When is it okay to send nudes?

How long should someone wait to send their significant other nudes?
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  • “When you want to” is wrong.
    The right is when BOTH want to. You can’t send a nude to someone if the other person ain’t in on it.

    • Do you mean only send if the other person is willing to send you some too?

    • Lol no, If the other person wants them. U can’t send to someone who doesn’t want em

    • Awww. Yeah that’s true. Well you could. But shouldn’t.

  • There is no right time or wrong time. It depends on your trust with each other and maybe if you have seen each other naked or had sex yet. Talk about it first.

  • I wouldn´t send nudes to anyone because if you don´t trust them really strong that could turn out really bad for you.
    An alternative could be to first make him shut off his phone and then strip for him and give him a lap dance or something else. Yes you have to be braver for that but it could be also very erotic for him and he can´t post it or give it to others that could become problematic if you break up.
    No one will know that it happened besides the two of you.

  • Whenever you're comfortable

  • It is not, I will tell my daughter never to send them to men.

    • I don't want the daughter's pics, I want the mom's pics.

  • Don't. Just don't.

  • You should have known him for at least a week - otherwise it’s slutty. Just get on your knees, stick a full banana in your open mouth, and look up at the camera.

  • Probably when you’ve engaged in some kind of sexual activity.

  • When you're comfortable, and they're comfortable. Best thing to do is ask.

  • Wait until they specifically express an interest in it, whether that means you ask them or you wait for them to ask about it, just make sure you don't send one without them agreeing beforehand that they'd be fine with it

  • Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever never never never ever ever ever. Never ever. Ever. Never never ever ever.

  • My suggestion is to not to.

    • You have a small dick?

    • Why should you care? It's a suggestion, take it or leave it.

  • Unless you're comfortable with the very real possibility that someone you don't want seeing it might very well see it, then never.

    Besides, if he wants to see you nude, then tell him to come on over. If you or he isn't available at that moment, well delayed gratification has its merits.

    Or he could use his imagination/memory.

    My wife and I were happily married for 14 years (and still would be had she not died) and never once did we even photograph ourselves nude, much less send nudes to each other.

    • When I was at highschool, someone in our class shared a nude video of another girl from school. The situation escalated to where the police were called, everyone's phones were confiscated, and the video was deleted. It got an extremely fast and sharp response. I don't think that old-fashioned moralizers, who discourage nude photographs, really understand that its a crime and quite a serious one. They know this but they will shrug it off; 'so is selling drugs', etc. But so is physically assaulting someone. We don't go around telling people that they should only agree to enter a room with someone if they're "comfortable with the very real possibility that" they could get beaten up. We think attacking people arbitrarily is wrong; we discourage it. If someone came bragging to us that someone was stupid enough walk past them & they beat them up we'd say 'what the hell is wrong with you?' And for the most part people do not do this. Sharing someone's nudes against their will is something illegal, immoral, absurd and unusual. It is not something people normally do. If we hear of it we say, how terrible and disgusting, etc. Why say 'there is a very real possibility that...' unless you want to undermine this fact? It's madness to me.

    • @Laura_Marx Before I reply, when you say "everyone's phones were confiscated," does that mean everyone directly involved? Everyone in the high school? Who exactly is everyone?

    • im not sure how they handled it; mine wasn't. my friends who had the video had it removed and their phones returned.

  • I'm ok with it if I am in a relationship with a guy and having sex with him. He's seen everything anyway.

  • Never! If i have a SO why would i show them a picture instead of the real deal?

  • Never send them unless it is your husband whom you trust more than life itself or a long term boyfriend who you plan to marry and know he won’t show anybody.

  • Only in the most committed relationships. If it's acceptable then it shouldn't be needed.

  • Don’t do that. Let him see you in person.

    • I agree. But if that’s not possible.

  • wait until asked? Or is that too old-school?


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