Why do guys catch feelings after sex and does it happen everytime or does it have to be a special person?

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  • Mike Tyson once said "If I fuck you, I love you" which is why he couldn't be the kind of man to just hook up with lots of women. I think I'm somewhat of the same and why I don't try to sleep with a different woman every night or week like many guys try or hope to do. But at the same time I think it has changed over the years where a lot more guys do catch feelings.

    Once upon a time it used to be that guys would sleep with girls and then just drop them like hot cakes. I beg to differ with the idea that they still do, and largely believe that many guys of today do end up catching feelings. Part of that could be because of how today's males have become more effeminate, or because a lot grew up with single moms and little male influence elsewhere, or because - if it really is true - males today have less sex than they did 15 or 20 years ago, and when they finally do it makes them emotional and want to hold on to that girl.

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  • The phenomenon of catching feelings after sex is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human behavior, particularly among men. While it's not universal and doesn't happen every time, many men do experience emotional connections or feelings of attachment after sexual intimacy. Whether this occurs with every sexual encounter or only with a special person varies from individual to individual and can depend on a variety of factors.

    One factor that can influence whether a man catches feelings after sex is the level of emotional intimacy and connection established before and during the sexual encounter. Sex can be a deeply intimate and vulnerable experience, often leading to feelings of closeness and attachment, especially when shared with someone with whom there is a strong emotional bond.

    Additionally, the release of hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine during sex can contribute to feelings of bonding and attachment. Oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone," is released during physical intimacy and is associated with feelings of trust, bonding, and attachment. Dopamine, known as the "pleasure hormone," is released during sexual arousal and orgasm, reinforcing positive feelings and experiences.

    Furthermore, societal and cultural norms around masculinity and emotional expression can influence how men navigate their feelings after sex. Some men may feel societal pressure to maintain emotional detachment or avoid vulnerability, while others may embrace and openly express their emotions.

    Ultimately, whether a man catches feelings after sex and with whom it happens varies from person to person. Factors such as individual personality, past experiences, relationship dynamics, and emotional compatibility all play a role in shaping how men experience and navigate their emotions in the context of sexual intimacy. It's important for individuals to communicate openly and honestly with their partners about their feelings and expectations to ensure that both parties are on the same page emotionally.

  • That’s interesting, because I always heard that men can detach easily. But with my F-W-B.. it feels different.

    Im guessing that if it’s good sex. Both of you can get attached.
    And I felt him catch feelings cause when he’d make love. His moaning would be king of feminine, and he’d start spilling all his feelings for me out.

    Saying why did you leave me, did you miss me, you’re a baddie. In my ear, lmao..

    Its like they become literal toddlers when they’re making love lol.

    • I'm no @Реrverted_Сreeр but I'm pretty sure that you're @emyywolf, anonymous opinion owner.

    • @SciencePreacher AM I FAMOUS ON THIS WEBSITE OR SOMETHING 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

    • No, I just used the scrabble board that @normalboringguy's mother threw away as a ouija board and it spelled your name.

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  • Probably because they want sex again with her. If they don't they would probably ghost her.

  • My wife and I began as friends with benefits. We became great friends but we had sex with each other almost daily. We laughed at each other’s jokes, we hung out together, texted all day, then we’d hang out on the weekends. So if we’re that close, and we’re already having sex, why not make it official? I’m not sure if we fell in love because we were having sex or if we just liked each other. Maybe we’d still be just friends had we never slept together. Who knows?

  • No normal person can have sex with others and not feel some sort of intimate bond or connection. Yet, some people take a while to form those feelings often due to trauma; therefore, one would have to be psychotic not to form a genuine attachment. Still, someone who is psychotic is often deceitful and may pretend to respond in the desired ways just like a person with autism will if they learn to mimic the correct social cues.

  • 1. Feelings are not a contagious disease. You don't catch feelings. They develop from within.

    2. If a guy wants another notch on his bedpost and you were his last victim, he does not have any romantic attachment to you. He may have some fond memories of good sex but that is not love or affection.

    3. Guys who are looking for a serious relationship develop some attachment to you, they are attracted, and then they want to have sex. Not just because it feels good, but because it is a way of getting you to trust them, it gives them an opportunity to show that they are as concerned about your pleasure as they are about their own pleasure, and guys want relationships because they want emotional closeness. If you have sex and it is a positive experience, it will probably lead the guy to feel closer to you.

  • I think I catch feelings after sex too… I mean, I already had feelings for my then-bf, but I mainly realized I really loved him, after we had sex.

    That’s why I don’t have casual sex, because the last thing I’d want to happen is to catch any feelings for someone I just casually met.

    • lol, the orgasm effect ! i mean endorphins :D

  • It's because of the end of the day. Sex is both in a physical and an emotional connection. Whether you realize it or not. Lots of people are good at separating the emotional from the physical, others are not. It's one reason I don't personally sleep around and would only sleep with a woman I love because I don't think I'd be good at separating it and I'd probably get attached too quickly.

  • I don't think so. How about prostitutes? Those men who buy women to get sex then fall in love with them? If so, all hookers would be early-retired because their customers want to wife them up. 😆

  • Not sure what guys you have been with but I don't catch feelings with someone because I have had sex with them there has to be more going on. If I have no romantic attachment to someone then sex is just a physical act in which I'm going to have fun making her orgasm and myself cumming but nothing beyond that.

  • I can't prove it, but I'm willing to bet everybody catches feelings after sex - at least at first. And it makes sense because sex is an incredibly intimate act that leads to procreation. It's only after tricking yourself into thinking that sex is meaningless and fucking a bunch of different people that it stops happening.

    As for why people would willingly fuck themselves in the head like that, I can't tell you. It's probably similar to the reason people get addicted to pornography. The dopamine rush is powerful enough that people would rather disconnect all other feelings and emotions from the act just to get the next hit - turning it into a kind of vulgar street drug.

    The data on how incapable these over-sexed people are of pair bonding shows that these actions aren't consequence free, though.

  • I can assure you we dont' catch feelings every time. Sex is sex, love is love... better when you have both, certainly not required.

  • They don't.

    Good sex is addictive for men and women.

  • Not all men will catch feelings after sex.

  • Not all guys catch feelings after sex. That's why there's a lot of guys that can have one night stands. It always depends on the guy, just like not all girls are the same either.

    I personally do catch feelings after sex because I think to myself "This girl trusts me enough to be this physically intimate with her. This is definitely not something that only friends does."

    Sex is the ultimate physical bonding you can do with a partner.

  • Same could be said of chicks. I guess sex is as much physical bonding as much as emotional. Feelings are contagious lol 🤧

  • I detest the phrase "catch feelings". Makes it sound like a disease

    • 100%. Interesting sign of the times too, as emotional immaturity is rampant. People wanna pretend emotions and intimacy can be separated, which isn't how the human psyche works, and then wonder why their anxious and depressed. Connect the dots people. You'll be happier when you allow for vulnerability. Just don't tolerate anyone not valuing you along the way 🙏

  • I didn't catch feelings for any of the women I had intercourse with.

  • I feel an attachment because we had some great naked fun together and shared some great orgasms. Have you seen this happen with your boyfriends or hookups?

    • Not with any except the one

    • Hopefully the sex was great at least?

  • it's not just sex in itself that causes to catch feelings. random women in massage parlor i paid to have sex with, i don't catch feelings toward them

  • We catch sex and we don't want to lose it. The biggest blow to a man is shutting him off completely after being his regular sex partner.

  • because men are weak as fuck nowadays, catching feeling after sex has always been a woman's thing.

    I guess not just gender roles but gender identities are being flipped today as well. also are you complaining? cause I thought this was a dream come true for you women

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