What would he do with used underwear though?

What would he do with used underwear though?

A guy legit came up to me and started a conversation as if he was interested in being friends or dating. After about 6-7 minutes he asked if he could have my underwear! I laughed…then he offered to pay $200 for me to “go to the restroom and 🖕myself with the underwear I was wearing and give them to him.” I mean he took the money out of his pocket. I was creeped out not gonna lie and kept looking back as I made my way out after turning down the offer. Anyway I googled selling used panties because wtf lol and there’s freaking websites for this shi*. Excuse my language. What are guys doing with used underwear? Smelling it? 😂

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11 40
  • only $200? that's too cheap. try $2000

    no but in all seriousness, be safe. I don't know where you were when this convo happened, but it's shady. remember to bring pepper spray with you when alone. guys are just creeps.

  • Sell them.

  • Use a set of tongs to pick them up and throw them in the garbage..

  • He's mentally sick man

    • Lol haha

  • Yeah it’s a thing and I guess these guys are just using them to sniff or collect to satisfy a fetish

  • There are some guys who want to keep a pair of panties from a partner as a "trophy" of the conquest. I think guys who buy used underwear are losers who never actually had sex with a woman, and they want to sniff used underwear while jerking off and fantasizing about actually having sex.

    • This is what I’m thinking for him to be asking a stranger

    • I'm sure!

  • It is more common among guys that we'd like to admit. Sniffing women's used panties.

    • Lol my ex would playfully sniff mine right before we were about to have fun but I’ve never heard of someone paying a stranger.

    • In Japan, they have vending machines which men use to but Girl's used panties. I have seen them with my own eyes when i was in Tokyo visiting. Google it.

    • Whattttt? A vending machine? That’s something 🫢

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