Most Helpful Guys

  • because excitment and certain physical stimulations in wrestling can give you a hard on. that's not about gay attraction. it's just how dicks work. and if you get a hard on or a semi hard on while it's bent down, that can hurt a lot and even injure your dick to the point where you need surgery.
    that's why they preemptively put it up.

  • Because the clothes are holding it there lol. Also it's more comfortable. We'll often "adjust" it to that position. Especially if we get an erection or semi, it can get uncomfortable.

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  • It’s because the tight gear they wear forces them to face up and they just decide to position them up but not all guys do this some singlets are loser and it falls out of place or it faces down. Guys do this because the singlet is really tight so it’s more comfortable to have it face up when the singlet is really tight Bc anything pressing agaisnt balls is uncomfortable. Lots of guys I’ve seen though have them facing down or
    Sideways too it’s not every guy it’s just their choice if the singlet is looser it usually can’t face up.

    Pm me if you want more info lol I helped with wrestlers a lot and wrestled a bit myself.

    Sources: my many wrestling fwbs, and step brother

  • So they can enjoy their sexual arousal over rubbing up against other dudes even more.

  • Their penises aren't facing up they just have little flaccid ones.

  • I have no idea, but to prevent this in ballet there are specially designed dance belts for that. Just look it up.

  • I've never wrestled or worn a singlet, but it looks to me like all these guys have small penises. There's no way I could stay in the up position in public. It would be too obscene.

  • do girls like seeing that?

  • It’s because the material is so tight it compacts it all and it’s good it does that too we do vulnerable there and even with the compression out balls hang down a lot in the gear from behind (at least for me) do you think our gear makes us look vulnerable? I’m in coed and I’ve wrestled girls before and they aim for the groin a lot I’ve noticed.

    • *our

  • This just proves every wrestler is gay

  • because they almost always have a "semi". lol