What’s your opinion on hookup culture?

Why it seems nobody wants to settle or is always looking for someone better than the person they could be with?
What’s your opinion on hookup culture?
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43 106
  • Too many options. That simple

  • i am one of the 41% that at this point in life prefers casual sex. i have a few FWB's both male and female. Right now for m it's about enjoying life. Yes in a couple years I'm sure I will center in on finding a hopefully life partner, whomever that might be. But for now I enjoy casual dating.

    • Who would want you? Creepy.

    • im with you enjoy life why does every one wanna get married at 16 stupid!

  • Well I dont really care about it, if that's what people want to do so be it, but I'd rather my partner didn't. And its personally something I wouldn't do

  • As a man, it's a boon to be able to get the milk without buying the cow so to speak, but when I matured, I saw it for the evil that it is. I wanted to settle down and instantly started rejecting the women with high notch counts because I found that they no longer had the ability to form a lasting relationship.

    Hookup culture damages men, but it completely wrecks women and makes them ineligible for descent relationships. Women also retain DNA from men she has slept with for life and men really don't want to marry the DNA soup from a ton of other men.

    In short, hookup culture is destroying the Descent mothers who could have been and with them the coherent family.

    It's time to get our morals back people. I'm old - ish (not quite ready to admit it yet) and no one told me how destructive it is, but listen to experience talking.

    Hookup culture is destroying young lives and the family as a whole.

  • I feel gross after but better than trying to be with someone. No feelings, so no pain

    • Now for someone feeling like that, I wouldn't advise them getting into the culture. It sounds like you're trying to escape something and using casual sex (which has negative consequences via negative emotions and possibly lowered self-esteem or respect) as your medicine. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry. I just remember a woman stating that she hooks up for the same exact reason.

    • @Anoniemus its once in a blue moon, only when i can't stand the desire for it anymore so I cave and hook up with a friend. I just hate relationship and prefer no personal feelings.

  • Hooking up is fine for temporarily taking care of your sexual needs, however if you do that long term, probably get more than a married couple.

    I personally prefer something longer term, but hookups would help with my physical needs until I find someone good.

  • Hookup culture is western culture and they like it but in India we just like it but don't want to follow it like boys want to sleep with numerous girls but want to marry a girl who is still virgin, this double standards has been create a chaos for the girl and boys also when they find out about previous relationship of each other and felt guilty for it so in real it is just your life wheather follow the western culture fully or follow your 💓

  • My opinion is it promotes people spending more time on things that aren't productive, (unless you produce a child from a hookup in that case hats off to you). It's already hard as it is to catch up with modern mathematics (takes you 10 years to learn any field), and people wonder why we don't have another Gauss or Euler

  • It's a symptom of a declining culture.

  • It's good.

  • I want to be close with someone and in a relationship to have sex. It's sad now feels like girls all have multiple guys and aren't willing to just date one.

  • i really don't want to get into that.

  • i dont get it either, just like polar bears, love is almost extinct, thats why i have very little faith in finding a girl to settle with, i might just let her come to me or im not getting married 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Wrong. It's just a cheap way to get sex. But it will NEVER compete with a real man-woman romantic relationship. EVER.

  • That graphic certainly doesn't show what was going on with anyone I knew. The people I was around basically seemed to wish they were getting laid, but refused to take the steps out of their comfort zones to do it... It was kinda sad, actually.

  • It's nobody's business what anybody else does in their bedroom.

  • Done it a lot tbh at one point

    • did u enjoy it? surprised u managed it in your culture tell us more

  • It's not very well-'cultured'.
    Put another way without the play on words, it's bad because it trivializes male/female relationships. .

  • Why they do it, I don't fucking care.

    Fuck them off, delete their contact, and THANKS YOU.

    I don't have a second to waste to psychoanalyze fucked up people. That's their parents and their therapists job.

  • I hate it. It cheapens relationships, devalues sex, and reduces you to a disposable commodity. And that's if you can find someone to hook up with you. In a culture where hooking up is apparently oh so prevalent, its difficult to not feel ugly and undesirable when it seems like you're the only person who's not going around having casual sex.

    • Bro, all I gotta do is walk past a mirror or look at all the woman who are bedazzled as I pass by to know I am the sh! t and there is none better. If you aren't doing the same, then you aren't working hard enough. And still I keep it in my pants because the "slut culture" is for animals. If you are not doin' it for love, then you shouldn't be doin' it. These same people that are Fu#king up their world are also Fu#cking up your world and it is your business.

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