What motivates a man to rape a woman? I'm your opinion is it dominance, lust, or hate? Please read description?

PLEASE READ: I acknowledge that men can be raped as well as the fact that some women are rapists as well. However I would like to know why you feel the reasoning behind men specifically raping women. Is it high he gets from dominating a woman and watching her struggle as he "screws her brains out"? Is it motivated by hate or perhaps revenge for perhaps being mistreated by a female figure in his past and now he is getting back at all women? Is it purely just sexual, wanting her because she appeals to his body but not being able to have her and not having the restraint to say no his desires? Is it motivated by lust, power, or hate? Years back a family member of mine was raped by her OBGYN, in that instance it would appear as if it was lust, or ather the temptation of the situation that motivated him. A few years back while riding the bus, I was 18, a man I'm his 30's asked if I had a boyfriend, I said no, to which he replied asking if he could "do me". I was a virgin at the time, and I think he picked up on my awkwardness because he would not leave me alone. He kept touching my leg, and asking if I wanted to go out with him and asked where I lived and where I went to school. I was clearly uncomfortable and it wasn't until a guy stood up for me that the man finally left me alone. However he got off at my stop and started following me but turned back, thank god. I know some men feel more "inclined" when a women is "inappropiatly dressed", however I was wearing just a plane t-shirt and a pair if shorts. I feel that this man got off on seeing how uncomfortable and awkward I was. The real kicker: my husband and I were looking at old photos of me when I was 14. He is 12 years older than me. However in one photo he pointed at me and said " I would love to have raped her". I was surprised but I didn't think too much about it. But later on I got to thinking, what would motivate him to say that and what kris area a person to actually do it?
Lust, purely sexual
Vote A
Vote B
Lack of selfcontrol as respect
Vote C
Hate, revene
Vote D
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Girl Guy
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What Guys Said

  • I'm not a rapist so I can only speculate...

    My first thought was that it would be mostly about sex, but perhaps there is more to it than that, I mean if a guy can't get laid prostitutes aren't all that expensive (when weighed against a rape sentence anyway).

    So I voted A, but I didn't mean purely sexual just that sex was the main motivator. Now thought about it more I'm not sure, perhaps it is about dominance or something. There are probably studies on this that could give you better answers.

    "I know some men feel more "inclined" when a women is "inappropiatly dressed"" I'm not sure if choice clothing effects the likelihood of being raped, but even if it doesn't the woman is in no way at fault wearing what she wants.

    I can't fathom why your husband would say or think that, it's sounds pretty weird to me.