Why are virgins frowned upon?

Why do guys dislike virgins? When you're a virgin at 20 people seem to find that weird, it's as though you carry a disease of some sort. Ever since girls started whoring around guys suddenly felt like they owned the world claiming that they wouldn't date someone inexperienced, thus is a tactic to lure girls into sleeping around and it's actually working. What's so wrong with being a virgin and why are people hating on them? It's all so stupid.
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  • Does that mean I'm diseased? I'm a Virgin and I'm 20 in November.

    I have the disease of Purity. Best disease going.

  • Guys don't like virgins? That's kinda news to me. I do prefer someone that has the same experience as me because sex is that much better, but why won't guys ever like virgin girls; it's like a privilege to them being someone's first.

  • I thought guys liked virgins.

    • It's a bit of a conflict tho ain't it?
      Like holding babies.

    • That was funny and very random no? @illusive_man

    • Nah lol let me put it like this. A girl's virginity is one of the most valuable thing she has... and she's giving it to someone. That's a bit like holding someone's baby , basically a thin sack of vital organs and responsibilities :O Does that make sense?

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  • Id much prefer to be with a virgin because it means you haven't had another guy in you.

  • 20? Don't worry about what others think. I was a virgin till 26. Keep on doing your thing, what makes you happy.

  • Nothing wrong with being a virgin, nothing wrong with being a non virgin.

  • I don't know. I get bullied for being a virgin at 19. I wanted to get rid of it by 16. I got bf now but we haven't had sex since he hasn't had the chance to get to my house yet. I want to get rid of it as soon as possible though. All the guys I know want expirenced girls except for my bf he doesn't care cause I think he's a virgin too but he denies it.

  • Guys don't dislike virgins.

  • They are? I'm a virgin and I couldn't care less, I throw it around like it has no significance, just ignore them. Or do be equally nasty, usually has the same effect.

  • I'm a virgin and I've learned to just not give a fuck anymore. Who the hell cares what they say about you to your face and behind your back. Just keep being the best version of you. I'm just happy I'm not one of these people ruled by the pussy/dick that will do anything for it.

  • I'm a virgin, n I've heard all the fuking jokes,

    I'm just like "yea... -_-"

  • I thought it was the opposite.

  • I mostly frown because they won't have sex with me.

  • Guys don't dislike virgins, they like them better.

  • Virgins r not

  • Who said guys hate virgin, they like most virgin but its hard to meet virgin for them.

  • Why is farting on a crowded bus frowned upon? f

  • I do not know any guys that dislike virgins. Nor do they thing it is "wrong" to be one. In fact, it is quite surprising as to the number of girls and guys who wait until they feel it is the right time to have sex. The more important thing is how you feel about yourself. It is better to be independent about your decisions than be overly influenced by people who may not know what they are talking about.

  • I don't think female virgins are frowned upon per say. For guys it's sometimes seen as a weakness. Some will will mock you for it constantly.

  • "Ever since girls started whoring around" Oh get of your high horse, you are not more worth than a non-virgin. Get the fuck over yourself.

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