Which gender tend to have more sexual partners?

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  • Women.

    Overall. Some men sleep with a lot of girls but overall a lot of guys don't do that or don't have the opportunity to be able to do that.

    Maybe guys at the very top, the handsome, rich, guys with status, guys who are charming they may sleep around more than most women but there aren't a lot of those guys, in general, just the vast bulk of your average guys and your average girls... your average girl will have slept with more people.

    • Exactly. I think like this, in a room of 100 guys, maybe 5-10 of them will have sex with more than 50 women. The middle set with have sex with around 1-10 women. The bottom set will never get laid except if they pay for it. In a room of 100 women, 5-10 of them will have sex with over 50 guys. The middle set will average around 20. The bottom set will vary between 1-10, unless they choose not to have sex or have some debilitating combination of terrible looks, weight, and insecure/hostile personality. Just rough numbers.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I think women do, but it's not because guys are angelic. Guys need skills and game, a girl just has to say "yes."

    I know of three nympho women, and they lost track of their body count in the thousands. One lady is around 40, and is gorgeous. She sent me a pic of her and her friend in a swinger club, and they were surrounded by about 30 sailors. They went there to see if they had the willpower to go one day without fucking a stranger. They abstained.

    • It is so much easier for women to get it. And that is just so sad to hear about women like that.

    • @Grond21

      It cost her her husband, children and family. It was a sickness.
      She looked like Heather, but older.
      Which gender tend to have more sexual partners?

      Everything in life has a plus and minus. Guys rarely hit on me, but they hit on her all day long. She couldn't resist the temptation. She begged me to post her pics online. She NEEDED compliments. It seems strange, but only on this vanilla website.

    • It's not truly strange. It's just another version of addiction. Like a man who loses all of his family and reputation because he can't stop being obsessed with porn. She is pretty. And she sounds very shallow in the worst way. I pity her

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  • Technically, in heterosexual sex, every time a man is man has sex, a woman has sex…. The average is going to be 1/1….

    but since gay couples report having more sex on average than Hetero couples, with lesbians reporting having the least amount of sex….

    I would argue that men have more sex than women…. But for heterosexuals it is equal because by definition it means one man and one woman having sex

    • lol good technical mathematical point.

Most Helpful Guy

  • In order to know for sure, we'd have to have exact numbers of men and women and how many of each have never had sex. If every man had sex with exactly one woman, each woman would have to average sex with 1.01677 men to make it work. And since each new woman any man had sex with would likewise increase the number for women, the relative advantage for women would remain.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 11
  • who can really tell these days, working in healthcare from what i see this days its been woman but could just be men aren't coming in for treatment, it is a toss up

  • tbh, both are equally viable for this question, it really depends on the person but if I had to guess one blindly I would say women are more capable than guys in most scenarios

  • I love the disparity between the girls' and the guys' responses in the poll.

    Each thinks the other is horn dogging their way through life.


  • Women will have a higher median because the average woman sleeps around more than the average man. Most men can't pull chicks so they have super low body counts. While a smaller percentage of men have crazy high counts, like triple digits. The mean will be close to the same though.

  • Its equal. The numbers of men and women are nearly equal. Every time a man has sex with a woman, a woman has sex with a man. So men and women have an equal number of heterosexual encounters.

    • Unless it's a tiny fraction of men having sex with a lot of women.

    • @Grond21 Although that is often asserted by men unable to attract a partner, that's not the case. If it were the case, it would be well-known.

    • Not all truth is publicly acknowledged by a broad audience.

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