Why do men cheat and still stay married to their wife?

My husband told me that he cheated on me because I wouldn’t suck you know what all the time.
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  • Its not just married men that cheat. Married women do too.

  • I don't know, any man that cheats can not be trusted

  • Sounds like you need to step up your game and then go make him a sammwich.

    • Not for me

    • So then now you know why he cheated.

  • why dont u suck it?

  • They want more

  • Married women also cheat on their husbands when sexually not satisfied, same way men also cheat when his wife do not meet his requirements, my wife is not good in blowjob and unable to satisfy me in bed, so I cheat

  • Because some women don't know how to leave when they find out

  • Divorce divorce divorce. If you can't leave him; have an open relationship. Let him sit in the seat and see how it feels. Tell him “I cheated because that is the standard you set for this marriage.”

    • What he did was wrong, but divorce is an extreme reaction that is unlikely to improve the situation for either party. Instead it will dump you both into the world with half the resources among a market of new "partners" all of which by the fact that they are NOT married have other issues that don't necessarily make them any better.

  • When I was younger I thought that cheaters were lowlifes and dont get me wrong I still believe most are. After living with my wife after over a year with no sexual contact at all (after 3 years of being married and counting all married sexual contact on two hands), I can understand them. I live with daily sexual frustration and it is killing me. Its not the marriage we had planned during counseling. I have thought about cheating often. If this continues I will have to get a divorce but its my very last option

  • Sexual incompatibility and frustration is a common source of dissatisfaction for men in marriage. But getting divorced is a big deal, especially for men because they tend to get screwed in divorce court and lose parental rights. I'm not condoning cheating but there are certainly significant reasons why men might cheat rather than get a divorce.

    This does beg the question though... why would a wife not want to keep her husband satisfied (and vice versa)?

  • To keep half of their shit, to keep up appearances, to keep Sky Daddy happy (he don't like divorce), to keep the home together for the kids, to keep a "sure thing" in his pocket, because he loves his wife and uses the mistress for sex, because he gets to have sex with 2 women...

  • Because he's a 20% male and he can get any chick. And females don't care if your married or Bfgf.

    • Lol I can see you don’t live in reality

    • No I do live in reality seems like you like run from it

    • You clearly mistaken the Internet from reality

  • They are still comfortable with you but if they don’t get something they really want and you don’t give it then they will go elsewhere to get it but stay with you because they still love you and you have everything else

  • Because most men are too much of a coward to end it. At the same time, probably 100% of all women have total power legally when married. A man literally signs his life away. To appease the women he loves, he does that so she can feel she is the one and only. But when a woman stops doing things she is asked to do, or give attitude and excuses, and you hear explanations like the reason you said your husband gave. It makes sense why. It’s a hard lesson to learn for men. Marriage is a 1000 times more beneficial to women than men. But yeah, if that was his reason, he should have dumped you and dipped a long time ago rather than cheat. That part was the asshole move.

  • All the time? That would mean you're doing all the pleasing. No wonder you got tired of that. Your mouth must be tired.

  • The excitement with another women keeps the marriage tolerable/bearable. And a divorce just looks bad for their rep unless the wife was abusive or neglecting the children or high on drugs.

  • There’s a lot of reasons. Maybe she doesn’t suck cock lol she doesn’t do certain things he likes. She’s always busy. Maybe it’s something medically w her that she’s not into sex as much. I know a man who’s wife is like that after she started taking a lot of meds she doesn’t like having sex as much. Maybe it’s cheaper to keep her. Maybe he just wants to see if he’s still got it. A lot of times it just sex w no emotions involved. Maybe she just had a baby so she’s not ready for sex yet. There’s a lot of reasons.

  • Did you want to end your marriage over a blow job? He had desires you wouldn't take care of. Men often don't equate monogamy with love. In his mind, he can still love you and get a blow job elsewhere and compartmentalize the whole thing. Women don't get this about men.

    • Same point valid for women but so far no man has been able to comprehend this and it always ends in drama...

    • @victoriaxoxo Then you're with the wrong guy. What's good for the goose is good for the goose's wife.

  • How you don't suck dick but you expect him to eat you.

    • Luckily, I dont like it. But love the d)@&

    • @Justd3 is he strong in the bed?

  • If a guy doesn't lick his girlfriend's pussy all the time she will find a guy who does. Some people are dishonest and some are not. Some people cheat and some do not. Some people are good and some are rotten.