. I turned it off and that was a smart decision.

    I think it feeds the creative fantasy part of our brain, which distracts us from reality. It's poison, but it feels tastes like sweet drink. Be careful what you indulge... it's separating you from reality, and building something real, rather than the fake high provided by such fraud.

    • No i think thats why i’d like to direct it because i know whats real

  • Porn parties is wild. And slightly disturbing. It's very rare that I actually watch porn. I listen to it because the different sounds are what gets me off.

    • Theyre fun because most are laughing so its like if everyone got together to watch a horror comedy and grabbed onto eachother or laughed their asses off but instead its not scary and its just porn and you have tthe option to grab hold of someone 😂

    • Lol yeah no. I'm good.

  • Well, I am definitely not the porn film critic you are! As a typical guy, I normally don’t require the “story“ for sexual stimulation. ☺️ Having said that, I have seen a few very good porn stories, well acted and filmed, that really did turn me on big-time! For me though, I mostly use porn as an aid for regular sexual release, as if I required my gal to be involved every time I need it she would probably get bored, worn out and exhausted by it! 😝

  • Dizzy I think most guys look at it to jerk off to.

  • I watch our own. Either because it's edge play that I like, or just to see my husband's body during the act and hear his voice and imagining him with me, which makes me horny.

    But I really prefer video chat.

    • Oh wow

    • See… I wonder how many people do stuff like this. I would also find that so hot! Haha!

    • @Th3ft not me. I hate watching myself doing nonsexual things on cam So i def ain't tryna fck on cam lmao

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  • Watching porn is like watching a dumpster fire or car crash. It's always bad, but I can't resist watching.

    Let's be serious, has a porn movie ever had a good plot? Has the acting ever been convincing? Even the sets. Bad!

    When I watch, I seek out the unusual -- kinky, taboo, freakishly big. I'll spare you the details.

    So Good!
    So Good!
    • Nah I've seen some good stuff minus the cheap bed comforter

    • That's encouraging! Please, make your recommendations.

  • I watch it because I don't have a partner, because I want to see what I can't get, and because it fills my fetishes better.

    • So you ant to torture yourself lmao... thats like dangling a piece of chocolate in front of someone who’s on a diet

    • But what do you do when you don't have a person to sleep with for over a year?

    • Find a hobby

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  • I like to watch it high. It's funny to forget what I'm doing and then suddenly I notice someone getting a highly aggressive blowjob.

    But I do also tend to overanalyze what was going on on set. A lot of the girls' reactions are clearly scripted but every once in a while I catch something that was probably off script. Mostly I get the sense that I'm seeing girls completely absorbed in how they look instead of what they're doing. Professional/established girls tend to be better performers but also get fake bodies as they get older. Occasionally I'll curse the camera person or the male actor for their inability to grasp what sort of porn people enjoy seeing, instead clearly focused on enjoying themselves.

    I actually wrote a porn script while high (for most of it, anyway). It needs heavy editing but I'm probably not going to do that. It's not the sort of thing anyone would masturbate to, though (well, I guess some people will masturbate to anything so..)

    • Yea the offscript stuff i what ilook for

  • I don't.

  • It varies but mostly to unwind and let my stress flow always. Usually it’s because I’m in the mood all the time and high libido but sometimes I just do it to relax such as just sitting around listening to Wu tang clan as I just get home from work without even porn on 🤣🤣

    • Haha Wu tang would get me hype

    • I was seriously bumping protect your neck while in a steady pace 🤣

  • I was doing research... during my very early 20's, lol

    • What kinda research hehe

    • possibilities, potential, variety... options and such, lmao...

    • Mmmhmmm 😏

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