Who pretends to be asleep more to avoid sex?

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I would say Girls’ for sure , especially with my experiences with girls’ most girls’ make excuses to not want to be intimate and affectionate, by basically making lame excuses like my head hurts , or I am too tired , I don’t feel well, you didn’t take
The trash out , you don’t care about me blah blah blah , so I am hoping to meet a girl that has the same sexual compatibility that I do , When I am in a relationship with a girl I don’t deny her sex period , unless I am severely sick but other than that I don’t make excuses not to be intimate and affectionate with her , Even if I am not
In the mood , which is very rare lol I still would please her in other ways to show my appreciation and love to her , Most girls’I been with didn't do that for me , it was pretty much her way or no way and sadly that’s part of The reason I am single , If a girl can’t wear my shoes like she expects me to wear hers then our relationship is pretty much going down the wrong path and probably won’t last mainly because the relationship turned one sided , I don’t stay committed to a girl that only thinks of herself and only thinks what is best for her , I can’t stand selfish people , if you want to be selfish stay single is how I look at things
I don't know what any other guys do, and my experience with women is in the low double digits. All I can say with certainty is that I have NEVER pretended to be asleep (or done anything else) to avoid having sex.
If he doesn’t prioritize his needs above yours, and he respect the words that comes out of your mouth. He should understand what an assertive No only mean that from you!
If he dismisses that or many more conversations and your concerns he is going to dismissing cause you can’t assert yourself to existence.
That still depends on your relationship dynamics, how you guys play those little romantics game.
Very true This is more bad relationship that most guys on here talk about
I'm not sure. Personally I've never pretended to sleep if I wasn't in the mood.
I'm normally the one attacking a partner for sex most of the time.
If I'm not in the mood then I'll just say, no, I'm not in the mood.
The same normally I'm the one waking him back up!
So you women do exist!!
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What's Your Opinion? Sign Up Now!If we want it, we’re gonna wake eachother. Fck playing around sleep. But i do think girls fake sleep more. I remember with one ex, i didn't wanna have sex (we were so young and a number of other reasons). So i told him my period was still on (weeks later) 😂
I've done it before, but very, very rarely. Was when I was mad at my guy.
Oh it's definitely option 4, usually you'll wake up with a flashlight in your eyes when your husband is already tied up. @butthurttroll will make you remember that it's better to pretend to be awake when you're actually asleep.
Where is the report button That is flat out rape!
I saw you joke about incest.
About as effective as playing dead in front of a starving bear.
Sometimes just eat you all up any ways
I never have.. if you can’t just tell your partner “no” and have them respect your choice, then why are you with someone like that? You shouldn’t have to pretend to be unconscious in order to avoid sex.
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