Most Helpful Guys

  • Because men are desperate af and thirsty af

    • Mho?

    • Thanks

  • Vagina.

    Next question please.

    • I'll take some Most Helpful action.

    • Thanks for Most Helpful.

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What Girls & Guys Said

10 21
  • Because guys are easily persuaded to have sex, plus most girls won't accept causal sex, so this makes girls like that rare, compared to the high quantity of men who would accept it

  • Men are easy as a result of societal conditioning, women manipulate that due to societal conditioning. Men are raised to assume everything as being their own fault and responsibility, and often think women are always good regardless of what they actually do. Women are similarly raised to think they are always right and that the guy is always wrong, and that they should be kept at a distance and manipulated to their whim. It is basically just the reversal of how the dynamics used to be.

  • Because we are easy sluts and Wear clothes that say needing fucked now! NOT lol I think both can get it easy enough

    • Women can get it easier.

    • @NYCQuestions1976 well OK

  • Shouldn't you ask your fellow men why they give in so easily and pursue instead?

    • Yeah

    • While girls want men for security, emotional support, money, stability, to feel attractive and potentially raise their children. men's primarily goal is to have sex because most can protect themselves, don't like to talk about problems and solve it themselves, financially independent, stable, are confident in how they look.

  • That's a myth spread by redpill, MGToW and incels

    • How it is a myth?

    • @deliriousmistakess because only few women can get it easy. Not all of us. Besides, even if sex is easily available to these women, I doubt they'd take it.

    • It's because woman are not sexually attracted to anyone of any gender, but if an emotional connection is formed with someone else. But guys feel sexual attraction all the time when they see hot girls.

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