Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?

If you have larger than average, or even average breasts, have you ever been referred to as LEWD or GROSS or put down in some way for a body part you had no choice over?

I was appalled to see a post by a female on this site who was asking for some example pictures of something that had to do with girls tops, or something, but then said..."don't post any pictures of girls with big boobs because that is lewd!"

OMG!! ... how could anyone say such a thing? ... isn't that a put down of every girl that has big boobs? ... like they are suppose to hide themselves and feel ashamed because of the size of their breasts?

This made me so upset that I am still upset now thinking about it.

Even if a girl has larger than average boobs, why would that position her for ridicule? ... she was born that way for God's sake! ... why should she be told to go hide herself?
I couldnt help what God gave me
I couldn't help what God gave me
Am I the only one that feels this way?

I know some girls wish theirs were smaller and some wish theirs were bigger, but no one should be ashamed of their breasts no matter how big or how small they are... am I wrong to feel that way?

What is the world coming to when we have to hide ourselves now and are told that we are disgusting and need to hide our boobs?

Please share your feelings and/or experiences with this... PLEASE?
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
A. YES! I have had disparaging remarks made about my breasts by others before
Vote A
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
B. Yes, I have heard others being critisized merely due to the size of their breasts, even being made fun of because of it
Vote B
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
C. No, I have never heard of any girl ever being belittled because she had large breasts which would be so wrong!
Vote C
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
D. No, but I have been critsized for having breasts that are too small
Vote D
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
E. Yes, girls with large breasts are lewd and disgusting unless they wear super loose baggy clothing so no one can tell what size breasts they have!
Vote E
Why are girls with big breasts considered lewd? ... have you ever experienced that put down?
F. OTHER, see my comments below or just open the "Large Breasted Girl" survey
Vote F
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What Girls & Guys Said

35 76
  • Big breasts are seen as more sexual so when they put on a revealing outfit they'll look more sexual.

    • So is that good or bad?

    • It looks more attractive but they can get slut shamed.

    • I know and that is what I am talking about, it is so sad to me really

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  • Yes, many galks are born that way, but many are not and they can get carried away with augmentation. but I digress-

    Lewdness is more of an attitude and a carriage of the body rather than a size of a breast. Are nursing mothers more lewd because her mammaries are doing their job? Not unless she does some action that IS lewd. It's somewhat of a similar argument about guns being dangerous. A gun can sit on a table for a decade and nothing will happen. It takes an action by someone to use it for good or evil (lewd?) purposes.

  • Back then girls with small boobs like me were disregarded by many. And no, I don't think any girl should be made fun or humiliated because of their boob size.

  • yes a few times

    • That's sad... did it hurt your feelings?

    • a little bit

    • Awe :(

  • for the same reason men with dicks so big, they always show through pants are considered lewd.

  • Only by the jealous.

    • wow i had two downvotes.. How sad. Must have triggered some flat chested bitch.

    • Well, I'm glad I up voted so you didn't think it was me... lol

    • Best thing about following you. When you up vote me, it tells me you did it lol

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  • I agree completely. People should not be shamed for their body, especially if it's a healthy and natural body. It's wrong and pretty despicable behavior to be honest.

    I understand why some people might be uncomfortable with bigger breasts, just because they are more obvious and can be perceived as more sexual. But that is not something the woman has done and even if she is displaying them over at least sexually, her body should still not be disparaged or attacked. All healthy bodies should be celebrated, and this kind of behavior that this girl exemplified is just sad.

    Is someone is blessed in the chest department, great! Let her celebrate it and be comfortable in her own skin without being ridiculed.

    • A Gold Star opinion! ... thank you!

    • Now we just have to convince the others 😉

    • Yes... lol

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  • I dont think they are i only ever heard they are popular

  • I have disproportionately large boobs and get a lot of hate from mostly other women. Men also always seem to assume I’m promiscuous or open to being that way. I love my boobs because they’re part of who I am. But they make my life kind of complicated and not usually in a positive way

    • Yes, it is sad sometimes :(

  • Only in a good way when they're out.

  • Same thing with big dicks how you wear them matters if I go out in speedos like some girl wearing 2 sizes too small bikini. I've been called multiple times for an involuntary boner from my loose shots. Hell if they see the shape of the dick they'll call us out. Unless they're like 20's to 30's and are into it. Same with guys to big tits. Men are just more popularly judgmental with it.

  • A woman with natural breasts should never be put down

  • Haters are always gonna hate

  • I think they're considered lewd cause everything they wear ends up looking lewd on them, even if they're not trying to. And no, I've never, ever heard of any girl being made fun of for their breast size. In fact a lot of guys and girls I knew were super into bigger boobed girls.

  • First things first, I'll never, ever date a woman with breasts this size, because it won't be passing a good example to the people who observe us

  • Never heard of that happening, but I bet Its jealous, flat chested girls who would think its lewd.

  • I think if they’re natural, they’re hot.
    I also think it can be easy for some people to jump to the conclusion that they’re fake.

  • Some people are just a little sheltered, but I'm not a big fan of pictures like that either. They are just not really proportional to the woman's body, and look out of place. Like maybe they were photo shopped in.

  • I think it depends on if they flaunt them or not, no matter the size.

  • I per se have nothing against them not my cup of tea, choice "D" is perfect for me in all truth been with bigger. when they are out or visuall just don`t find they appealing. For a person to say something so cruel and nasty just says that they are envious, destructive, and callous and probably holed a giant mount of issues themselves. not one I would pick as a chum/advice a good thing to bear in mind when asking for advice if you feel the need to do so

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