Most Helpful Guys

  • II cite Low Digit Ratio associated with a big dck in the table as one:

    Also, I enjoy their looks and comments and hilarious sht they say. I enjoy when they struggle with it but want it so bad. I enjoy when a woman realizes she is too small for me. I simply don’t give a sht and if she passes on it, her loss. I don’t give a f. I also enjoy ex-s still trying to get back, one after 4 years. I had a blast once when two women coworkers challenged me in a bar on my size and we had a 3some at which they discovered they were both too small. And, when they can’t open wide enough for a bj. It is a bit like female humiliation sometimes.

    • Oh, and I drive a piece of sht car because I like it.

  • I don't think they are or have to be more confident to be honest. There are girls ans guys that are objectively very attractive but still they have doubts and insecurities.

Most Helpful Girls

  • coz they know they got what women want and tbh, in the locker room, they know other guys are jealous...

    I love long cocks... and thicker the better.

    i think it just gives them more confidence and self esteem knowing they are more Manly than the average guy.

    • Interesting view of it but don't think we guys think like that at least not the majority of us. We don't really look at each others cocks in locker rooms and if we do see them it's not something we pay attention to unless we are insecure to begin with or when very young. We also know that the flaccid size is not everything. The cock size also doesn't make one more or less a man unless you are abnormally small which can make things difficult.

    • in this statement that she made, i doubt she has delt with women who dislike cocks that are too big. i am applying the size of a cock to the girth, i could be wrong in this assumption but there are some women who do not like to feel it in their stomach

  • Not all are confident there was this guy I saw on a cringe compilation and he was big but he was also a incel.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 25
  • Because according to the photos you posted, they always have nice clothing and drive (or at least lean against) cool cars. I'm pretty sure that's the reason.

  • I guess cause they have what girls want... But that does lead to an inflated ego

  • Bc they consider thats all women look for, no beauty, no money, no power... Have you heard of big dick energy? There u have it.

  • Probably cus they are insecure so they have natural confidence lol

  • I don't know but there are people with small cocks that are confident too haha

  • i dont have a long cock and im confident lol, i dont think its just long johns that are confident, i think its just based on experiences and maybe even how they are raised

  • Lmao haha

  • Do you really think anyone on here would know?

  • And again this photos are not releated to question lol

  • because size matters.

  • How do you know they have what they are packing? 😕

  • Like you don't know

  • They’re assholes! Most guys don’t even know how to use their cocks...
    I also think that they see giant cocks in porno flicks and think that because they have one, every girl wants it. Which is Bull Shit...

  • I don’t know - are they?

  • I don't think that confidence level and penis size are somehow interconnected

  • Not sure I am sure there are a lot confident guys with small dicks. I know I’m pretty confident.

  • Nope no

  • Simply because we know we can be.

  • It's not that relevant, there are showers and growers, if you mean a guy with a large penis in general maybe they are somewhat more confident, specifically when it comes to sexual encounter confidence.

  • They got a physical advantage

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