Why do girls fuck hot handsome guys casually but go with average looking guys into relationships?

Most of my girlfriends always hookup with some hot as fuck guy and always end up with an average looking guy in a relationship. Its not only my friends but probably the majority of the female population.

Why do girls have casual sex with handsome guys but go into relationships with average guys?
I somehow pity the guys cause they will always be relationship material but never hot wild casual sex.

I somewhere heard from a saying "a beautiful man will never belong to only one woman". Is this the reason why girls go for average ones but fuck handsome ones?
Poor guys...
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11 17
  • Because hot and handsome guys fuck the 1st and 2nd, 3rd so on

  • To me they're just being assholes. I find it rather offensive if i were in a relationship and a she revealed all the guys that she fucked after meeting, yet waited a long time to fuck me. I'd dump her after that.

  • I have a very handsome boyfriend since a year. Even I wnt to break up with him but emotions dnt letting me to take firm stand. Seriously, handsome guys sucks in long term as they r unable to give luv to other person.