Why are pleasures such as sex, considered sin by Christian religions?

I mean, God wants us to be happy but we are happy by receiving those forbbiden pleasures. If they are a sin, why do they exist then? I'm atheist okay, I'm just curious.
Why are pleasures such as sex, considered sin by Christian religions?
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  • Is religion true?

  • For the sake of control

  • Christians are not very different than the Muslims

    Both hate fun and want to control your life

    • It's no coincidence! Islam is derivative of Christianity, as Christianity is of Judaism. These are known as the three major Abrahamic religions, named for the Biblical patriarch Abraham who supposedly started it all.

    • @DonCachondo They are all evil and fucked up

  • to control people. fill all with shame.

  • Shit. Then my house is riddled with portals to hell.

    Well, guess have to grab the wizard staff and fuck me some demons (pun oh so intemded)

  • They exist because Lucifer brought sin into the world after adam and eve ate from the forbidden fruit. Sex is lust, which is one of the 7 deadly sins. Its seen as a sin because it's a temptation that can ruin a persons life. People pay for it, strip clubs, and porn. All sorts of immoral things. If life was all about being happy then everyone would do what makes them happy. That means someone who likes touching little girls makes him happy, but it's wrong. Or drugs, it makes the user happy, but it's bad. Not all things that make us happy are good. Sex should be used for procreation, children. Sex for a pleasure is a selfish gratification by using another body to please yourself for your happiness. People say "I want to pleasure the other person". You may think that, but the animal instinct is "when can I get my next fix" (sex). That is why it is seen as a sinful and immoral thing.

  • Those feelings aren’t forbidden. They’re sacred, and need to be treated as such. They’re meant for a married man and woman to experience together. You can have all the sex fun you want with a man you marry and love with all your heart.

  • Everything that is good is devil's work. some poor smucks that probably didn't get any came up with it to make others to not get it either.

  • It's not a sin to God, but unlawful sex is, like out of marriage or something.
    There is a whole book of sex in the bible called Songs of Songs, which is a porno mag... IN THE BIBLE.

    Remember, the bible was writing by primitive men, so take what they say with a grain of salt.

  • Kind of an ignorant question. Pleasure is not cosidered a sin by christianity.

    • That's not what I studied.

    • I have a degree in biblical studies. Whatever you studied was either from ancient times or incorrect. Either way there aren't any modern main stream christian denominations that believe in that. If they do they're either some weird cult or have some fringe biblical interpritations.

    • An undergraduate degree (that's not what my PhD is in)

  • In its right place , it's brilliant...

  • Exactly why I'm atheist truth is religion doesn't come from god. God wouldn't create masturbation and then so it's pleasurable but you can't do it. It's like saying you can eat food to feel full but you can't eat food. Obviously made by a man who was around the bronze age and very confused about everything like germs and masturbation as it was seen as wrong back then to bathe or have sexual pleasure. So it matches on delusionality.

  • Well, there's a very valid and honest question! (Well done! I'm proud!)
    Sometimes, things exist in a Christians life solely for the purpose of Temptation. You know? For the sake of if we're strong enough to resist it! I'm a Christian, and I masturbate... But, I personally believe I'm not going to Hell for it... At least, not yet. Masturbation, in and of itself, isn't really the Sin. It's where our hearts and minds wander during Masturbation! (Sexual perverted thoughts)
    Back to the topic, though... Sex was (according to the Bible) Invented by God! He designed it to be a good, wonderful thing. However, we Humans gave it a "Bad vibe". We're doing it out of Wedlock, thus, against His plans. That's pretty much it... If you had other questions, I'm here!

  • Sometimes it funny me when Christians think they know best.
    A lecturer of mine used to say no one from my country would ever get to heaven, I never understood his reasoning behind that statement, but I now do. We as Christians waste our time on useless and pointless things. Some might claim they are obeying and following the Bible, but to me it isn't their fault because majority of the Bible in the world today has been lost in translation.

  • It actually isn't. The bible us full of sex. It is the people teaching it trying to control us.

  • Cuz its usely not married sex that's why

  • I think he means because he doesn't want us to be a whore about it and have to much with lots of people only with one person

  • Sex on it’s own isn’t a sin but having it before marriage is. The reason that is is because if things go very wrong, you want to make sure that the parents would be competent on working together on raising their child.

  • Because religious people are primitive, immature and very, very ignorant. Luckily, today the majority of modern society recognizes them as such (ps it's not just Christians, there are Jews and Muslims who are just as stupid).

  • Maybe you should try actually reading the Bible instead of looking to be spoonfed by others.

    Your question is retarded. Sex between two lovers who have been wed is a beautiful thing. It's hookups and sex with people you aren't committed to that's sinful and degenerate. This question is akin to asking why the bible forbids murder except in self defense.

    • The pressure that boils being single and not finding perfect match... Or not being able to have a stable life in which you can get married such as living in pakistan... These conditions are not discussed in any religion or problems of different individuals from an individual's pov are never discuessed in any religion. Religion never told anyone how they feel and if god understand different group of people. I wonder why. Believe I am not an atheist... In these religions god treats people like master treats it's crowd of sheep. Or any king would treat it's people. Because they can't see and understand anyone. Being a man if you start to observe people you will have a whole new perspective, an eye opener if you will. And on top of that now I have start to think why god called human son before releasing islam? And we constantly have to defend his word to make them more scientific... If we dont earth is flat sun revolves arount earth and sets in a muddy water. There is edge of the world... And god hate us to gain knowlage... doesn't sound like god to me... I am now ever sooo close to god. He is silent and powerfull. Evolution is the key...

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