Why do many guys think they are entitled to effortless sex from women?

I notice on here that many guys will act quickly to call a woman “prostitute” or “golddigger” simply because she wants to be courted, taken out to fancy dinners, before having sex.

Obviously there are women who hook up even with men who disrespect them and hit them. So saying that there are women who have sex without expecting anything in return isn’t a valid argument.

To me, a man who chooses the “freeway” shows that he doesn’t value me enough to care to impress me. That in itself is a turnoff whether I am looking for something serious or not.

Again, Why is it wrong for women to expect to be treated generously before hooking up, but not for men to expect sex for nothing?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Ver well said. We live in a world where some woman pretend to know it better then other woman so man will only look at them and they have all the benefits. I did a test but man really do not mind see a woman alone or suffering or prepare her own roof at all.
    Man brag about all they have even a woman has nothing.
    Man are selfish and only want benefits and to have it easy with woman and they find plenty easy woman. So they bring water to the sea where is plenty water already and still they think they are social. They are not and never will be.
    They for sure want only benefits.
    Man want no love and hate romance and hate romantic woman and call them materialistic while they choose woman from the left wing also.
    So man are boring. They have political relationsships and need propaganda and join a secret society and think they are special while they are not and never will be and they destroyed all countries but claim they made the countries and deserve credit so it is a political issue for all people who talk that way and they like political benefits while the government ignores who needs help the most and even bully and mock and discriminate those people who stand no chance in society ever. so government is all about money and benefits not for the good of all human beings at all and it is one market business and they are sadists and have joy in hurting peoples feelings and bully them and higher people to do that and those people who they attack this way do not imagine this but to whom do they go and talk about it in our society where is no place for them to go. So in a way the government secret like to get rid of those people and where must they go , they are for sure not welcome and nobody was happy when they were born at all.
    Benefits always go to the same people.
    They have the warrenty over all people to say their opinion and yours is never heard. The unmarried people are vulnarable. So those who marry do that for power to look good and get credit. But that by itself is prove they are not good at all because otherwise we would not live in devision and seperation where some get help and others by the same get attacked what is not sociay to do at all. It is almost if the commercial says to marry a criminal is the best because they do unjust to many people and get a high status in society with the votes of all criminals. Perhaps the land is called criminal country in reality. With a criminal flag and a criminal hymn. It is time we look it up just in case you nev

    • You never know.

    • This male bashing is pretty tiresome. That’s fine if you don’t like men, just stay single forever. Thanks!

    • @Meninist No problem. Thanks. Ever seen a man with a dig?

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  • Lol. Love the guys answering 'women are just gold diggers'. Or, 'feminism'.
    My dear men.
    What exactly are you saying? That sex is the only thing a woman has to offer? Or maybe, the only thing that you care about, when you're with a woman?
    I see how the asker's question might have sound wrong, mostly 'taken to fancy dinners' part, but I think she's got the point. Most of you decided to focus only on that part, but completely dismissed the 'courting' part.
    If you want sex, make her want sex. What is wrong with dedicating your time to someone, meeting a person, before you ask for sex.
    No, she does not owe you sex if you take her out for a dinner. If you want to pay for sex, hire a hooker and call the situation by its real name. That's not what dating is.
    'I paid for dinner so it means we'll have sex' translates to 'I didn't invite you for dinner because I like talking to you or because I like your company, but only because I want to fuck you.'
    Hell yeah, if he wants sex, he has to impress me.

    • By the same token, if she wants to be with me, she can buy me gifts and pay my way for a night out or ten. You think dating is only about men impressing women? Haha! Impress me! Show me ANYTHING that every other gold-digging whore hasn't already offered. You really think you're special? Give me one example of something wholly unique and entirely extraordinary that you've done for a man, that no other woman has ever done before you.

    • Hahahahaha!

    • @Chaz269 Are you kidding? Where in my answer did you read women should do nothing to impress men?

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  • Girl friend, it's all relative to expectations. I believe the word you are looking for is called "courting". Women and men both should be courted by their admirers. Set your expectations for a man to spoil you, and don't step down cause he won't. Want to be placed on a pedestal and worshipped , then so be it. Just understand that when expectations are high, expect to be disappointed many times over... but having high expectations as such will weed out the men who don't fit your criteria. Believe me, he ain't keeping you for the long haul if you're giving it up even for an expensive meal. There's gotta be more to you for him to want to spend the big bucks anyhow.

    • I agree sister. I am glad you understand that there's no ill will in expecting to be courted.

    • Well I hope you'll put the time, effort, and money in courting also if a guy crosses your path. Not likely to make it very far otherwise.

    • @jrallen175 courting is a guy’s job. If he wants to get the prized possession, he needs to work for it.

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  • Its not wrong for you to want to be treated a, certain way before hooking up. Your body your rules. However, don't complain if the guy you like, would rather hook up with someone else who has "lower standards" or is just lower maintenance. That kind of girl is less likely to feel disrespected in a relationship over the small things. There will be fewer, "but you used to treat me this way" fights, and more time, appreciating each other. There are guys willing to treat you how you want, but you're going to repel many who, are just looking to have fun, and then get to know, you.

    • That just means he isn't the guy for her. There's no reason to lower standards for a situation you don't want just to be with someone.

    • I did the whole hooking up thing and those guys did not respect my body, time or feelings. So I can see why OP would rather someone get to know her first.

Most Helpful Guys

  • First of all, The opinion i'm gonna give is not precisely mine. It is a reflexive one.
    I'm a gentleman, but not one of those you imagine.

    First, women want sex equality AND gentlemen? nonsense. Sex equality is the END of gentlemen. In sex equality, consider you are socially equal to men, in seduction too, then. Those women want too much, i think.

    Then, some (in there) consider that " a pussy must be earned with a long seductive period". And thy think they are gentlemen? Your are just saying 'I got for hunting pussies, and sex is my trophy". Classy! I desagree.

    Some (in there again), consider that a women respect herself only IF she makes it hard to get in her pants, and the other (the "easy ones", brrrrr) are just sluts. What kind of prehistoric judgment it is? If find very rude and vulgar. You are nobody to teach a women (or a men) if she respect herself or not. Begin with respecting others, and then look if they respect theirselves.
    Women that respect therselves KNOWS what they want, and what they need, better that anybody else. Let them in peace. If she want sex on the first date, it is her pleasure, not yours. Respecting yourself isn't about respecting social beliefs (unfounded, in addition). Believe what you want, it is ok, but don't judge anybody.

    "So saying that there are women who have sex without expecting anything in return isn’t a valid argument"
    I disagree. It is completely valid. Yes some women bow before the desire of men that don't respect her. But don't say that as they were the only ones that have sex on the first date. It is a false short cut i think.
    Many girls love sex, and don't want to wait any longer, just because they desire a man.
    And some men bow before the sexless relation their partner force them to have. the woman is disrespectful then. And some women bow before the sexless relation their parner forces them to have... The man is disrespectful. Don't just watch at that situations you prefer. Look at all of them. Things are more complex and interesting...

    I would say to answer : It's ok for me, that some women want to be seduced before sex. But it has not to be a social rule. Only a matter of personnal taste. I don't fly away before them. As much as it is okay for women that want to have sex on the first date.

    • But, we are talking about men+women. And THAT is the problem... What about women+women? If lesbian have sex on the first date (and I know some that do), who is disrespectful of the other? Woman or woman? Nobody. It is NOT a matter of men and women, but knowing what you want, and trying to reach it.

  • I think you have a good understanding of the power women possess.

    But you must understand how vigilant a man is to the type of men women go for.

    If a man trys to act nice and respectful and do all these dates and stuff. And try court a women and it constantly leads to nothing (we've all been there brothers).

    While the fuck boys in the night clubs and the buff guys in the gym get chicks for being pricks. And being absolutely nothing. Dudes notice this and it has some sort effect on them.

    The man will notice this pattern and will eventually not see the point of courting a women because they throw themselves to other guys so easily for not courting. Guys will do what's effective and what works. Also it depends on what the guy wants.
    Why court constantly if there's no point? Just another investment (financially and emotionally) down the toilet.

    The sense of entitlement can come also low key from jealousy and frustration. By seeing thre fuckboys and buff guys in the gym get chicks so easily. While you put in so much effort can get to persons head.

    That's just what I think.

    • No one is entitled to anything. Feeling entitled is a whole different story. Women who go on a date knowing that it isn't going to lead anywhere before it started are definitely deceiving, gold diggers. Unfortunately, there are chicks like that in this world. However, not all girls are like that. You should be able to tell what type of woman you're dealing with by observing her actions.

    • Most women are master's at lying, hiding shit and manipulation (especially emotionaly) So it will be hard for a man to tell the type if chick she is. And also what's wrong with being a gold digger? I'm not really the type of guy to shame women for being gold diggers. I don't see why not as long as they straight up. If women are using a beta man to be courted and pampered and to get free shit. And uses the alpha fuck boys in the night clubs to suit her sexual desires that's fine. I just want you to understand why a man might get the sense of entitlement. And how some what the hook up culture has effected male dating tactics in this day and age. And why courting isn't as an attractive way of getting with women to men than it used to be.

    • Golddiggers are deceiving. They are essentially prostitutes. I don't have anything against them as long as they use protection and don't spread STD's. However, it does bother me that people equate having high standards and not sleeping with just any guy who thinks he's entitled to it to prostitution. A prosititute's primary objective is to have sex only to extract money from someone. My primary objective is to have sex with someone who deserves it and works hard to get it. In essence, a guy who doesn't think he's entitled to it. Because there are many girls out there with low-self esteem who just give it up for free, men assume that every woman is supposed to be like that.

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What Girls & Guys Said

29 184
  • Hm... well. I think you need to look towards feminism. Because, if I buy you a bunch of really nice things and treat you generously, unfortunately, that's not equality. I'd like to have nice things bought for me, instead, or as well. You've got equality. Now live with it.

  • Both sides are in the wrong

  • U r entitled to sex only from ur wife...
    Simple as that
    If your wife refuses to, it will break ur marriage and God did not put that desire in women as strong as men... so women do not try to understand you will never understand why.

  • I don't know. I believe it should be even both ways and look for a woman who believes the same. I'm out to find a partner, not just a nother lay.

  • Because they are uneducated In the way of proper sexual attraction. Sex is more than just the act, it's mental and physical simulation that so many men don't understand. How to set the mood, setting up the right scene and atmosphere to help ease nerves and provide the right place and time. Some men don't even understand the value of even maintaining basic hygiene so that they are more appealing. It's a lack of understanding and knowledge that's why they feel rejected and call names

    • Wrong subject, and wrong gender... 😑

    • OP, Do you practice courtship?