Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?

Out of all the characters on Prison break, It was TEABAG, the child rapist, psychopath, was the one who got the most female fan male and women writing how much they love him.
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
Charle Manson, 82 year old, former cult leader and known criminal was getting tons of pussy mail from women and has a 26 year old wife.
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
Ted Bundy who killed plenty of women was getting panties and tons of women writing him love notes in prison even after it came out that he killed tons of women.
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
The guy who shot up the movie theatres where several men sacrificed their life protecting their GF's ends up getting mad letters, nudes and panties from women begging for him to fuck them.
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
Meeks a guy who ends up being arrested for carrying a firearm had tons of women chasing and wanting to fuck him. They even had women tracking down what date he would be released from his 2 year sentence in prison.

Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
Emma Watson said what drew her to being attracted to Tom Felton was due to the character he played in the series Harry Potter.
Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
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41 39
  • Haha I love prison break. Been binge watching it all weekend.
    Anyways, I ain't attracted to stupid shit's like that they better stay the hell away from me and most women that still have a functioning brain will agree.

    • Preach.

  • Apparently, you need to get a few girls iced to get some pussy, no? Times'a'wasting!

  • Even before the murders, Manson, a thirtysomething ex-con, had dozens of young girls 13-25 living and sleeping with him. And he'd occasionally fuck a boy when he got nostalgic for his jail days.

  • they like to think they're more complicated and also get off on the drama inherent in a man like that. its probably an extreme reaction to being bored by most men

    • I think it is not aboit boredom. If you are sexually attracted to a murderer you are not sane.

  • Women want a man as evil as them, they need to be matched in their evil. Don't look at those women as a man and think "Oh wow I am fucking up."

    Those people are fucked up and not the ones you want to be chasing.

  • i enjoy the exhilaration & rush

  • They are mentally sick. People are attracted to other people that are like them. Demons hang out with other demons and holy angles with holy angles. Never the opposite.

  • I've been binge watching prison break all weekend i love it

  • Because its fun being bad. The people you listed are extreme cases but there's something about standing up for what you believe in thst makes panties wet.

  • Because we are badass

  • Because their probably sensitive nice guys in disguise and ohh no don't worry I can change him he'll change I promi- *gets stabbed*

  • It's Simple... We Kill the... No, no, that's wrong. Women are crazy blah blah blah...

  • Because they think they have the gut and confidence to commit crimes since no women like pussies and lack of confidence?

  • To be honest it really does depend on the woman, you can't generalize. Some women are fucked up themselves and prefer sick men... lol
    Guys please answer my question!!!

  • I honestly have no real idea of why murderers and psychos have fangirls. I think it's mostly because woman can be attracted to danger, and well, complexion, of that person. I have a gian crush on J. D. from Heathers. And he's dangerous and hot

    Why are women attracted to PSYCHOS, Murderers, and criminals?
  • TV romanticises bad people e. g criminals and murderers to make it more intriguing and keep people watching. In reality they are very unlike the actual characters of criminals and genuinely bad people.

  • I'm a hybristophile myself. While I can't speak for all, I'll just answer based on my own experience with hybristophilia (also known as Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome). When I am attracted to certain murderers, it's not just on the basis of the fact that they are murderers, but a combination of their appearance, personality, and my interest in the crime they committed. The murderers I end up liking are generally the shy, socially awkward types—I think it makes them seem sweeter and almost more innocent, because they're often the type that leaves people either wondering how such a nice, yet admittedly socially inept young man could've done such a thing, or thinking that they must have been outcasted and bullied for said awkwardness. A lot of my attraction factors in from the idea of this supposed innocent side to the murderer, this idea that someone who seems fairly normal, if not with a few eccentricities, could commit such a heinous crime: it's the dichotomy that has me fall for them. Ultimately I'm attracted to murderers who fit this sort of 'wolf-in-sheeps-clothing' category because it's far easier to imagine dating a sweet, shy boy and just sort of sweep under the rug that he's a serial killer, rather than a more in-your-face psychopath. I'm also an autoassanophile, so the risk of getting murdered in my sleep just ends up making me like them more, too. :-)

  • You are stupid and so is your article. But don't feel exclusive, most people are similar to you.

    It's not like men can be of two types, bad and good and all women inherently comes under the good category.

    Bad women exist just as bad men and they choose bad men for similar psychology. Men think women can't be screwed up just because she's pretty. However bad men are more likely to show themselves to society and bad women are a little less displacive publically. Articles like this have no actual points.

  • blame wattpad lol

  • They often exude rage, right? Aside from the dominance, rage and aggression are connected to testosterone. It's why a lot of teen guys lose control and get super angry sometimes, get into crazy fights... their testosterone is so high. Women are naturally attracted to it.

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